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Ch.10 ByzantineEmpir

6th Grade BJU, Byzantine Empire

Justinian I Conquered every land that he attempted; regained much of the Roman Empire; Raised taxes; Left the empire in financial ruin; Listened to his wife for advice; Build the Hagia Sophia; Emperor during the Nika Revolt
Theodora Wife of Justinian I; Gave him advice and counsel; Told him to stay when he wanted to flee during the Nika Revolt
Belisarius Great general under Justinian I; Never lost in battle; Defended Justinian in the hippodrome during the Nika Revolt and killed almost 30,000 people
Constantine Moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed the city Constantinople; Legalized Christianity with the Edit of Milan
Leo III Ordered the destruction of Icons throughout the empire because he believed them to be idols
Heraclius Saved the empire through firing mercenaries and training peasant soldiers; gave soldiers land as payment for their services; divided land into themes
Muhammad Born in Mecca; Had revelations and beliefs that eventually became known as the religion of Islam
Sultan Ruler of the Ottomans
Barbarians People that came from the North; Not Roman or Greek; Easily invaded the Western Roman Empire after the Capital was moved from Rome to Constantinople
Nika Revolt Began as the people protested the high taxes that Justinian ordered to pay for building projects
Constantinople Built on the former city of Byzantium by Constantine; Became a stronghold because of its high cliffs and surrounded on 3 sides by water
Icons Sacred images that represent Christ, Saints, and other sacred objects
Crusades "Holy War"; the purpose was to reclaim Jerusalem from Islamic Rule; Ordered by Pope Urban II
Results of the Crusades Only the first was successful; many crusaders eventually invaded other cities because they were short of money
Ottoman Turks Muslim Turks that eventually conquered Constantinople
Defense of Constantinople Leo III depended on 3 things to defend the city: Greek fire, the cold winter, and the plague (Black Death)
3 Muslim Holy Cities Jerusalem, Mecca, and Medina
Earliest leaders of the churches; where did they meet? Apostles- met in homes
Followers of Islam Muslims
Holy Islamic Book Qur'an
Sacred Journey Pilgrimmage
"To strive hard"; war fought for Islam Jihad
Open air stadium for sporting and social events hippodrome
Fatal disease that killed 1/3 of all people in Europe; believed to be spread by fleas Black Death; Bubonic Plague
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