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Ch.15Colonial Africa

World History

What European country transported over 3 million slaves to the New World? Great Britain
What happened during Phase One of colonizing Africa? Europeans made treaties with African nations.
What happened during Phase Two of colonizing Africa? European countries made treaties between themselves for control of African nations.
What happened during Phase Three of colonizing Africa? European ships and troops arrived in Africa.
What is colonialism? Conquest of one or more nations by another nation.
Who helped end the slave trade? The British navy
What were the 2 European countries that started colonizing in Africa shortly after becoming unified nations? Germany and Italy
What is the maxim gun? An advanced weapon that the Europeans used to attack the Africans.
Who was Henry Stanley? A journalist that went to find David Livingstone.
Who was Robert Moffat? A missionary that preached the gospel for 53 years in South Africa; his daughter married Livingstone.
What type of oil did industrial nations use to lubricate their machines (it came from Africa)? palm oil
What language did Samuel Ajayi Crowther translate the Bible into? Yoruba
Which African country did France first invade in their attempts to develop a colonial empire? Algeria
What European country did Ethiopia defeat with their modern army/weapons? Italy
What ruler led the International African Association? King Leopold
When the slave trade ended, why did African tribes choose to settle down rather than migrate? The ending of the slave trade established peaceful conditions.
Why did Europeans look to Africa for natural resources/raw materials? Due to the Industrial Revolution, there was a greater demand for resources and materials.
What is imperialism? Dominance and power asserted by one nation over less powerful nations?
What are some of the raw materials that Africans sold to industrial countries? ivory, beeswax, honey, cotton, rubber, palmoil, cocoa, and peanuts
What African died fighting the French for control of West Africa? Samori Ture
Who was the president of Liberia and used diplomacy with the United States to prevent European domination? Joseph Jenkins Roberts
Who wrote a letter to Germany that rejected colonization? Macemba
Who was the leader of Ethiopia? Menelik
Why did Britain look to expand their colonies in Africa in the 1700's? They lost the American colonies when the American won the battle for independence.
How many countries did the Europeans divide Africa into between 1880 and 1910? Over 50 with no regard to natural boundaries or cultural divisions.
What country lost colonies to England, then lost in battle to the Germans, and tried to prove themselves as a superpower by colonzing North Africa? France
What were the basic motives of European colonization of Africa? Economic (more money/greed), Nationalistic (expanding empires), Religious, Racist (superiority)
What is the term for the rush of Europeans to colonize Africa? "Scramble for Africa"
What are the positive results of imperialism/colonization of Africa? increase in missionaries, government structure, new infrastructure (roads, railroads, etc), money-based economy, increased value of land
Where did the European powers carve up the continent of Africa (without inviting Africans)? Berlin Conference
What famous site did David Livingstone discover near the Zambezi River? The Africans call them "the Smoke that Thunders." Victoria Falls
Who explored Africa looking for the source of the Nile River? Sir Richard Burton
Who disproved claims of the racial inferiority of the black man? John Africanus Horton
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