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unit 3 study guide

unit 3

Who worked in the Washington Administration that proposed having a federal bank? Hamilton
Those who opposed the creation of a federal bank wanted what kind of interpretation of the U. S. Constitution? strict
The outcome of the Whiskey Rebellion showed Americans that which newly created branch of government would insure "domestic tranquility" in the U.S.? executive
What did President Washington pass to avoid wars with foreign countries? Neutrality Proclamation
What treaty established the border between the U.S. and Spanish-controlled LA at the 31st parallel and allowed American western settlers to use the Spanish port of New Orleans? Pickney's Treaty
What did President Adams pass to crush any opposition to the Federalists in the U.S.? Alien and Sedition Acts
What caused the Federalist Party to split, thus ending the Federalist Era? President Adams signed a peace treaty with the French instead of declaring war on the French
What is the significance of the Marbury v Madison court case? It established the power of Judicial Review
Which president doubled the size of the United States with the Louisiana Purchase? Thomas Jefferson
What was the primary mission of Lewis and Clark while exploring the LA Territory? Find a northwest water-route to the Pacific Ocean
The British were kidnapping American merchants at sea and forcing them into the British Navy. This is known as what? Impressment
What did President Jefferson pass to replace his unpopular Embargo Act? Non-Intercourse Act
What group in Congress pushed for war with the British by using the following propaganda? War Hawks
What president declared war on Britain in 1812? James Madison
The British and the United States were fighting over which of the following in the Great Lake Area? fishing rights
Who wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner"? Francis Scott Key
What battle made Andrew Jackson a national hero and, eventually, helped him win the presidency? Battle of New Orleans
What treaty ended the War of 1812? Treaty of Ghent
The time period when power-driven machinery and factories became widespread is known as what? Industrial Revolution
Industrialization spread more in the northeast due to what geographic feature? fast-flowing rivers powering textile mills
During the early to mid-1800's, the South was to agriculture as the North was to ____________________. manufacturing
The path cleared by the leadership of Daniel Boone is known as what? Cumberland Road
How did business and government officials plan to connect New York City with the Great Lakes Region? building canals
What was the purpose of Henry Clay’s American System? to help the economy in each section of the country
What was at the heart of the Industrial Revolution? new machines and new technology
What helped increase cotton production? invention of the cotton gin
As political differences began to fade away, what phrase did a Boston newspaper use to describe the years after the War of 1812? The Era of Good Feelings
Why did the period of national harmony end? because of regional differences
How was the balance between the North and the South preserved in the Senate? by the Missouri Compromise
What called for a stop to European colonization of the Americas? The Monroe Doctrine
Who were the only Americans allowed to vote in 1824 and 1828? White, male land-owners
Which Act did Congress pass to force the relocation of Native Americans? Indian Removal Act
Under whose presidential administration was the United Stated at war with Mexico? James K. Polk
Which philosophy meant that the United States was meant to extend its boundaries all the way to the Pacific? Manifest Destiny
What happened to the Texan forces at the Alamo? they were all defeated
On what grounds for declaring war against Mexico did the president of the United States give? a Mexican attack on American forces
Which event, beginning in 1849, had long-lasting effects on California's economy? discovery of gold
What purchase set the southwest border between the U.S. and Mexico? Gadsden Purchase
Oregon Country was which direction from California? north
Which political party stood for a strong federal government? Federalist Party
What canal was dug that linked the Great Lake area to the Atlantic Ocean? Erie Canal
Created by: mbennettlojh
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