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History Test 14-15

Every thing that is on the study guide for chapters 14-15

Cardinal Richelieu Louis XIII's chief minister, strengthened powers of the king , brought France into Thirty Years' War
Louis XIV First major absolutist king of France, built Versailles, revoked Edict of Nantes
Fredrick William "The Great Elector," first important Prussian ruler, unified many Prussian states, first absolutist king of Prussia
Ivan IV Ivan "the terrible," first absolutist czar of Russia, murdered son, cruel tyrant
Romanovs Ruling family of Russia after civil war
Peter I First Romanov king of Russia, invited 700 foreign craftsmen to put Russia "back on track."
Catherine II Catherine "the Great," encouraged education, expanded Russia
James I First Stuart king of England, strictly Anglican, had large financial problems
Roundheads/Cavaliers Roundheads - supported Parliament in English civil war Cavaliers - supporters of the English king
William Pitt Englishman who devised a winning strategy in the Seven Years' War
Oliver Cromwell Roundhead leader during English civil war, became dictator
William and Mary New king and Queen of England after the "bloodless" Glorious Revolution
Maria Theresa Her coming to the Austrian throne and weak leadership lead to the War of Austrian Succession. Father tried to protect before passing.
Copernicus Developed heliocentric theory
Johannes Kepler Discovered that orbits are elliptical, not circular
Galileo Galilei Invented telescope and pendulum clocks
Isaac Newton Laws of Gravity, "Principia," white light is made of different colors.
William Harvey Father of Experimental Biology, realized that the heart is a pump
Edward Jenner Made the first vaccine, a smallpox vaccine
Robert Boyle Law of Inverse Gas Pressure, also known as Boyle's Law
Joseph Priestly Discovered ammonia, oxygen, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), hydrochloic acid, carbon dioxide and others
Antoine L. Lavoisier Father of Modern Chemistry, discovered hydrogen
Sir Francis Bacon "Novum Organum," supported inductive reasoning
Rene Descartes Supported deductive reasoning, doubted everything learned by inductive reasoning
John Locke Supported Empiricism, people are naturally good
Voltaire Major critic of abuses in society, got banished from many places, hated organized religions
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Father of Romanticism, favored emotion and sentiment above reason
Mary Wollstonecraft wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Women," supported reason over Bible
N. von Zinzendorf Founder of the Moravians
John Wesley Major preacher, traveled the world preaching, had some 42000 sermons
George Whitefield Founder of Methodists
Jonathan Edwards "started" Great Awakening, famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,"
Divine right The idea that king's are given their power by God and should, therefore, be able to use their power however they see fit.
Thirty Years' War The last great religious war fought in Europe. Protestants vs Roman Catholics. Also increased prestige and power of France
Peace of Westphalia Ended Thirty Years' War. Recognized 300+ independent German states
Czar Comes from Caesar, title of ruler of Russia
Petition of Rights English bill passed by Parliament that stated 1) King can't tax without Parliament permission 2) Parliament will not tolerate arbitrary imprisonment
Restoration The reestablishment of the Stuart monarchy with Charles II, the son of the executed, overthrown king
Habeas Corpus Act The government cannot arbitrarily hold someone in jail (re-passed)
Glorious Revolution The "bloodless" revolution that took James II off the English throne and put William and Mary on it
Bill of Rights Conditions that must be met for William and Mary to rule England. It limited royal power, established certain civil liberties, and forbade future kings and queens from being Roman Catholic.
Cabinet government A form of government in which a leader (i.e. king) would often consult a group of trusted advisers (the "cabinet") to discuss matters of state
Treaty of Utrecht Ended the War of Spanish Succession, stated that: Phillip (grandson of the King of France) could stay the Spanish king as long as Spain and France were not united, Spain had to surrender lands to Austria, Britain gained many French territories,
Seven Years' War War started in new world due to key trade points (French and Indian war), at the same time Prussia attacked Austria, France and Austria vs Prussia and England
Treaty of Paris Ended Seven Years' War, France loses all New World territory and most commercial holdings in India, Spain lost Florida but recieved Louisiana from France
Heliocentric theory The idea that the planets revolve around the sun
Rationalism the idea that reasoning is the only source of knowledge and truth
Inductive reasoning The forming of logical conclusions based on a repeated pattern
Deductive reasoning The forming of logical conclusions based on other logical conclusions and known facts
Deists People who believe that people are basically good, reason was the standard of truth and who criticized supernatural and prophetic (prophet like) parts of the Bible
Pietism Christians who did much good work, but favored experience over Bible teachings
Great Awakening A period from 1740-1742 in America of spiritual revival
Baroque vs Classical music Baroque - elaborate, elegant, very full, vigorous Classical - elegant, precise, clear, shows emotional restraint
What did the English Bill of Rights accomplish? It 1) set William and Mary as the monarchs of England, 2) limited royal power, 3) established certain civil liberties and 4) forbade future kings and queens from being Roman Catholic
Explain pantheism Pantheism is the belief that everything in the universe, whether spiritual or physical, is all part of one great substance called "god"
Five words to describe baroque art and architecture Grand, dynamic, heroic, active, swirling, sensual, emotional
Three ways the Great Awakening positively impact Britain 1)Broke the apathetic attitudes among professing Christians and led to domestic reform and foreign missions 2)Improved moral conditions - Helped to restrain the type of social upheaval that soon engulfed France pg 331
Three ways the Great Awakening positively impact Britain (continued) Stimulated an interest in Christian education, led to the establishment of the first Sunday Schools, and encouraged the production of good Christian literature and music
Created by: dhogwarts
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