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Ch. 7 Rev War

George Washington Leader of the Continental Army
Thomas Jefferson Author of the Declaration of Independence
Edward Rutledge Youngest signer of the D of I, delegate from South Carolina
Saratoga Turning point of the war that caused the French to ally with the Americans
Charleston SC city that was taken over by the British in 1780
Valley Forge Where Washington's troops spent a brutal winter and were trained by Fredrich von Stuben
Yorktown Final battle where Cornwallis surrendered to Washington
General Cornwallis Leader of the British forces that surrendered at Yorktown
Francis Marion "SwampFox" used guerrilla warfare strategies
William Jasper Risked his life to save the flag at Fort Moultrie on Sullivan's Island
Philadelphia Location of the First and Second Continental Congress
France Country that allied with the Americans and helped them win the war
guerrilla wafare American style of fighting that includes surprise attacks and hiding in natural surroundings
Cowpens SC battle that the Americans strategically won (Tarleton was defeated by Daniel Morgan)
Bunker Hill Early battle near Boston where the Americans had little ammo and were forced to retreat
Palmetto Fort Moultrie was made from this type of tree that absorbed the cannon balls
Lexington and Concord "Shot heard around the world"; Paul Revere made his midnight ride
French and Indian War Conflict prior to the Revolution that caused Britain to tax the colonists to pay off debt
Proclamation of 1763 Line that colonists could not settle west of
Loyalists Those who supported the King and did not want independence
Patriots Those who wanted independence from the British
Hessians Hired German soldiers (mercenaries) who fought for the British
Trenton Surprise attack on Christmas when Washington crossed the icy Delaware River
King George III British monarch (King) during the American Revolution
Treaty of Paris Peace agreement ending the war and setting new boundaries (1783)
King's Mountain Turning point of the war IN THE SOUTH; Overmountain men killed or captured all Loyalists within an hour
Olive Branch Petition Sent to King George III as one last attempt at peace
Created by: mrscombs
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