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Session 2 CM derm5

CM- Derm -5- bacteria- vesicular/pustular disease

what type of infection can bacterial skin infections typically be primary cutaneous process or secondary manifestation of infection of some other organ
how do you get primary cutaneous infections break down of skins barriers that allow infection in
Superficial bacterial infection of the outer layers of the epidermis generally caused by staph aureous and group A strep impetigo
What are the two types of impetigo nonbullous and bullous
What is the treatment for impetigo topical bactroban or oral penicillinase resistant antibiotics.
What is classic signs and symptoms of impetigo honey colored crusts which contain bacteria so wipe away and discard
bacterial skin disease affects the desmosomes causing wide spread superficial blistering and loss of upper layers of epidermis Staph scalded skin syndrome
What is folliculitis inflamation of the epithelium of the hair follicle, usually do to ostial occlusion
What are the common pathogens of folliculitis S. aureus, pseudomonas, candida, pityrosporum, tinea, demodex
What are the types of folliculitis superficial, deep, hot tub
what is the treatment for folliculitis topical anitbodies, oral abx, and none depending on how bad it is
what are the three types of laymen's boils furuncle, carbuncle, abcess
deep seated inflammatory nodule about a follicle usually developed from folliculitis Furuncle
What is the pathogen and the treatment for a furuncle Caused by S. Aureus and treated by warm compress or I&D
Before perfroming an incision and drainange on a boil what state does it need to be in it needs to be flucuant before draining
Larger deeper more inflammatory nodule with deeper base generally involves multiple follicles Carbuncle
Pathogen that cuases carbuncles and the treatment Caused by S. Aureus and treatment is I&D w/ systemic antibiotics
Painful tender red fluctuant soft tissue mass not associated with a follicle caused by anerobic bacteria abcess
What is the treatment for an abcess I&D with systemic antibiotics for severe cases
this is an abcess that occurs in axilla and anogenital region associated with apocrine follicles and can become chronic and indolent (causing little or no pain) with sub q extensions with induration, sinus, and fistula formation Hidradenitis Suppurativa
When is hidradenitis suppurativa most common occurs more in women in the 3rd decade of life
What is the pathogenesis of hidradenitis suppurativa kerain comedones-> Occlusion of the aporcrine duct -> superimposed inflammation and infection -> abscess formation -> chronic infection and spread -> induration, and sinus and fistula formation
How many stages of hidradenitis suppurativa are there 3 stages
what stage of hidradenitis suppurativa is marked by single or multiple abscesses without sinus tracts or cicatrization Stage 1 hidradentitis suppurativa
What stage of hidradenitis suppurativa is marked by recurrent abscesses with sinus tracts and cicatrization may be a single to multiple wide spread SEPERATED lesions stage 2 hidradentitis suppurativa
What stage of hidradenitis suppurativa is marked by diffuse interconnected tracts and abscesses across the entire area stage 3 hidradentitis suppurativa
what is the treatment for acute and chronic hidradentitis suppurativa acute- antibiotics 2 weeks with intralesional steroids Chronic- long term antibiotics, high dose systemics steroids
What type of surgery or treatment is suggested for each stage of hidradentitis suppurativa Stage 1- I&D w/ antibiotics stage 2- exterirization and laying open of tracts and electrocoagulation, or exicision and primary closure such as pollock procedure stage 3- total wide excision and healing with secondary intention or flaps and grafts
infection fo the epidermis that extends down to the dermis often from neglected impetigo ecthyma
what pathogens cause ecthyma and what is suggested treatment ecthyma can be caused by group A strep and S. aureus or a combo. Treatment is with oral antibiotics
Superficial infection of upper dermis and lymphatics w/ sharply demarcated raised boarders erysipelas
what pathogens can cause erysipelas and what is the treatment Group A strep and sometime group C or G. treatment anti strep antibiotics
how can you distinguish between erysipelas and cellulitis erysipelas is more erythematous and has a raised boarder
Infectious disease of the dermis and sub q tissues without raised boarders cellulitis
What pathogens can cause cellulitis S. Aureus and Group A strep
What is the treatment of cellulitis local skin care, elevation, and systemic antibiotics
common cause of facial cellulitis in kids H. flu
causes cellulitis w/trauma and abcess S. Aureus
cellulitis from a dog or cat bite pasteurella
cellulitis from salt water vibrio vulnificus
cellulitis in fresh water or soil aromonas hydrophilia
skin disease when neisseria meningitides caused bacteremia spreads or manifests at the skin meningococcemia
what are the s/sx of meningococcemia transient macular eruption, purpura, and purulent petechiae
what is the treatment for meningococcemia get the IV ceftriaxone fast because it is life threatening
aggressive cellulitis in superficial fascia and sub q tissues generally external lesions are small compared to the large lesions under the skin very life threatening Necrotizing fasciitis
What are the usual pathogens that cause necrotizing fasciitis strep pyogenes, enterobacter, bacteroides, vibrio
What is the treatment for necrotizing fasciitis wide local debridment with broad spectrum antibiotics. Look for sub q gas in mri/ct to see how far out to debride
Created by: smaxsmith
Popular Science sets




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