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Unit 7 Study Guide

World History

Who are the big 3 countries and their leaders at the Paris Peace Conference? England-David Lloyd George France-Georges Clemenceau United States-Woodrow Wilson
President Wilson's plan to fix the world is called? 14 Points
What is the name of the peace organization Wilson wants to create? The League of Nations
Borders created at the Peace Conference are viewed as? Racist
What is a MANDATE? Middle East Colonies
What are some examples of racism from the Paris Peace Conference? 1) Japan tried to put an equality clause on the League of Nations & was rejected 2)Black leaders rejected-Pan-African Conress
What are some requirements on Germany of the Treaty of Versailles? 1) Army limited to 100,000 men, no airplanes 2)Ordered to pay reparations for war 3)Forced to give land to Poland
What is Article 231? Germany must accept sole blame for the war
Germany's decision to print endless amounts of money to pay debts leads to? Hyperinflation
What is the triggering event of the Great Depression? The Stock Market Crash
Italy's dictator is named? Benito Mussolini
The battle of Khalkin-Gol leads directly to what event? Pearl Harbor
The League of Nations responds to all the crises of the 1930s by doing what? Nothing
Who was Spain's leader/dictator? Francisco Franco
Stalin rules the Soviet Union using: 1)Secret Police 2)Education 3)Religion 4)Propaganda everywhere
In propaganda, Stalin is often portrayed as heroic or even as ____? Jesus
Stalin's agriculture policy, which leads to lots of starvation is called? Collectivization
His actions to improve industry are called? 5 Year Plan
Stalin's killing of all enemies in the government and army is known as the what? The Great Pure
Stalin is perceived by Hitler as weak because the Soviet Army struggles against who? Finland
As a child, Hitler is what? Lazy but bring/goof
Hitler's book means "My Struggle"
What does Hitler claim in his book? 1)Extreme Nationalism 2)Violent Antisemitism 3)Lebensraum
When Hitler decides to test England and France he does so by sending troops where? Rhineland
The countries of the AXIS alliance are? 1)Italy 2)Japan 3)Germany
England's & France's decision to allow Hitler to get what he want is know as ? Appeasement
Hitler signs a surprising non-aggression pact wit who? Stalin
Created by: samaurai
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