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History Ch 22-23

Every thing that is on the study guide for chapters 22-23

Third Reich The new Nazi German Empire under Hitler. 1933-1945
Francisco Franco Led Spanish Revolt (Fascist leader)
Neville Chamberlain British Prime minister before WWII who tried to bring peace by giving Germany Sudetenland through appeasement
appeasement Concessions to an aggressor to avoid conflict
Winston Churchill British Prime Minister during WWII, and denounced Chamberlain's appeasement
Luftwaffe German Airforce
blitzkrieg "lightning war," fast moving attack that sought to penetrate enemy lines
Charles de Gaulle Leader of the Free French movement and continued to fight Axis after France's surrender
RAF British Royal Air Force
Hideki Tojo Dictator of Japan during WWII, attacked Pearl Harbor
Bernard Montgomery British General who defeated the Axis in Africa at the battle of El Alamein (South Africa)
Dwight D. Eisenhower US General in Europe, also defeated Axis in Algeria
Operation Overlord Code-name for the Allied invasion of France during WWII (D-day)
D-Day The day when an attack is to be launched; June 6, 1944, the day that the Allied forces invaded France
Douglas MacArthur US General who said "I shall return" to the Philippines and came back, US General in Pacific
kamikaze Japanese suicide pilots
V-E Day Victory in Europe during WWII; May 8,1945
Battle of the Bulge Germany's final attempt to push back the allied advance into Germany after D-day
Holocaust Nazi Germany's attempt to exterminate Jews; atrocities caused by the Third Reich
Harry Truman US President at the end of WWII, bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Hiroshima The Japanese city where the first atomic bomb was dropped
V-J Day Victory in Japan day during WWII; September 2, 1945
United Nations An international organization founded in 1945 that seeks to maintain international peace and security
Secretariat Administrative arm of the United Nations; headed by the Secretary General
Cold War Post-WWII state of apprehension, hostility, and competition between the Soviet Union and the United States
Iron Curtain The dividing line between Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe
Truman Doctrine The principle, enunciated by Harry S. Truman (US President), of assisting countries in a struggle against communism in an effort to contain the spread of communism.
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization; a regional military alliance to defend against Soviet expansion
Ronald Reagan Inspiring US president; very popular; questioned premise of the welfare state
Tiananmen Square Public square in Beijing, China; site of a deadly confrontation between the Chinese army and collage-aged dissidents in 1989
Korean War War between Communist North Korea and non-Communist South Korea from 1950 - 1953
38th Parallel Border between North and South Korea
Ho Chi Minh Communist who declared Vietnam independent and lead the Vietnamese/Communist forces in the fight against the French and in the Vietnam War
Fidel Castro Communist dictator in Cuba; tried expanding communism into Central and South America
Bay of Pigs Failed American attempt to invade Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro
Nikita Khrushchev Leader of Soviet Union after Stalin, strived for "peaceful coexistence," but instead began Space Race
Sputnik The Russian satellite that was the first manmade satellite launched into space; started Space Race between the Soviet Union and the United States
Berlin Wall A concrete-and-barbed-wire wall physically separating East and West Germany; most recognizable symbol of Cold War
Cuban Missile Crisis Confrontation between the United States and the USSR after the USSR placed offensive missiles on Cuba.
détente Relaxation of tensions
Mikhail Gorbachev Last Premier of the Soviet Union. Brought many Western traditions back into the USSR, supported glasnost
glasnost "openness"; Soviet policy of encouraging open discussions of the problems facing the USSR.
Dates (years) of World War II Sep 1, 1939 – Sep 2, 1945
Who were the leaders known as the “Big Three”? Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister), Franklin D. Roosevelt (US President), and Joseph Stalin (Russian dictator)
What common factors led to Japan’s and Germany’s quick recovery after the war? The support that foreign countries like the U.S. supplied to the economy and the leader ship of Adenauer in Germany and MacArthur in Japan
Explain the domino theory. The Cold War theory that once Vietnam (or any country) fell to communism, then the other countries of Asia would fall like dominoes toppling against one another
Created by: dhogwarts
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