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huang yellow
loess yellow-brown soil deposited when the river floods
ancestor a relative from whom one is descended
feudalism a strict social system in which landowners grant people land or other rewards in exchange for military service or labor
Confucianism a belief system based on the ideas of the Chinese thinker Confucius
Legalism an ancient Chinese philosophy stating that a strong leader and a strong legal system, not moral values, are needed to create social order
Daoism a philosophy of following the Dao, that is, the natural way of the universe
Great Wall long wall running east and west along the Chinese empire's northern border
Mandate of Heaven in ancient China, the presumed right to rule given to a dynasty by Heaven, the highest force of nature
patriarchy society in which men rule their families, and people trace their origins through male ancestors
philosophy general study of knowledge and the world; Greek for "love of wisdom"
filial piety the devotion of children to their parents
ancestor worship practice of honoring the spirits of the dead
Buddhism A non-theistic religion (no belief in a creator god), also considered a philosophy and a moral discipline, originating in India in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama
bureaucracy a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives
Silk Road network of trade routes connecting the east and west; gets its name from the silk trade carried along its length
Middle Kingdom nickname for ancient China; comes from their belief that they were the center of the world
Created by: ms_snyder
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