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Renaissance rebirth following the middle ages movement settled and the revival of interests on the classical learning of Greece and Rome
humanism an intellectual movement during the renaissance that focused on the study of worldly subjects such as poetry and philosophy and on human potential and achievements
secular having to do with worldly as opposed to religious
Baldassare Castiglione Italian diplomat and writer: wrote The Courtier important during Renaissance in it he delineates the rules and correct behavior for a courtier to adopt in order to win favor from a ruler
Niccoló Machiavelli Italian political philosopher and statesman; wrote the prince which advised ruler to separate morals from politics, he insisted a ruler could do whatever it take to succeed and the end would justify it
Lorenzo de Medici Florentine ruler; supports best Renaissance artists,known for his patronage and liberal mind
Leonardo da Vinci Italian painter, sculptor architect musician engine and scientist; interests and talents spanned many disciplines painted the Mona Lisa
Michelangelo Buonarroti Italian sculptor architect painter and poet; he sculpted the pieta and the David pained the ceiling of the Sistine chapel
Raphael Italian painter he painted the frescos his most famous being the school of Athens
Johannes Gutenberg German inventor and painter; invented movable type his first printed publication was a 1283 page bible
Desiderius Erasmus Dutch priest and humanist; wrote the need for a pure and simple christian life but fanned the flames of the roman catholic church
Sir Thomas More English statesman and author wrote utopia which describes and ideal society
William Shakespeare English dramatist and poet; considered one of the greatest wrote romeo and Juliet, hamlet, and a midsummer nights dream
Christine de Pisan French poet and author ; wrote the city of women which describes the roles of women in society she supported equality and education for women
Albrecht Durer German painter, engraver, and theoretician; he combined techniques of realism and perspective with elements unique to the northern Renaissance, such as the use of oils in his printings
Jan Van Eyck Flemish painter; paintings focused on landscapes and domestic life and fused everyday with religion
Protestant Reformation a religious movement in the 1500s that split the christian church in western Europe and led to the establishment of new churches
indulgences pardon issued by the pope that reduced the souls time in purgatory they could be purchased and led to to corruption
Martin Luther German monk who protest against the catholic church in 1517 led too call the reform and or movement known as the reformation
theocracy a government ruled by religious leaders
John Calvin French protestant theologian of the reformation; he founded Calvinism which was associated with doctrine of predestination
predestination the belief that at the beginning of time god would choose who got salvation
Henry VII King of England; was the fist king from the house of Tudor his defeat of Richard III and his assumption of the throne marked the end of the Wars of the Roses and the beginning of a new era in English history
annulled declared invalid because of church laws
Elizabeth I Queen of England form 1558 to 1603; a skillful politician and diplomat she reasserted protestant supremacy in England
Counter-Reformation the catholic Church series of reforms in response ti the spread ot Protestantism in mid 1500s to early 1600s
Jesuits member of the catholic religious order the society of Jesus founded by Ignatius Loyola
Ignatius Spanish churchman and founder of the Jesuits order of priest proved effective for reviving Catholicism during renaissance
Council of Trent the meeting of church leader s in the 1500s whose purpose was to clearly define doctrines for the catholic reformation
Charles Borromeo Archbishop of Milan form 1560 to 1584; he took steps to implent the reforms ordered by the council of trent
Francis of Sales French roman Catholic leader and preacher worked to win back the district of savoy in France from Calvinism
Teresa of Avila Spanish carmelite nun and one of the principal saints of teh roman Catholic church she reformed the Carmelite order her fervor proved inspiring
Created by: patriciacruz
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