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mosaic a design formed with small tiles of glass, stone, or pottery
forum an open area in a city filled with public buildings, temples, and markets
republic a form of government in which citizens have the right to vote and elect officials
legion basic unit of the Roman army, consisting of 4500 to 5000 heavily armed soldiers
maniple a unit of between 60 and 160 soldiers
constitution system of basic rules and principles by which a government is organized
veto to stop or cancel the action of a government official or body
magistrate an elected official who enforces the law
toga a garment that adult men wore wrapped around their bodies
consul the top officials in the Roman empire
patriarchal society society in which men rule their families and people trace their origins through male ancestors
paterfamilias head of the household
villa large country home
established religion an official religion supported by the government
empire state containing several countries or territories
province area within a country or empire
civil war war between groups from the same country
Augustus title meaning venerable or greatly honored one
deify officially declare to be a god
Pax Romana Roman Peace lasting from 30 BC to around 130 BCE
concrete a building material made by mixing small stones and sand with limestone, clay, and water, then poured into molds where it hardens
aqueduct a channel that moves water over land
Greco-Roman including Greek and Roman elements
Romance languages languages that developed from Latin
oratory the art of giving speeches
satire works of literature that make fun of their subjects
gladiator men who fought one another as part of a public entertainment
resurrection coming back to life
baptism ritual cleansing done by plunging into water
crucifixion a slow and painful Roman method of execution in which someone is nailed or tied to a large wooden cross and left to hang until dead
conversion a heartfelt change in one's opinions or beliefs
martyr person who dies for their beliefs
New Testament new Christian addition to the Bible
Gospel the first four books of the Bible that describe the life and teachings of Jesus
parable story with a moral
epistle formal letter
Trinity the three forms of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
ethics issues of right and wrong and how to treat people
denomination religious group
inflation a general rise in the cost of goods
barbarian a word used by Greeks and Romans for all people who did not share their culture
mercenary soldier who fights for pay rather than for their own country
orthodoxy traditional or established religious beliefs
Created by: ms_snyder
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