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9th Grade History

Ellis Island The port of entry for the majority of European immigrants
Angel Island The port of entry for the majority of Asian immigrants
horizontal integration Controlling all the means of production at ONE level of the process, like all the refineries in the oil business
vertical integration Controlling all the means of production at ALL levels of the process, like a coal mine, an iron mine, a railroad and a steel mill
Sherman Act A Law which tried to prevent interstate businesses from forming monopolies.
Dawes Act A Law which tried to force the assimilation of Native Americans
Homestead Act A Law which gave free land to anyone who would live on it and improve it
Treaty of Fort Laramie An agreement between the government and Native Americans in which the government agreed to support the Native Americans and they agreed to live on reservations
Morrill Act A law which created land grant colleges
Sitting Bull A Sioux Chief who tried to resist whites but was killed
Wounded Knee An event in which the U S Cavalry killed many unarmed Sioux Indians
Little Big Horn An event in which Native Americans wiped out over 260 of Custer’s 7th Cavalry
In the mid 1800’s, a settler in the western United States was least likely to earn a living as A factory worker
What best describes how the growth of new industries affected the United States? It helped build the U.S. into an economic giant.
Which is most responsible for increasing industrialization in the late 19th century? The railroad industry
The Homestead Act required those who claimed land under the act to Work the land for at least 5 years, after which it would be free
How did the national government help the transcontinental railroads? They provided land grants so the railroads could sell land to finance building.
What event marked the end of the wars between the government and Native Americans on the Great Plains? The Battle of Wounded Knee
The Republican candidate and winner of the election of 1896 was William McKinley
How did many business owners like Rockefeller try to increase profits in the late 19th century? They created monopolies by eliminating competition.
What most influenced the growth of the United States economy between 1865 and l900? Governmental policy of laissez faire
Which most transformed agricultural production in the late 19th century? Increases in the use of farm machinery
Which most affected the culture of the Native Americans on the plains? Building of the transcontinental railroad
What was life like for workers in the city in the late 19th century? Workers had no control over their working conditions
What was the most significant lasting effect of railroad construction on the United States? It promoted the development of towns and other businesses.
What was the purpose of the Dawes Act? To promote assimilation of Native Americans
Which political party worked for the interests of the farmers in the late 19th century? Populists
What was a major factor in bringing people to the city from the farms? Availability of factory jobs
Andrew Carnegie was a powerful figure in which industry? Steel
Where did most immigrants to the United States settle by 1885-1900? In large cities near the industrial belt of the East
In the late 1800s, farmers tended to support bimetallism because that would: put more money in circulation
What is a reason for the growth of labor unions in the late 19th century? Dangerous working conditions marked by long hours and low wages
Even though the US excluded Chinese immigration in 1882, the US did not restrict immigration of other groups until the early 20th century. What is an important reason why the US did not restrict immigration in the late 19th century? There was a need for cheap labor
Critics of powerful industrialists referred to them robber barons
Between 1870 and 1920 most immigrants to the US came from which continent7 Europe
At the turn of the century, why did most immigrants come to the United States? Positions as unskilled laborers were readily available in US cities
The growth of cities in the late nineteenth century was caused MAINLY by the: expansion of industry
What did Social Darwinism discourage? government regulation of business
What statement is closest to the philosophy of Social Darwinists? “According to human nature, the most talented people will always come out on top"
What was not a natural resource that enabled U.S. industry to grow? railroads
Created by: skurdoo
Popular U.S. History sets




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