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HUM#4 Terms

World War II to Contemporary

Fascism Anti-democracy dictatorship. Suppression. Puts nation above the individual
Holocaust Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
Jazz Music with african american origin (especially New Orleans). Less formal training. Improvisation. Ragtime (syncopated rhythms). Blues Notes. Instruments include the piano, saxophone, clarinet, trumpet.
Rock & Roll "White mans jazz". Came out of Jazz but a little different. Wanted the style of jazz but more white. Heavy beat, simple melodies
Rap Style of music of US african american origin that developed in the late 1970s with an emphasis on the words. Spoken
Hip-hop Style of music of US african american origin with an emphasis on the beat. Sung
epic theater Movement arising from the response to political climate of the time. Political theatre
gulag A system of soviet union labour camps
The Depression Long and severe recession in an economy or market
The New Deal a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939. It responded to needs for relief, reform, and recovery from the Great Depression.
WPA (Works Progress Administration) an American New Deal agency, employing millions of job-seekers to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads.
decolonization the action or process of a state withdrawing from a former colony, leaving it independent.
passive resistance nonviolent opposition to authority, especially a refusal to cooperate with legal requirements.
existentialism emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will. Freedom of choice. Individuals define meaning in their own life.
Abstract Expressionism Art that aimed at subjective emotional expression with particular emphasis on the creative spontaneous act
action painting a style of painting in which paint is spontaneously dribbled, splashed or smeared onto the canvas, rather than being carefully applied. Jackson Pollock.
mobiles Made famous by Alexander Calder. A kind of sculpture.
Pop Art art based on modern popular culture and the mass media, especially as a critical or ironic comment on traditional fine art values.
Environmental Art Art made in nature by nature
Minimalism Donald Judd. A type of sculpture or painting that doesn't use a lot kinda.
The Beat Generation a literary movement started by a group of authors whose work explored and influenced American culture and politics in the post-war era.
happenings a partly improvised or spontaneous piece of theatrical or other artistic performance, typically involving audience participation.
silkscreen Mesh cloth stretched over a wooden frame and paint is applied to the cloth with a stencil (from a photograph). Ex. Marilyn Diptych by Andy Warhol.
feminism the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
postmodernism Criticizes belief in objective knowledge by being relativist and skeptical. Uses traditional styles, often blending them eclectically. Challenges modernism and moves beyond it.
deconstruction form of criticism first used by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in the 1970s which asserts that there is not one single intrinsic meaning to be found in a work, but rather many, and often these can be conflicting.
postcolonialism focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands. art produced in response to the aftermath of colonial rule, frequently addressing issues of national and cultural identity, race and ethnicity.
global village the world considered as a single community linked by telecommunications.
mass media Many ways we communicate in society
green architecture an approach to building that minimizes the harmful effects of construction projects on human health and the environment. Eco-friendly building materials and construction practices
“difficult whole” the difficult unity through inclusion rather than the easy unity of exclusion. Robert Venturi
Created by: sara_hillyer
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