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S/T 1-4


computed tomography A procedure where a cross section image of a specific body segment is produced
contrast techniques Materials (contrast media) are injected to obtain contrast with surrounding tissue when shown on x-ray film
irradiation Administering radiation treatment to a patient
lethal Ability to kill
nuclear magnetic resonance A magnetic field and radio waves are used to form images of the body
nuclear medicine Medical specialty that studies the uses of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease
rad A unit of absorbed radiation in the body
radioisotpe A radioactive form of a substance
radiolucent Permitting passage of most x-rays (lungs)
radiopaque Obstructing the passage of x-rays (bones)
radium A radioactive substance used in radiation therapy
scan A general term for images of organs, parts, or transverse sections of the body produced in various ways
tomography Diagnostic technique in which a series of pictures are taken at differnt depths of an organ
ultrasonography Diagnostic technique using high-frequency sound waves as they echo off parts of the body
adenoids Collections of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx
alveolus Air sac in the lung
asthma Bronchial airway obstuction due to narrowing of the bronchi
bronchioles Smallest branches of the bronchi
bronchus Branch of the trachea (windpipe) that acts as a passageway into the air spaces of the lung
cilia Thin hairs attached to the mucous membrane epithelium lining the respiratory tract
diaphragm Main muscle of respiration
epiglottis Piece of cartilage that covers the larynx that prevents food from entering the trachea
epistaxis nosebleed
external respiration Exchange of air between the lungs and the external environment
internal respiration Exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
larynx voice box
pneumonia Acute inflammation and infection of the alveoli which fills with pus
rales Abnormal crackling sounds heard during inspiration
rhonchi Abnormal, continuous, musical sounds heard during expiration
sputum Material expelled from the chest by coughing or clearing the throat
pulmon/o lung
pneum/o lung, air
phren/o diaphragm
thorac/o chest
spir/o to breathe
nas/o nose
rhin/o nose
tonsill/o tonsils
pharyng/o throat
laryng/o voice box, larynx
bronch/o bronchial tube
radi/o rays, radioactivity
tele/o distant
is/o same, equal
ech/o sound
-ptysis spitting
-pnea breathing
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
URI upper respiratory infection
SOB shortness of breath
Created by: nyrican
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