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Aztec Civilization

social studies 150 unit 11

what was included in Aztec cities? huge pyramids, large apartment houses, and highly decorated palaces.
What occupation did the first Aztecs have and where were they from? farmers from northern Mexico
what kind of government did the Aztecs have? monarchy
what did they call their ruler? the Huey Tlatoani.
when an emperor died, ho chose the new emperor? a group of high ranking nobles.
what did they call the second in command? The Cihuacoatl
what was the duty of the Cihuacoatl? running the government on a day to day basis.
what was the Council of Four? powerful men and generals of the army who were first in line to become the next emperor.
what topics did some of the Aztecs laws deal with? stealing, murder, drunkenness, and property damage.
what is the one time forgiveness law? a citizen could confess a crime to a priest and they would be forgiven.
what were two restrictions under the one time forgiveness law? it only worked if they confessed the crime prior to being caught. It also could only be used once.
name three punishments for breaking a law death, having your head shaved, and being sold into slavery.
what was the basic unit of Aztec society? the family
what is a calpulli and how did it work? a larger group that families belonged to. The calpulli owned land and most families in a calpulli were related.
what are Altepetls? city-state s that included a large city and its surrounding areas.
what was the capital of the Aztec empire? Tenochtitlan
Tecuhtli the rulers of the other city-states.
Pipiltin the noble class.
ochteca Aztec merchants
Macehualtin the common people in Aztec society
slaves Aztec people became slaves by selling themselves into slavery to pay for debts or as punishment for crimes
how were slaves treated? They were not to be mistreated by their owners, they could buy their freedom, and they could not be sold by their masters unless they agreed.
Aztec religion polytheistic : they worshiped many gods
what was one of the most important aspects of Aztec religion the sun
who was Huitzilopochtli? the most important God to the Aztecs. He was the god of war, the sun, and sacrifice. He was also the patron god of the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan.
Who would the Aztecs sacrfice to appease the gods? The Aztecs often went to war in order to take captives that they could use in their sacrifices.
Why would the Aztecs partake in human sacrifices? The Aztecs believed that the sun needed the blood of human sacrifice in order to rise each day.
who would attend school? Everyone, boys and girls, rich and poor, were required by law to attend school.
what was the tonalpohualli calendar used for? tracking religious ceremonies and festivals
what was the xiuhpohualli calendar used for? tracking time
what was the significance of steam baths? Aztecs thought that by sweating, the poisons making the person sick would leave their body.
what was the Chinampa and what was its purpose? an artificial island that the Aztecs built up in the lake. The Aztecs used these manmade islands to plant crops
who arranged marriages? Matchmakers
Created by: teresacincotta
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