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What %-age of the blood is plasma and what are it's components? 55% of total blood volume. Consistes of water, proteins, nutrients, hormones, electrolytes
What %-age of blood is the buffy coat and what are it's components? 1%. Consistes of WBC's and plts
What %age of the blood is RBC's? ~45% of blood volume
What important O2 carrying molecule is contained within each RBC? Hemoglobin
Role of RBC's Transport O2 to peripheral tissues & organsCarry CO2 to lungs as a waste product to be exhaled
Hematopoiesis formation fo blood cells (production of cells all cells)
Life span of RBC 120 days
Life span of WBC 6-8 hours
Life span of platelet 7-10 days
Does production of cells increase, decrease, or stay the same during stress? increase. Increased production to meet demand (altitude, illness, exercise, bleeding) Bone marrow ramps up production to keep up with destruction/loss
Erythropoiesis production of RBCs
Requirements of erythropoiesis rythropoietin stimulation of a healthy bone marrowAdequate supply of iron
Where is Erythropoietin produced? Peritubular interstitial cells of the kidney
What triggers the production of Erythropoietin? Low O2 delivery (hypoxia)
Name the cells in the BM that Erythropoietin acts on E-progenitor, start the production of new RBCs
When does the kidney stop releasing Erythropoeitin When it senses increased tissue oxygenation
How are old damaged RBCs removed from circulation? 90% by macrophages in the liver and spleen, 10% by hemolysis in circulation; fragments engulfed by macrophages
What components of the RBC are used again? Globin, heme, and iron
What signifies anemia? Decrease in Hgb or Hct concentration
Normal Hbg in females? >12.5g/dl
Normal Hgb in males >13.5 g/dl
Functional classification of anemia Production problem or destruction problem
How is distiction made between production vs destruction Examining reticulocyte count
Normal %age of reticulocytes in circulation 1-2%
Hypoproliferative anemia production problem (90% of anemias)
In Hypoproliferative anemia will reticulocyte count be increase, decreased, or stay the same? Explain why Reticulocyte count will be decrease (low). Bone marrow fails to respond to degree of anemia
What can attribute to a BM production problem Marrow damage, Iron defeciency (need iron to make RBCs), Decreased stimulation (lack of Epo -inflammation, renal dz)
What change will you see in reticulocytes in hyperproliferative anemia? increased retic count
What is hyperproliferative Anemia? Failure of bone marrow to compensate for blood loss or destriuction with increased RBC production
Give some examples of condictions thatcause hyoerproliferative anemia Acute blood loss, intravascular hemolysis, membrane abnomality, hemoglobinopathy, autoimmune defect
Name the 3 morphologic classifications of MCV Microctic, normocytic, macrocytic
"TICS" for microcytic anemia ThalassemiaIron def anemiaChronic InflammationSideroblastic
Thalassemia Hereditary disorders which affect the production of globin chains (alpha or beta)
Created by: lrcrisp
Popular Science sets




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