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early Islam

Baker's early middle ages Islamic civilization

ancient site where Constantine established his capital Byzantium
the name Constantine first gave to his capital city New Rome
the eventual name Constantine gave to his capital Constantinople
Which Byzantine leader established a code of laws? Justinian
What was the name of his code of laws (in Latin)? Corpus Iuris Civilis
What is the English translation of Corpus Iuris Civilis Body of Civil Law
greatest construction project of Byzantine empire Hagia Sophia
Emperor of the Middle Byzantine period who pursued conquest of surrounding areas and destruction of images Leo III
the people who held high government positions in the Byzantine empire eunuchs
effect on women of eunuchs in government women were forced into seclusion in homes
language used in the Byzantine empire Greek
who were the Seljuks? turkish tribe
What did the Seljuks do the the Byzantine empire? Took Asia Minor
Seljuk leader at Nicaea Suleiman
Name given to Suleiman's realm Sultanate of Rum
two key cities of the Principality of Kiev Kiev and Novgorod
Viking prince brought in to govern Principality of Kiev when people couldn't live in peace Prince Rurik
Rurik's son who took over when Rurik left Oleg
first leader of a unified Rus state Oleg
who made the Rus state an Eastern Orthodox state Vladimir
greatest ruler of the Rus State Yaroslav the wise
Dates of Yaroslav 1015-1054
major building project of Yaroslav cathedral at Kiev
historical record of the Rus state Primary Chronicle
Probable birth date of Muhammad 570-571
Muhammad's trade before becoming a prophet camel driver
What happened to Muhammad in 610 angel Gabriel spoke to him
city where Muhammad first began preaching Mecca
response to Muhammad in Mecca rejection
nature of Mecca as a city center of pagan worship
year that Muhammad left Mecca 622
to what city did Muhammad go from Mecca? Yathrib
new name of Yathrib Medina
name of Muhammad's flight to Medina hijra/hegira
our year that was year 1 for the Moslem calendar 622 AD
year that Muhammad died 632
name of Moslem New Year's Day Al-Hijra
dates the Quran was written 651-2
language in which Quran was written Arabic
name for Muhammad's successors caliph
Muhammad's successor Abu Bakr
first Islamic dynasty of caliphs Umayyad
name for the traditions accepted as theology by the Sunnis hadith
name for the schismatic group of Moslems who reject the hadith Shiites
founder of direct line of caliphs accepted by Shiites Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law
caliph described in the 1001 Arabian nights Caliph Harun al Rashid-
Islamic writer of medical treatises Al-Razi
Spanish Islamic philosopher who wrote commentaries on Aristotle ibn Rushd (Averroes)--
3 monuments of Islamic Spain mosque (now a cathedral) at Cordoba, Alhambra, Alcazar
tribal name of herders on Arabian peninsula Bedouins
tribal name of herders in North Africa Berbers
four main cities of Islamic civilization Baghdad, Cairo, Cordoba, Damascus
caliph dynasty during which Seljuks took territory Abbasid
Created by: mrsbear1024
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