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the only way to conserve minerals conservation
used in moderation conserve
using materials over again recycling
materials that are recycled aluminum, iron, copper
minerals that have been identified by scientists 2,000
supply is limited and cannot be replaced nonrenewable resource
the renewable resources air, water, and plants
name the metals gold, silver, and aluminum
name the nonmetals sulfer and quartz
_____ are dull and poor conductors of heat and electricity. nonmetals
_______ and ________ are found in earth's crust as native uncombined elements. silver, copper
deposits of minerals from which metals and nonmetals come from ores
Iron is obtained from ___________ and __________ ores. magnetite and hematite
__________ separates from cinnabar and ____________ can be separated from _____. Mercury,aluminum,bauxite
_____,_____,and ________ can be formed from cooling magma. chromium, nickel, iron
__________ sink into the body of magma. dense metallic minerals
__________ form through contact metamorphism. lead, copper, and zinc
Contact metamorpism depends on: temperature of magma, pressure, permeability, and composition
narrow fingerlike bands are veins
large number of thick mineral veins form a deposit lode
______ helps form ore deposits. movement of water
cocentrated layers in the bottom of stream beds placer deposits
name some metals that are known for their beauty and rarity gold, silver, platinum
rare minerals that display extraordinary brilliance and color when specially cut gemstones
name two things used in building materials limestone and clay
______ preserves mineral sources conservation
substitutes of mineral sources plastics
3 ways minerals form 1. cooling magma 2. contact metamorphism 3. moving water
Water forms ore deposits in 2 ways: 1.When stream currents weaken dissolved material settles to the bottom to form ores2. material dissolves in water and mixes to form a solution when water evaporates a new material is formed
re again
source beginning
the fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas
formed from the remains of living things- buried beneath the earth fossil fuels
Fossil fuels consist of ____________ and ___. compounds of carbon; hydrogen
the only way to conserve minerals conservation
used in moderation conserve
using materials over again recycling
materials that are recycled aluminum, iron, copper
minerals that have been identified by scientists 2,000
supply is limited and cannot be replaced nonrenewable resource
the renewable resources air, water, and plants
name the metals gold, silver, and aluminum
name the nonmetals sulfer and quartz
_____ are dull and poor conductors of heat and electricity. nonmetals
_______ and ________ are found in earth's crust as native uncombined elements. silver, copper
deposits of minerals from which metals and nonmetals come from ores
Iron is obtained from ___________ and __________ ores. magnetite and hematite
__________ separates from cinnabar and ____________ can be separated from _____. Mercury,aluminum,bauxite
_____,_____,and ________ can be formed from cooling magma. chromium, nickel, iron
__________ sink into the body of magma. dense metallic minerals
__________ form through contact metamorphism. lead, copper, and zinc
Contact metamorpism depends on: temperature of magma, pressure, permeability, and composition
narrow fingerlike bands are veins
large number of thick mineral veins form a deposit lode
______ helps form ore deposits. movement of water
cocentrated layers in the bottom of stream beds placer deposits
name some metals that are known for their beauty and rarity gold, silver, platinum
rare minerals that display extraordinary brilliance and color when specially cut gemstones
name two things used in building materials limestone and clay
______ preserves mineral sources conservation
substitutes of mineral sources plastics
3 ways minerals form 1. cooling magma 2. contact metamorphism 3. moving water
Water forms ore deposits in 2 ways: 1.When stream currents weaken dissolved material settles to the bottom to form ores2. material dissolves in water and mixes to form a solution when water evaporates a new material is formed
re again
source beginning
the fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas
formed from the remains of living things- buried beneath the earth fossil fuels
Fossil fuels consist of ____________ and ___. compounds of carbon; hydrogen
contain energy originally obtained from sunlight by plant and animals that lived millions of years ago hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons use energy in the form of ____ and ______. heat; light
dark colored organic rock coal
__________ produced coal. Giant ferns
____________ partially decompose the remains and coal forms. Dead plants and animals
____________ retains untapped mineral sources. the ocean
Vast coal deposits are remains of plants that have undergone catbonization
