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HUM#3 Artists etc.

Victorian through Modern

A.W.N. Pugin Victorian. Architect during the Gothic revival. Religious and focused on the contrasts between the architecture between the 1500s and 1800s. Attempt to bring back religion. Helped rebuild the Parliament building after the fire.
Charles Barry Victorian. Architect. Helped rebuild the Parliament building after the fire.
William Morris Victorian. Part of the arts and crafts movement. Handmade decorations (ex. tapistries)
John Ruskin Victorian. Critical thinker asked to help design the Oxford Natural Sciences Museum
Dante Gabriel Rossetti Victorian. Painted ladies with lots of hair and big full lips.
Edward Burne-Jones Victorian. Painter of the mythical, religious, king arthur. Works such as "Laus Veneris" "The golden stairs" "Merlin and Nimue" "St. Cecilia window".
Édouard Manet Anti-Bourgeois. Painter who painted prostitutes
George Sand Anti-Bourgeois. French novelist. Actually a woman but went by this pen name
Charles Baudelaire Anti-Bourgeois. French poet. Translator of Edgar Allen Poe. Critic and essayist.
Claude Monet Impressionism. Painter famous for his water lillies. Also painted haystacks.
Edgar Degas Impressionism. Famous for painting dancers and ballerinas
Berthe Morisot Impressionism. Female artist
Pierre-Auguste Renoir Impressionism. Painter known for brunettes with red lipstick, yellow hats.
Stéphane Mallarmé Impressionism. French poet. Inspired revolutionaly artistic schools.
Claude Debussy Impressionism. Impressionist composer. Program music. Meant to describe a feeling or emotion.
Gustav Klimt Post-Impressionism. Painter known for his symbolism, gold backgrounds, and shapes. "The Kiss" "Adele Bloch-Bauer"
Auguste Rodin Post-Impressionism. Sculpture. Sculpted "The kiss" and "The thinker". Significant sculpture. Not as idealized or perfect.
Georges Seurat Post-Impressionism. Painter who used pointillism.
Vincent Van Gogh Post-Impressionism. Emphasis on feeling. Used more color. Like japanese things. "Starry night" "The night cafe"
Paul Cézanne Post-Impressionism. Painter of non-linear perspective. Landscapes and still lifes. "still life with apples" "mont sainte-victoire"
Paul Gauguin Post-Impressionism. Painted and loved tahiti. Primitivism.
Edvard Munch Post-Impressionism. Painted "the scream". Painted depressed, borderline horrific paintings
Vlaslav Nijinksi Post-Impressionism. Russian ballet dancer and choreographer
D.W. Griffith Post-Impressionism. Hollywood movie maker. Ability to stitch together different plots. Controversial. Ability to build amazing sets. Develops a film vocabulary.
Alfred Stieglitz Post-Impressionism. Photographer who made it an art form
Henri Matisse Fauvism. Lots of interesting color. "Harmony in red" "woman with a hat" "goldfish"
Georges Braque Cubism. Painted "woman with a guitar". Multiple moments in one painting.
Pablo Picasso Cubism. Abstract. "The three musicians".
Umberto Boccioni Futurism. "simultaneous visions" "unique forms of continuity and space".
Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie School. Architecht. Low long rooms and buildings. Site specific designs and natural materials
Ernst Kirchner (Die Brücke) German Expressionism. Deliberate crudness. "self portrait with model" "berlin street scenes"
Emil Nolde (Die Brücke) German Expressionism. "the last supper" "the burial of christ"
Franz Marc (Der Blaue Reiter) German Expressionism. "blue horse I" "The large blue horses". Color influences the soul. Blue is the heavenly color
Kathë Kollwitz German Expressionism. Art about the war. "never again war" "the widow" "the grieving parents"
Ernst Barlach German Expressionism. Sculpture. "world war I memorial in magdeburg cathedral"
Wassily Kandinsky German Expressionism (or Bauhaus). He had synesthesia where he could hear color. His art was comparison with music. Non representational compositions of color.
F.W. Murnau German Expressionism. Cinema film maker. "Nosferatu".
Robert Weine German Expressionism. Silent film maker. "The cabinet of Dr. Caligari"
Fritz Lang German Expressionism. Film maker. "Metropolis". Futuristic, Dystopia, Art deco sets
André Breton Surrealism. French writer. Co-founder of surrealism - surrealist manifesto
Max Ernst Surrealism. "the masters bedroom; its worth spending the night there"
Giorgio di Chirico Surrealism. "mystery and melancholy of a street" "the childs brain". Long shadows and roman arches.
Salvador Dalí Surrealism. "the persistance of memory" "the metamorphisus of narcissus" "sleep". (melty clocks and giant head thing.
Joan Miró Surrealism. "the tilled field"
Alberto Giacometti Surrealism. "city square" sculpture.
Marcel Duchamp Dada. Artist. Readymades. Urinal, L.H.O.O.Q, bicycle wheel.
Tristan Tzara Dada. Against the dada manifesto
Gustav Mahler Early Twentieth-Century Music. Composer. Progressive tonality, mixing keys and genres. "Symphony no 1, movement iii" (frere jaque - includes minor keys, counter melody, shift to different genre and keys)
Johannes Brahms Early Twentieth-Century Music. Traditional forms (symphony), With modern tendencies (dissonance, meter changes). "Symphony 4, movement iv"
Igor Stravinsky Early Twentieth-Century Music. "the rite of spring" ballet that's weird and unconventional. Modernist, primitivism. Polytony - wander all over, doesn't follow keys and melodies
Arnold Schoenberg Early Twentieth-Century Music. Atonality. Composed "madonna".
Giacomo Puccini Early Twentieth-Century Music. Lyric opera composer. "La Boheme" - Rodolfo (poet) falls in love with mimi (seamstress), both poor, she gets tuberculosis, dies in his arms
George Gershwin Early Twentieth-Century Music. made jazz more appreciated and a more appropriate genre in the concert halls. "Rhapsody in blue".
Joseph Conrad Early Modern Literature. Polish-british novelist.
T.S. Eliot Early Modern Literature. Won a nobel prize in literature. Non emotional.
Wilfred Owen Early Modern Literature. English poet and soldier. He was one of the leading poets of the First World War. His war poetry on the horrors of trenches and gas warfare. "Dulce et Decorum est", and "Anthem for Doomed Youth".
Erich Maria Remarque Early Modern Literature. Deals with the horrors of trench war. Ironies of the title. "Quiet on the western front"
William Butler Yeats Early Modern Literature. Irish poet. "The Ghost of Roger Casement"(john bull) "The Second Coming" (gyre, things fall apart)
Virginia Woolf Early Modern Literature. Wrote A Room of One's Own. Stream of consciousness writer.
James Joyce Early Modern Literature. Steam of consciousness writer.
Chinua Achebe Early Modern Literature. Post colonial. Wrote "Things Fall Apart"
Kasimir Malevich Suprematism. Painter. "white on white". Burst the traditional boundaries of art. Line, texture, color, form, non-representational. Thinking about what art actually is.
Walter Gropius Bauhaus. Architect. "fagus shoe factory". Sleek lines, Modern materials, Simple colors, "ribbon" windows
Louis Sullivan International Style. Father of the skyscraper. Minimized traditional ornimentation. Three part building organization. "Prudential (Guaranty) Building"
Mies van der Rohe International Style. Architect. "Less is more". Extreme simplicity. Clarity.
Le Corbusier International Style. "A house is a machine for living in". Functional and rational architecture. Modern materials and forms.
Created by: sara_hillyer
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