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Stack #3226848

100 confirmation questions

What is Christianity? Christianity is the life and salvation God has given in and through Jesus Christ.
What does the Old Testament teach and what does the New Testament teach? The Old Testament tells of the Savior who is to come and the New Testament tells of the Savior who has come.
We believe, according to God’s Word, that the Bible is inspired? What does inspiration mean? God gave His writers the thoughts and words that they wrote.
The Bible is also inerrant. What is inerrancy? Inerrancy means that the Bible is without error.
It is very important to distinguish between the Law and the Gospel in the Bible. First of all, what is the Law? In the Law God teaches us what we are to do and not to do. The Law condemns everyone. With- out the Law we would have no knowledge of our sin or our need for a Savior.
What is the Gospel? The Gospel is the “good news” of what God has done for us and is still doing for our salvation. The Gospel is the saving message of the forgiveness of sins because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What is the summary of commandments 1-3? Love God
In the first commandment, God says, “You shall have no other gods. ” Who is the only true and living God? The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – three distinct persons in one divine being (the Holy Trinity).
God forbids that we have should have other gods before Him, when do people have other gods? They have other gods when they worship or trust in someone or something other than the true God, such as money or a person.
What does God require of us in the First Commandment? We should fear, love, and trust in Him above all things.
In the second commandment God forbids that we should misuse His name. How is God’s name misused? When we curse, swear, use Satanic arts, lie or deceive by his name.
What does God require of us in the Second Commandment? We should call upon His name in every trouble pray, praise, and give thanks.
The Third Commandment, mentions the Sabbath day. Sabbath literally means “rest. ” Who is our true “rest”? Jesus
God requires Christians to worship together, but He has not specified any particular day to worship. Why does the church worship on Sunday? Because Christ rose from the dead on Sunday.
What is the summary of commandments 4-10? Love our neighbor
In the Fourth Commandment, God forbids us to despise our parents and other authorities. Who are parents and other authorities? Fathers, mothers, government officials, pastors, teachers, police officers, etc.
What does God forbid in the Fifth Commandment? He forbids murder, abortion, suicide, or keeping anger and hatred in our hearts against our neigh- bor.
What does God forbid in the Sixth Commandment? He forbids adultery, fornication, divorce, pornography, homosexual activity, obscenity, and sexually impure thoughts and desires.
Husband and wife are to love and honor each other. What is marriage? Marriage is the life-long union of one man and one woman.
What does God forbid in the Seventh Commandment? He forbids theft, cheating, or withholding support from those in need.
What does God forbid in the Eighth Commandment? We should not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputation.
In both the Ninth and Tenth Commandments God forbids coveting. What is coveting? Coveting is having a sinful desire for anyone or anything that God has not given to us.
What does God require of us in both the Ninth and Tenth Commandments? We should be content with what God has given us.
In the Close of the Commandments, God says, “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God. ” Why does He call Himself a jealous God? God is holy. He hates sin and insists on strict and perfect obedience. He will not share with idols the love and honor we owe Him, and He will punish those who hate Him.
How carefully does God want us to keep His commandments? He wants us to keep them perfectly.
What prevents us from keeping God’s commandments perfectly? Our sinful nature makes it impossible.
What is original sin? It is the sin which we inherited from Adam through our parents. Because of it we are spiritually blind, dead and an enemy of God.
Can anyone, then, be saved by the Law? No; the Law condemns everyone.
Why is the first person of the Trinity called “Father”? God is the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ and he is also our true Father.
God the Father is called the Creator. What does “creation” mean? God brought into existence all things, out of nothing, simply by His word.
How many days did God create all things? Six twenty-four hour days.
How did He create all things? By the power of His Word.
From Scripture we believe that God created all things. Why are the theories of evolution false? They cannot be scientifically proven. Evolution is a false religion whose god is the god of chance.
God created things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible (Col. 1:16). What can you tell us about angels? Their name means “messenger. ” They are powerful and they are many.
Adam and Eve were God’s most important creation. They were created in God’s image. What was the image of God? They truly knew God and they were righteous and holy.
We believe that God not only created the universe. He also keeps things going. What does God do to take care of us? He provides for all our needs, such as food, clothing, and a home.
