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world history

world historyChapter 17 vocab

geocentric a model of the universe that places earth at the center
Ptolemaic System model of the universe constructed by the philosophers of the middle ages
Heliocentric sun-centered, conception of the universe, offered a more accurate explanation
Universal Law of Gravitation explains why the planetary bodies do not go off in straight lines
Rationalism based on belief that reason is the chief source of knowledge
scientific method a systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence
Inductive reasoning scientists should proceed from the particular to the general
Ptolemy studied Greek and Latin works
Nicholas Copernicus published "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres"
Galileo Galilei taught mathematics
Issac Newton wrote "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"
Margret Cavendish came from an aristocratic family
Robert Boyle one of the first scientists to conduct controlled experiments
Maria Winklemann most famous female astronomer in Germany
Rene Descartes french philosopher
Francis Bacon an English philosopher with a few scientific credentials
Philosophe philosopher
Separation of Powers separation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branch
Lassiez-Faire to let the government do what they want
Social Contract an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will
Salon elegant drawing rooms of wealthy upper class people
Deism religious philosophy based on reason and natural law
John Locke theory of knowledge also greatly affected
Montesquieu came from French nobility
Volitaire greatest figure of the Enlightenment
Denis Diderot fulfill his father's hopes that he would be a lawyer
Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations"
Jean-Jacques Rousseau introduced to the circle of philosophers
Mary Wollstonecraft the founder of the African American movement for women rights
John Wesley an Anglican minister
Rococo new artistic style
Enlightened Absolutism rulers tried to govern with enlightenment principles
Bach a renowned organist
Handel German who spent much of his career in England
Haydn a musical director for wealthy Hungarian Princess
Mozart truly a child prodigy
Fredrick the Great one of the best educated and most cultured monarchs
Maria Theresa inherited the throne in 1740
Catherine the Great ruled Russia from 1762-1796
Mestizo European and Native American offspring
Mulatto the offspring of Africans and Europeans
Federal System which power would be shared between the national government
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz urged that women be educated
Hanoverians was established when the last Stuart ruler died. (new dynasty)
Robert Walpole served as head of cabinet
Created by: asimien907
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