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History Final

1st Semester

Who discovered the bones of the earliest known human at Olduvai Gorge? Louis B. and Mary Leakey
All human beings today belong to the ______ subspecies of human being. Homo sapiens sapiens
Paleolithic peoples were nomads because they had no choice but to... follow animal mirgations and vegetation cycles.
The Paleolithic Age is... the period in which humans used simple stone tools.
The real change in the Neolithic Revolutuion was the... shift from hunting and gathering to systematic agriculture.
________ is the period before writing was developed. Prehistory
The Neolithic Age is sometimes... called the New Stone Age.
The first empire in world history was the ________ Empire. Akkadian
Hammurabi is remembered for... his law code, a collectoin of 282 laws.
The history of Egypt begins around 3100 BC, when... Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.
Which leader of the Persian Empire extended it to become the largest empire the world hat yet seen? Darius
The invention of cuneiform is credited to... the Sumerians.
Modern historians have divided Egyptian history into three major periods, known as... the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom.
Ancient Israel was at the height of its power under which king? King Solomon
Who were the Aryans? Indo-European nomads who settled in Northern India
Who is generally considered the greatest ruler in the history of India? Asoka
Legalists believed that people were naturally... evil.
The Han used a __________ to grant government jobs based on merit. Civil Service Examination
The Chinese began construction of the Great Wall during what dynasty? Qin
The Zhou dynasty claimed to have the authority to rule from what? The Mandate of Heaven
The maing goal of Hinduisn is to achieve _______, the merging of one's soul with the universe. Moksha
By 750 BC, the _____, or city-state, became the central focus of Greek life. polis
The government of Sparta was an oligarchy, which means that it was... ruled by few.
What happened at Thermopylae? A Greek force of 7,000 held off the Persian army of 180,000 for two days.
Which Greek playwright wrote Oedipus Rex? Sophocles
The government of Athens after Cleithenes became... the foundation for Athenian democracy.
Who said "the unexamined life is not worth living"? Socrates
According to Greek religion, the gods lived... on Mount Olympus.
Which four kingdoms emerged following Alexander's death? Macedonia, Syria, Pergamum, and Egypt.
A _______ is a form of government in which the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote. republic
The Roman Senate, which came to hold an important position in the Roman Republic, was... a select group of about three hundred patricians who served for life.
The _____ was period of peace and prosperity that lasted almost a hundred years. Pax Romana
The Edict of Milan proclaimed... official tolerance of Christianity.
Believing the Roman Empire had grown too large for a single ruler, Diocletian... divided it into four units, each with its own ruler.
The early development of Rome was most influenced by the... Etruscans, who launched a building program that turned Rome into a city.
The First Triumvirate was made up of... Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar.
Under which emperor did Rome adopt Christianity as its offical religion? Theodosius the Great
In 1066, William of Normandy... invaded England, soundly defeating King Harold's forces at the Battle of Hastings.
The Magna Carta was a document that... eventually was used to strengthen the idea that a monarch's power was limited, not absolute.
At the heart of feudalism was... vassalage, which meant warriors swore loyalty to a lord, who in turn took care of their needs.
Philip II Augustus greatly increased the power of the french monarchy by... waging war on the rulers of England and gaining control of Normandy, Maine, Anjou, and Aquitaine.
Justinian's codification of Roman law resulted in... The Body of Civil Law.
The Mayan civilization was... composed of city-states, each governed by a hereditary ruling class.
Since the Inca lacked a writing system, they... kept records using a system of knotted strings called quipu.
One of the factors that contributed to the downfall of both the Inca and the Aztec empires was their... lack of natural immunity to diseases that the Spanish brought with them from Europe.
The Umayyad dynasty was replaced by the... Abbasids.
One of the Five Pillars of Islam, the hajj, is... a pilgrimage to Makkah.
Islamic scholars and theologians organized Islamic moral rules into the ______, or code of law. shari'ah.
The Mongols, led by Genghis Khan,... brought much of the Eurasian landmass under single rule, creating the largest land empire in history.
The samurai of Japan were a new class of military servants whose purpose was to... protect the scurity and property of their employers.
The samurai lived by a strict code known as Bushido, which... was based on loyalty to the samurai's lord.
The Venetian leaders of the Fourth Crusade... saw an opportunity to neutralize the Byzantine Empire and diverted their army to Constantinople.
The push for the Crusaades came when... Emperor Alexius I asked for aid.
In order to encourage trade between Flanders and Italy, the counts of Champagne... initiated a series of trade fairs in the chief towns of the territory.
Merchants and artisans living in walled cities came to be called... burghers or bourgeoisie, from the German word burg, meaning "a walled enclosure."
Created by: 629790882
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