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wgu ethics

based off study guide

Divine Command Theory idea that morality is whatever God (or the gods) command
Natural Law Based on Greeks and still apart of Catholic theology today
Natural Law God, or nature, has established universal laws and principles from which the norms of all human behavior must be derived
Natural Law Theory reason and its powers are, by necessity, a part of the natural law established by God.
Religion organized system of beliefs regarding the spiritual or metaphysical world, generally offering a moral code, and a philosophy of life.
Nirvana the release from suffering and rebirth that brings inner peace
meditation also referred to as Vipassana (insight)being fully aware of the present moment
Hinduism Monotheism and also monism as all gods are a single divine reality
Vedas ancient scriptures of India
Sanskrit language of India
Bhagavad-Gita divine song of God, poem a very long epic also called the Mahabharata
The wise see knowledge and action as one Bhagavad Gita
Moksha freedom liberation, to be released the ultimate human goal
Caste system a division of society into social classes that are created by birth or social classes
Krishna charioteer and advisor to Arjuna in the epic poem of Bhagavad-Gita
Vishnu represents the force of preservation in the universe (god associated with the sun in the Vedas)
Rama may have been a historical figure who took on mythical proportions
Krishna another incarnation of vishnu begun as an object of fertility
Shiva the third of the Timurti the god linked with destruction the most complicated of the gods
legend of "gilgamesh" earliest ethical writings
Code of Hammurabi earliest legal code established moral behaviors, listed crimes and punishments
Hebrew Torah First five books of the Christen Bible consists ten commandments and the 613 mitzvot
Book of the Dead early Egyptian text that describes the proper conduct for a happy afterlife
Ethics moral values and conduct of an individual or group
the earliest ethical text book of the dead, torah, code of hammurabi, and legend of gilgemesh
Morality right or wrong decision, action or a way of living
philosophy of Aristotle Golden means, treat those as you would want to be treated, have pride and self esteem but not arrogance
Philosophy of Socrates what you think is right
Retributivism Eye for an Eye
Jeremy Bentham Utilitarianism
Utilitarianism What makes the most people happy will be done (democracy)
Ethical Egoism How we should behave
Ethical subjectism moral judgements are nothing more than personal opinion
Psychological Egoism How we behave without thought
Social Contract theory Thomas hobbes
Philosophy of Social Contract theory People are naturally competitive and need government to monitor behavior
Dana giving
Categorical imperative a moral obligation that is imposed regardless of the consequence
Hero stories earliest known writings about people who exemplified vitues most admired
Kant's theory our duty is to follow rules that we can will to be universal laws, followed by all people in all situations
Ahimsa found in the vedas meaning non-hurtfulness the belief in heaven and hell, wisdom
Autonomy being in control of your own life
Maxim Rules that follow the categorical imperative
Retributivism A theory of punishment eye for an eye
John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism
Dharma one's righteous path or one's virtuous duty
Kama pleasur, sensual satisfaction
Karma effects of a persons actions that determine his destiny in the next incarnation
Dao "The Way" translates as a path or way and as such 3 major religions of Chyna Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism all talk of finding the way, of following the way and of there being a way that is natural and conforms to the laws of existence.
Dao de Jing (Tao Te Ching) Chinese classical text written around the 6th century by Laozi
Confucianism Ethical code in Chyna
Five great Relationships Kindness, gentility, righteous behavior, hamne consideration, benevolence
Artha one of four goals in Hinduism, it is to achieve widespread fame, garnishing wealth, elevated societal standing
Varna division of hindu society into four distinct social classes
Ramayana One of two indian epics that tells the life of india and offers models in dharma
Plato's four cardinal virtues Wisdom, Courage, Moderation, Justice
Samma Kammanto is the fourth of the eight path factors in the Noble Eightfold Path, and belongs to the virtue division of the path Right Action
Socratic Method a debate between two people with one person leading the other to contradict himself to strengthen his/her position
Thales First philosopher in greek tradition
Democritus developed the atomic theory
The Cave The Allegory is related to Plato's Theory of Forms,[1] wherein Plato asserts that "Forms" (or "Ideas"), and not the material world of change known to us through sensation, possess the highest and most fundamental kind of reality
Epicurus Founder of School of Philosophy, his thoughts were to achieve a happy, tranquil life; the events that occur in the world are based on moving atoms, the world is eternal and gods do not punish humans
Virtue Ethics an approach to ethics which emphasizes the character of the moral agent, rather than rules or consequences, as the key element of ethical thinking
Eight Fold Path describes the way to the end of suffering, as it was laid out by Siddhartha Gautama. The only way to achieve nirvana
Eight Fold Path Right view, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right livlihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration
Mahayana sutras broad genre of Buddhist scriptures
Four Noble Truths Life Means Suffering, The origin of suffering is attatchment, the cessation of suffering is atainable, the path to the cessation of suffering
Kabbalah is a discipline and school of thought concerned with the mystical aspect of Judaism, seeks to difine nature of universe and humans
Halakhah collective body of Jewish religious law, including biblical law
Five Pillars 5 duties of life profession of faith, prayers, giving of alms, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca
Qur'an Islamic bible
Sharia Islamic word meaning way or path (to follow Gods Law)
Shi'a tradition Similar to other schools of thought in Islam, Shia Islam is based on the teachings of the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an and the message of the final prophet of Islam,[1] Muhammad
Sunni Tradition Sunni Islam is the largest branch of Islam, comprising at least 85% of the world's 1.4 billion Muslims.
Empiricism theory of knowledge that asserts that knowledge arises from sense experience
John Locke Social Contract theory was one of the most influential philosophers during the enlightenment period
David Hume Key philosopher in Western society empirilist
Created by: mpezold
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