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Speech Therapy

Peripheral Nervous System

Which nerves are involved in the Peripheral Nervous System Includes all nervous tissue outside of CNS; Includes cranial nerves, spinal nerves that exit the spinal cord, and all nerves that connect with either of these
What is the name of cranial nerve I? Olfactory nerve
What is the function of cranial nerve I? Function of nerve: Nerve that controls sense of smell
What is the name of cranial nerve II? Optic nerve
What is the function of cranial nerve II? Function of nerve: Vision
What is the name of cranial nerve III? Oculomotor nerve
What is the function of cranial nerve III? Function of nerve: Innervates muscles that move the eyeball, pupil, and upper eyelid
What is the name of cranial nerve IV? Trochlear nerve
What is the function of cranial nerve IV? Function of nerve: Innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye
What is the name of cranial nerve V? Trigeminal nerve
What is the function of cranial nerve V? Function of nerve: Primarily responsible for chewing and facial sensation. Partially responsible for soft palate movement and Eustachian tube function.
What is the name of cranial nerve VI? Abducens
What is the function of cranial nerve VI? Function of nerve: Abducts the eye away from the nose
What is the name of cranial nerve VII? Facial Nerve
What is the function of cranial nerve VII? Function of nerve: Movement of facial muscles; taste & salivary gland function
What is the name of cranial nerve VIII? Acoustic Vestibular nerve (aka Vestibulocochlear)
What is the function of cranial nerve VIII? Function of nerve: Hearing and balance
What is the name of cranial nerve IX? Glossopharyngeal nerve
What is the function of cranial nerve IX? Function of nerve: Taste, innervates Stylopharyngeus and maybe part of the middle constrictor, and some salivary glands. Very important nerve for swallowing
What is the name of cranial nerve X? Vagus nerve
What is the function of cranial nerve X? Function of nerve: Involved in taste, swallowing, elevation of the velum, phonation, cardiac function, respiration and digestive systems
What is the name of cranial nerve XI? Accessory nerve (aka Spinal accessory)
What is the function of cranial nerve XI? Function of nerve: Innervates neck and shoulder muscles, maybe Musculus uvula and levator veli palatini.
What is the name of cranial nerve XII? Hypoglossal nerve
What is the function of cranial nerve XII? Tongue movement
What are the names of the Cranial nerves? [OOOTTAFAGVH] On Old Olympus’ Towering Top, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abducens Facial Acoustic-Vestibular:[AKA Vestibulocochlear] Vagus Accessory Hypoglossal
Name the function of each cranial nerve--sensory, motor or both? Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter More. I sensory II sensory III motor IV motor V sensory and motor VI motor VII sensory and motor VIII sensory IX sensory and motor X sensory and motor XI motor XII motor
All motor tracts are efferent or afferent? Efferent (descending)
All sensory tracts are efferent or afferent? Afferent (ascending)
Where do cranial nerves originate? nuclei in the CNS
What are the nerves involved in speech production? CN V: Trigeminal- Jaw muscles CN VII: Facial- Muscles of the face CN IX: Glossopharyngeal- Stylopharyngeus CN X: Vagus- palatal and laryngeal CN XII: Hypoglossal- tongue movement
What is the Lateral innervation of CN V: Trigeminal Ipsilateral
What is the Lateral innervation of CN VII: Facial Ipsilateral and contralateral (aka bilateral innervation- more life sustaining)
What is the Lateral innervation of CN IX: Glossopharyngeal Ipsilateral
What is the Lateral innervation of CN XII: Hypoglossal Ipsilateral and contralateral (or bilateral innervation- more life sustaining)
what are the Nerves for respiration A. Diaphragm: CN X Vagus B. All other muscles of inhalation & exhalation: spinal nerves
what are the Nerves for Phonation A. Extrinsic muscles: - suprahyoids: CN V, CN VII, CN XII - infrahyoids: CN XII B. Intrinsic muscles: CN X
what are the Nerves for Articulation A. Palatal & pharyngeal muscles: CN IX, CN X, CN XI; B. Tongue Muscles: - Intrinsic: CN XII - Extrinsic: CN V, CN XII, CN XII C. Facial muscles: CN VII D. Muscles of Mastication: CN V
The Diaphragm is innervated by which nerve? CN X- Vagus
All muscles of inhalation & exhalation besides the diaphragm are innervated by which nerve(s)? spinal nerves
Which nerves innervate with the suprahyoids extrinsic muscles of Phonation CN V, CN VII, CN XII
Which nerves innervate with the infrahyoids extrinsic muscles of Phonation CN XII
Which nerves innervate the Intrinsic muscles of phonation: CN X
Which nerves innervate with the Palatal & pharyngeal muscles: CN IX, CN X, CN XI
Which nerves innervate with Intrinsic Tongue Muscles CN XII
Which nerves innervate with Extrinsic Tongue Muscles CN V, CN VII, CN XII
Which nerves innervate with Facial muscles CN VII
Which nerves innervate with Muscles of Mastication: CN V
What is the Major pathway for all voluntary movement? The pyramidal system?
What are the 2 separate tracts for the Pyramidal system? Corticospinal & Corcicobulbar
Where do the Corticospinal fibers originate? Cerebral Cortex
What is the path of the Corticospinal fibers? From the cerebral cortex to different levels of the spinal cord. Passes through the subcortical areas to the brain stem
Approximately what % of Corticospinal fibers decussate? In the medulla, approximately 85 – 90% of the fibers from each side decussate
What happens to Corticospinal fibers that don’t decussate? They continue down the same side
What do the Corticospinal fibers synapse with? Spinal nerves in the anterior portion of the spinal cord
Why are Corticospinal tracts important in terms of speech? Innervation of muscles of respiration
What tract innervates all muscles of speech other that respiration ? Corticobulbar
Where do the Corticobulbar fibers originate? in the cortex
What is the path of the Corticobulbar fibers? Pass through the subcortical areas to the brainstem
What do the Corticobulbar fibers synapse with? cranial nerve nuclei
What type of innervation does the Corticobulbar have? bilateral innervation (fibers from both sides of the brain), so that synchronous movement can occur
What Provides a safety margin for life sustaining activities? Corticobulbar
What are the indirect motor pathways that are not under voluntary control? Extrapyramidal System
Complex set of motor pathways that connect clusters of subcortical nuclei (including the basal nuclei) Extrapyramidal System
Interacts with the pyramidal system to provide smooth motor movements Extrapyramidal System
Damage to this system causes involuntary movements and postures and conditions like (cerebral palsy) Extrapyramidal System
Involuntary system that interacts with both the pyramidal and Extrapyramidal systems to provide smooth coordination of rapid, alternating movements Cerebellar System
Cerebellar System Receives sensory info from brain via the peduncles
what parts of the brain does the Cerebellar System have connections to? The thalamus and basal nuclei
Which system is susceptible to drug use? Cerebellar System
System refines motor system so you can produce smooth movements Cerebellar System
Refines accuracy of movement & inhibits unwanted movement Extrapyramidal System
Created by: wyhanes
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