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ch 26


Triple Alliance An alliance between Germany Austria-Hungary, and Italy in the late 1800's.
Triple Entente An alliance between France, Russia, and Great Britain in the late 1800's.
Franz Ferdinand Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary whose assassination by a Serb nationalist started World War I.
Gavrilo Princip Serbian nationalist; he assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary, which started World War I.
Neutral In a war, not aiding either side.
Central powers The alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire during World War I.
Allied Powers The alliance formed between Britain, France, and Russia during World War I.
Western Front During World War I, the deadlocked region in northern France where German and Allied armies faced off.
Trench Warfare A form of combat in which soldiers dug trenches, or deep ditches, to seek protection from enemy fire and to defend their positions.
Total War A war that requires the use of all a society resources.
Propaganda Information such as posters and pamphlets created by governments in order to influence public opinion.
Battle of Verdun The longest battle of World War I; in ended in stalemate, with both side suffering hundreds of thousands of casualties.
Gallipoli Campaign Failed attempt by the Allies in World War I to take control of Dardanelles.
Genocide The killing of an entire people.
Bolsheviks Marxists whose goal was to seize state power and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat; Soviet Communists.
Grigory Rasputin A self-proclaimed Russian holy man and prominent figure at the court of Czar Nicholas II. He was viewed as corrupt, and support for czarist Russia deteriorated.
Marxism-Leninism The political and economic philosophy of the Bolsheviks, expounded by Vladimir Lenin, which looked to an uprising of the proletariat that would abolish private property and enforce social equality.
Leon Trotsky Russian Communist revolutionary; he negotiated the peace between Russia and the Central Powers to end Russian involvement in World War I.
New Economic Policy Lenin's plan, started in 1921, to allow limited capitalism, especially among farmers, in order to restore the Soviet economy.
Woodrow Wilson Twenty-eighth president of the United States; he proposed the League of Nations after World War I as a part of his Fourteen Points.
U-boats Submarines used by Germans in World War I and II.
Zimmermann Note A telegram sent to German official in Mexico prior to U.S entrance into World War I; proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico.
Armistice An agreement to cease fighting, usually in a war.
Fourteen Points President Woodrow Wilson's plan for organizing post- World War I Europe and for avoiding future wars.
Treaty of Versailles Treaty ending World War I; required Germany to pay huge war reparations and established the League of Nations.
League of Nations An international body of nations formed after World War I to prevent future wars.
Mandates Territories once part of the Ottoman Empire that the League of Nations gave power to rule after World War I.
Balfour Declaration A statement issued by the British foreign secretary in favor of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Created by: jordanthomasb
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