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Hip Outline

from EK ch 9

___________________ and ________________________ nerves are two largest nerves that exit _________________________ plexus .
Femoral nerve innervates most of hip _______________ and all of knee ________________ .
Obturator nerve innervates primarily hip ______________________ muscles .
_________________________, composed of tibial nerve and common peroneal nerve .
Tibial portion innervates most _____________________ muscles and extensor head of_______________________. .
Common peroneal portion innervates remaining hamstring—_______________________and a number of muscles important to ________________ function .
Other nerves from _______________________ plexus innervate gluteal muscles, tensor fasciae latae, and five of six short external rotator muscles .
These nerves are largely named for _________________________ .
Actively anteriorly tilting pelvis is created by force-couple involving __________________muscles and _______________________ .
This interaction is similar to "push and pull" when turning a steering wheel; the erector spinaemuscles pull _______ at same time hip flexors pull __________ upward/downward
Hip flexor muscles are used for variety of activities that are dependent on stabilization provided by ________________ abdominal muscles
With weakened abdominal muscles, attempts at flexing extended leg often result in unwanted _________________________ pelvic tilt and excessive lumbar _____________________ .
Posterior pelvic tilt is produced by a force-couple created by ___________________ muscles and hip ___________________________ .
Posterior pelvic tilt ________________________ lordosis in lumbar spine .
Activities such as running or jumping can require immense hip extension torques; position of ______________ elongates hip extensors, better enabling them to produce large forces hip flexion
Many hip _______________________ muscles are converted to extensors when hip is in flexed position .
Like switching gears in a car, position of hip flexion strongly engages available _________of numerous hip muscles extension torque
Hip abductor muscles play critical role in controlling pelvis within _______plane while walking frontal
During stance phase of gait, hip _______muscles of stance leg must hold pelvis__________ abductor - level
As hip abductor muscles stabilize pelvis, they also create _________________________________, relevant to treating someone with an unstable or ___________hip joint painful
Therapeutic measures (principles of joint protection) are often employed to _______________ large forces crossing a painful or weakened hip .
One way to protect hip is to use cane in hand ________________________ affected hip .
Cane is often used to _______________________ force production requirements of hip abductors, reducing _______________ that may further injure joint opposite - compressive forces
By using cane in hand opposite affected hip, pelvis can be held _______ level
Most obvious function of adductor muscles is to adduct ________, e.g., accelerating lower extremity across midline to kick soccer ball femur
From a closed-chain perspective, this muscle group can also rapidly lower___________side of pelvis .
Adductors accelerate lower extremity toward ball, adding force by actively lowering _____________ of right side
Regardless of hip position, extensor head of ____________________________ is an extensor .
Remaining hip adductors can function as _____________________ or __________________, depending on hip position, and can flexion and extension torque .
Switching from flexion to extension may explain adductors' susceptibility to injuries while_____________________ .
Six Short External Rotator Muscles: piriformis - obturator int. - obturator ext. - quadratus femoris - gemellus sup. - gemellus inf.
Hip has ________________________ internal rotators, but several ___________________ internal rotators that help change direction of the advancing limb and balance force of other ____________muscles - flexor
Secondary internal rotators include anterior fibers of ___________________and_______________,_______________,__________________,______________. glut. med. - glut.min. - tensor fasciae latae, adductor longus, and adductor brevis
Angle of inclination: Frontal plane angle created btwn femoral neck and shaft
Created by: llacorte
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