The 2nd article speaks about Jesus Christ, His person and his work. Who is Jesus? Jesus is both true God and true man. He is the second person of the Holy Trinity to whom we ascribe the work of redemption.
How do you know that Jesus Christ is true God? He performed many miracles. He knew what other people were thinking. Plus, Thomas and others called Him God.
How do you know that Jesus Christ is true man? He was born of the virgin Mary. He was hungry and thirsty. He wept and He suffered and died.
What does the word “incarnation” mean? God became man.
Why was it necessary for our Savior to be true man? In order to fulfill the law and in order to suffer and die for the sin of the whole world.
Why was it necessary for our Savior to be true God? In order that He might be a perfect sacrifice for all people and in order to overcome death and the devil.
Why did Christ voluntarily humble Himself by means of death upon the cross? • He died in order to be a sacrifice for all sin. • He died in order to appease God’s wrath. • He died in order to reconcile the Father to us.
From what did Christ redeem you? He has redeemed me from sin, death, and the power of the devil
With what has Christ redeemed you? He has redeemed me with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death.
How does this work of redemption benefit you? Christ took my place.
Why did Christ, after He was made alive, descend into hell? He preached His victory over Satan and all his evil powers.
On the third day after Christ’s death, He was raised bodily to life again. Why is the resurrection so important and comforting? Christ’s resurrection proves: • That God the Father accepted Christ’s sacrifice upon the cross; • That God the Father has justified and forgiven all sinful humanity; and • That all believers in Christ will rise to eternal life.
Forty days after Christ’s resurrection, “He ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty. ” What does it mean that Christ sits at the right hand of God the Fa- ther Almighty? Christ now rules over all the world for the sake of His church, and He prays for us.
What do the Scriptures teach about Christ’s second coming? • Christ will return on a specific day known by God alone; • Before Christ returns, there will be increasing turmoil and distress for the church and the world. • Christ will return visibly and with great glory on the Last Day.
What do the Scriptures teach about Christ’s second coming? PART 2 • Christ will return to judge the world, not to set up an earthly government. • The return of Christ will be a source of hope and joy for the Christian.
Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the third person of the Holy Trinity to whom we ascribe the work of sanctification.
The Holy Spirit brought us from unbelief to faith in Christ. Why do you need the Holy Spirit to bring you to faith? Because I am spiritually blind, dead, and an enemy of God. I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ or come to Him.
What does the Holy Spirit use to offer you all the blessings of Christ? He uses the Gospel. He is active in the preaching of the Gospel and the administration of the Sac- raments.
The Holy Spirit sanctifies us. What does sanctification mean? It means “to make holy. ”
The Holy Spirit keeps me in the true faith by the Gospel. The Holy Spirit wants to do this in the lives of all people. Then, why are not all people saved? Unfortunately, some resist the Holy Spirit and reject God’s Word.
The Holy Spirit also “calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith. ” What is the church? The church is the total number of those who believe in Christ. Only believers are members of the one true church.
Where is the holy Christian church to be found? She is found where the Gospel and Sacraments are rightly preached and administered.
We also confess in the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in ... the forgiveness of sins. ” This pardon and forgiveness is also called “justification. ” What does the term “justify” mean? It means that God declares the sinner not guilty.
The sinner is declared righteous by God’s grace alone. What caused God to declare the sinner justified? The sinner is declared righteous because of what Christ did upon the cross.
How does the sinner receive the forgiveness of sins? Through faith in Christ.
Why must we firmly hold to this teaching of justification by grace, for Christ’s sake, through faith? • It is the most important teaching in the Christian faith, • It teaches salvation through faith in Christ apart from works; • It gives comfort to sinners; and • It gives all glory to God.
In the resurrection of the body on the last day what will happen to all believers in Christ? They will rise to eternal life with glorified bodies.
In the resurrection of the body on the last day what will happen to all unbelievers? They will rise to eternal death, that is, to shame and torment in hell forever.
What is prayer? Prayer is the voice of faith.
To whom should we pray? We should pray to the true God only, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, not to idols, saints, or anything God has created.
For whom should we pray? We should pray for ourselves and for all other people, even for our enemies, but not for the souls of the dead.
When should we pray? We should pray regularly and frequently, especially in time of trouble.
