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communications toolkits

articulate (adj) able to express ideas and feelings clearly in words
chat (v) to talk with someone in a friendly and informal way
compose (v) to write a speech, letter, etc, thinking carefully about the words to use
connect (v) to join two things or places together
content (n) the information or ideas that are talked about in a book, speech, film, etc
delivery (n) the way in which someone speaks in public
engaging (adj) pleasant, attractive, and charming
gesture (n) a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling
(be) glued to (v) to be watching something, especially television, with all your attention
gossip (n) conversation or rep orts about other people's private liv es that might be unkind, disapproving, or not true
handwritten (adj) written with a pen or pencil
interaction (n) the activity of talking and doing things with other people, or the way you do this
keep in touch (v) to communicate or continue to communicate with someone by telephoning, or writing to them
misunderstand (v) to think you have understood someone or something when you have not
orator (n) someone who gives good speeches
public speaking (n) the activity of speaking on a subject to a group of people
tactful (adj) careful not to say or do anything that could upset someone
recipient (n) a person who receives something
rhetoric (n) speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people
verbal (adj) spoken rather than written
eloquent fluent and persuasive in writing and speaking
Persuasive (persuasiveness) make someone believe through reasoning
Temptation the desire to do something wrong or unwise
Resist withstand the action or effect of something
Withstand remain undamaged or unaffected by
Coherent (coherently) speak clearly, logically and consistent
Reasonable having sound judgment ; fair // moderate ; fairly good
Attach fasten ; join ; include
Attractiveness quality of being pleasant and appealing to the senses
Appealing (appealingly) attractive and interesting
Appealing for (V) ask urgently/earnestly
Misinterpret interpret wrongly
Misapprehend misunderstand
Profound extending to a great depth
Tact (kebijaksanaan) adroitness and sensitivity when dealing with other or difficult situation
Considerate showing careful thought
oral spoken
Created by: Ridho adrian
Popular Academic Vocabulary sets




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