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River Valleys

World History I SOL Review

What geographic feature did early civilizations start around? Rivers
What do rivers provide for early civilizations? Water and rich fertile soil for crops
What type of religion did most early civilizations practice? Polytheism
The belief in many gods is called? Polytheism
What River is the Egyptian Civilization centered around? Nile River
What Rivers are the Mesopotamian Civilization centered around? Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
What is the land between two Rivers called? Mesopotamia
What River is the Chinese Civilization centered around? Huang He River (Yellow River)
People who specialize in a certain craft are called? Artisans
Which was the first group of people to practice Monotheism? Hebrews
What is Monotheism? Belief in One God
Who is the founder of Judaism? Abraham
Who led the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt? Moses
What city is the holiest of cities to the Jews? Jerusalem
What is the holy text of Judaism? Torah
What is the moral and religious conduct for the Jews? Ten Commandments
Who wrote in Hieroglyphics? Egyptians
Who wrote in cuneiform? Sumerians
Who wrote in Sanskrit? Indo-Aryans
Who created the alphabet similar to what we use today? Phoenicians
Which group was tolerant of those they conquered, build roads, and had Zoroastrianism and an imperial bureaucracy? Persians
What two Mountains made the invasion of India difficult? Himalayas and the Hindu Kush
How did Indo-Ayrans enter into India? Khyber Pass
What two Rivers were important in India? Indus River and the Ganges River
What rigid class system did the Indo-Aryans set up? caste system
What Empire in India contributed mathematics, new textiles, and literature? They ruled during the Golden Age of India. Gupta Empire
What is the cycle of rebirth called? reincarnation
Future reincarnation based on present behavior is called? karma
What are the sacred writings of Hinduism? Vedas and the Upanishads
Which religion had many forms of one major deity? Hinduism
What word describes a religion where one god has many faces? Monism
What is Moksha in Hinduism perfect peace, end of reincarnation
Who is the founder of Buddhism? Siddhartha Gautama
What is nirvana in Buddhism perfect peace, end of reincarnation
What are the major believes of Buddhism? Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path
What from Hinduism is not associated with Buddhism? caste system
Who sends out missionaries to spread Buddhism to China and other parts of Asia? Asoka
Why was the Great Wall of China built? To keep out invaders from the North and isolate China
Who built the Great Wall of China? Qin Shi Huangdi
A line of rulers all in the same family is called what? Dynasty
How did Chinese rulers believed they received the right to rule? Mandate of Heaven
What trade route connected China to the Mediterranean Sea? Silk Road
What products did China contribute to the world? Paper, porcelain, and silk
What system of obtaining jobs did the Chinese create? The Civil Service System
What is a Civil Service System? Taking tests to get a job. People working for the government and having to qualify.
Belief that humans are good, respect for elders, code of politeness, emphasis on education, and ancestor worship are from what Chinese philosophy? Confucianism
Who created the Chinese philosophy of Confucianism? Confucius
Humility, simple life and inner peace, and harmony with nature are characteristics or what Chinese philosophy? Daoism
Who created Daoism? Laozi
What is the symbol in China that represents the opposite forces in Confucianism and Taoism? Yin and Yang
Which religion spread to China, Korea, and Japan? Buddhism
Created by: suireh
Popular World History sets




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