What does the word “Father” tell us about God? It tells us that He loves us and that He wants us to pray.
What do the words “who art in heaven” say about God? These words assure us that our heavenly Father hears our prayer and has the power to help us.
What do we ask for in the first petition? We ask that God’s name be holy.
What do we ask for in the second petition? We ask that God’s kingdom come.
What do we ask for in the third petition? We ask that God’s will be done.
Who does not want us to hallow God’s name or let his kingdom come? The devil, the world, and our sinful nature.
What do we ask for in the fourth petition? We ask for daily bread.
What do we ask for in the fifth petition? We ask for forgiveness.
What do we ask for in the sixth petition? We ask for strength to resist temptation.
What do we ask for in the seventh petition? We ask that God would deliver us from evil.
The Conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer ends with an “Amen. ” What does “Amen” mean? It means “yes, yes, it shall be so. ” It is a word of faith.
What does the word “baptize” mean? It means to “wash” and refers to the washing away of sin.
Why should babies be baptized? • They are included in the words “all nations”; • As sinners they need the salvation which Baptism offers; • Jesus especially invites little children to come to Him; and • Babies are able to have faith.
What three benefits does Baptism give? It works the forgiveness of sins, rescues from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all who believe this.
How can the water in baptism work the forgiveness of sins? The word of God put these great blessings into Baptism and faith trusts this word of God in the water.
The Old Adam in us should by daily contrition and repentance be drowned and die with all sins and evil desires. What is the Old Adam? He is the corrupt and evil nature that we inherit because of Adam’s fall into sin.
The new man should daily emerge and arise to live before God in righteousness and purity forever. What is the new man? He is the new spiritual life and nature, created in us by the washing of rebirth.
With which words do we regularly remember our Baptism? In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Only repentant believers receive forgiveness given in absolution. Who are repentant believers? They are sorry for their sin and they trust in Christ for forgiveness.
Unrepentant sinners are not to be forgiven. Who are unrepentant sinners? They are not sorry for their sin and they do not trust in Christ for forgiveness.
What is the necessary result of repentance? Good works – love and mercy toward the neighbor.
The church publicly exercises the Office of the Keys by calling a pastor. Why should men only serve in the Office of the Holy Ministry? • Because Scripture calls only men to be pastors; • Jesus called only men to be apostles; • The pastor represents Christ; and • Men are called to be leaders in the church and home.
What are the two visible elements in the Sacrament? Bread and wine
What does Christ give us in this sacrament? He gives us His own true body and blood.
How then are the bread and wine in the Sacrament the body and blood of Christ? This is a great mystery! However, we simply believe in Christ’s words, “This is my body” and “This is my blood. ”
Jesus said of the bread, “This is my body” not “This represents my body. ” The Bible makes it clear that the words of Christ are not picture language. Why must we take these words at face value? • They are our Lord’s last will and testament whose words cannot be changed. • The bread and wine are a communion in the body and blood of Christ; and • Those who misuse the Sacrament sin against Christ’s body and blood.
What is the chief blessing offered in this sacrament? The forgiveness of sins is the chief blessing in this sacrament. Together with forgiveness, God also gives life and salvation.
How are forgiveness, life and salvation put into the Sacrament? The words of Christ put these gifts into the Sacrament.
When do we receive the Sacrament worthily? We receive it worthily when we believe that Christ’s body and blood are present and when we have faith in the words of Christ.
What will happen if a person eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner? He will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. He will receive a judgment rather than a blessing.
The Lord’s table is open to those who worthy and closed to those who are unworthy. Who must not be given the Sacrament? • Those who are not yet baptized; • Those who are unrepentant; • Those who do not confess the Gospel; and • Those who are unable to examine themselves, such as infants or the unconscious.
How are we to examine ourselves before receiving the Sacrament? We are to ask ourselves these questions: • Am I sorry for my sins? • Do I believe in our Savior Jesus Christ and in His words in the Sacrament?
How are we to examine ourselves before receiving the Sacrament? PART 2 We are to ask ourselves these questions: • Do I share the confession of this congregation? • Do I plan, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to change my sinful life?
Why are we to receive the Sacrament often? As sinners we need the forgiveness which this sacrament offers and it strengthens and preserves us in the true faith.
Created by: rwhitten
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