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Ch. 31 Era of Change

The term Latino refers to _____________- speaking Americans from Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean Islands. Spanish
_________ have always made up the largest group of Latinos in the United States. Mexicans
Most of the one million Puerto Ricans who have lived in the U.S. since the 1960s settled in the Northeast, especially _________________ City. New York
____________ began settling in Miami after a political revolution occurred in their country in 1959. Cubans
Salvadorans and Nicaraguans are among the peoples of the geographical region of ____________________ that came to America in the 1960s to escape political persecution or poverty. Central America
________________ and Dolores Huerta helped establish the National Farm Workers Association in 1962. Cesar Chavez
In 1966, Cesar Chavez formed ________________________________________ to bargain for better pay and working conditions for farm workers. UFWOC ( United Farm Workers Organizing Committee)
The ________________________________________ funded bilingual and cultural programs for students who did not speak English. Bilingual Education Act
________________ was an independent Latino political group started by Jose Angel Gutierrez. La Raza Unida
The _________________ was a plan put in place by Eisenhower that moved Native Americans from reservations to cities. termination policy
________________ was an organization formed by young Native Americans who demanded greater rights and sometimes used violence to obtain their goals. AIM (American Indian Movement)
The _____________________________________ was a 1972 march on Washington, D.C. organized by AIM leader Russell Means that called for the restoration of 110 million acres of land to Native Americans. Trail of Broken Treaties
The _________________________________________________ gave more than 40 million acres and $962 million to native peoples. Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971
__________ is the belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men. Feminism
_______________ published the book The Feminine Mystique and helped found NOW. Betty Friedan
The _______________________________ is a law that prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender. Civil Rights Act of 1964
__________________ is an organization founded in 1966 to pursue feminists’ goals, such as better child-care facilities, improved educational opportunities, and an end to job discrimination. NOW (National organization for Women)
The ________________________________________ is an organization founded by Gloria Steinem in 1971 to encourage women to seek political office. National Women’s Political Caucus
______________ is a journalist who founded Ms. magazine, a major voice in the women’s movement. Gloria Steinem
The Court case _______________________ allows women to choose an abortion in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Roe v. Wade
The __________________________________ was a failed amendment that would have guaranteed equality of rights, regardless of sex. ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)
____________________ founded the Stop-ERA campaign as one of the leading opponents of feminism. Phyllis Schlafly
The ________________________ was a coalition of social conservatives which focused on social, cultural, and moral issues. New Right
The _________________________ refers to an invisible, but very real, resistance to promoting women to top positions. glass ceiling
_________ went from having 19 women in 1975 to 60 in 1997. Congress
Participants in the cultural revolt of the 1960s were called __________________. hippies
___________ was a Harvard psychology professor who founded the League for Spiritual Discovery, which advocated the legalizing of LSD and marijuana as religious sacraments. Timothy leary
________ was a 3-day music festival in August 1969 in New York attended by 400,000 people. Woodstock
The political aspect of the counterculture was known as the ________________. New Left
The _______________________ was a radical faction in the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) that favored the use of violence and terror. Weathermen
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