partially decomposed plants and trees that aer buried in swamp water. carboniztation
Marsh gases: Methane, water vapor, and carbon dioxide
Describe peat: a brownish- black material produce by partial decompostion of a plant
Describe lignite: brown coal;
Derscribe bituminous coal: soft coal; most abundant
Describe anthracite: hardest form of coal
____________ and _____________ ( types of coal) consist of ________ percent carbon and produce _______ when burned. Bituminous and anthracite ;80-90%; heat
2 isotopes of uranium are used in __________. nuclear reactors
mixtures of hdrocarbons produce _____ and ________. petroleum ; natural gas
name the microorganisms in the oceans: phytaplankton and zooplankton
consists of liquid hydrocarbons petroleum
another name for petroleum crude oil
_______ and ______ consist of liquid and mixtures of hydrocarbons and also formed from microorganisms that live in the oceans. petroleum and natural gas
3 forms of hydrocarbons: solid- coal, liquid- petroleum, gas- natural gas
liquids can flow easily through rock permeable
liquid does not flow easily through rock impermeable rock
full of holes porous
shale impermeable
impermeable rock that has capped off decomposing animals cap rock
name a native element gold
minerals form over _______ years. billions of
Sediments are deposited on streambeds when currents _____. become weaker
____________ changes rock contact metamorphism
______ is needed to decompose a substance. oxygen
________ occurs when a substance partially decomposes carbonization
_______ helps decompose plant material bacteria
Name the 4 stages of coal peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite
What substance is 100% carbon diamonds
formed from the carbonization of hydrocarbons petroleum and natural gas
cause the petroleum and natural gas to go to the earth's surface pressure
contain energy originally obtained from sunlight by plant and animals that lived millions of years ago hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons use energy in the form of ____ and ______. heat; light
dark colored organic rock coal
__________ produced coal. Giant ferns
____________ partially decompose the remains and coal forms. Dead plants and animals
____________ retains untapped mineral sources. the ocean
Vast coal deposits are remains of plants that have undergone catbonization
partially decomposed plants and trees that aer buried in swamp water. carboniztation
Marsh gases: Methane, water vapor, and carbon dioxide
Describe peat: a brownish- black material produce by partial decompostion of a plant
Describe lignite: brown coal;
Derscribe bituminous coal: soft coal; most abundant
Describe anthracite: hardest form of coal
____________ and _____________ ( types of coal) consist of ________ percent carbon and produce _______ when burned. Bituminous and anthracite ;80-90%; heat
2 isotopes of uranium are used in __________. nuclear reactors
mixtures of hdrocarbons produce _____ and ________. petroleum ; natural gas
name the microorganisms in the oceans: phytaplankton and zooplankton
consists of liquid hydrocarbons petroleum
another name for petroleum crude oil
_______ and ______ consist of liquid and mixtures of hydrocarbons and also formed from microorganisms that live in the oceans. petroleum and natural gas
3 forms of hydrocarbons: solid- coal, liquid- petroleum, gas- natural gas
liquids can flow easily through rock permeable
liquid does not flow easily through rock impermeable rock
full of holes porous
shale impermeable
impermeable rock that has capped off decomposing animals cap rock
name a native element gold
minerals form over _______ years. billions of
Sediments are deposited on streambeds when currents _____. become weaker
____________ changes rock contact metamorphism
______ is needed to decompose a substance. oxygen
________ occurs when a substance partially decomposes carbonization
_______ helps decompose plant material bacteria
Name the 4 stages of coal peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite
What substance is 100% carbon diamonds
formed from the carbonization of hydrocarbons petroleum and natural gas
cause the petroleum and natural gas to go to the earth's surface when a drill punctures an oil pool pressure
main source of energy for industries fossil fuels
_____ is the main fossil fuel burned to produce electricity. Coal
____ is the most abundant fossil fuel. Coal
undiscovered petroleum deposits in North America ocean floor along the edges of North America
_____% of petroleum is still underground 90
most common method of removing coal strip mining
Strip mining is bad for the enviroment because leaves deep trenches which traps acids made by coal
number of products made by petrochemicals 3,000
____ of all coal deposits are found in U.s , soviet union, and china. 2/3
coal could be used in _ years 200
Created by: surfergurl
Popular Science sets




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