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Stack #288841

Ch.10:A New Civilization Emerges in Western Europe

Middles Ages the period in western Europe history from the decline and fall of the Roman Empire until the 15th cent.
Vikings seagoing Scandinavian raiders from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway who disrupted coastal areas of western Europe from the 8th to the 11th cent.
manorialism system that described economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant laborers during the Middle Ages; involved a hierarchy of reciprocal obligations that exchanged labor or rents for access to land
serfs peasant agricultural laborers within manorial system
moldboard heavy plow introduced in northern Europe during the Middles Ages; permitted deeper cultivation of heavier soils; a technological innovation of the medieval agricultural system
three-field system system of agricultural cultivation by 9th century in western Europe; included one-third in spring gains, one-third fallow
Clovis early Frankish king; converted Franks to Christianity c. 496; allowed establishment of Frankish kingdom
Carolingians royal house of Franks after 8th cent. until their replacement in 10th cent.
Charles Martel Carolingian monarch of the Franks; responsible for defeating Muslims in battle of Tours in 732; ended Muslim threat to western Europe
Charlemagne Charles the Great; Carolingian monarch who established substantial empire in France and Germany c. 800
Holy Roman emperors emperors in northern Italy and Germany following split of Charlemagne's empire; claimed title of emperor c. 10th cent.; failed to develop centralized monarchy in Germany
vassals members of the military elite who received land or a benefice from lord in return for their military service and loyalty
William the Conqueror invade England from Normandy in 1066; extended tight feudal system to England; established administrative system based on sheriffs; established centralized monarchy
Magna Carta Great Charter issued by King John of England in 1215; confirmed feudal rights against monarchial claims; represented principle of mutual limits and obligations between rulers and feudal aristocracy
parliaments bodies representing privileged groups; institutionalized feudal principle that rulers should consult with their vassals; found in England, Spain, Germany, and France
three estates the church, nobles, and urban leaders were represented by parilaments
Hundred Years' War conflict between England and France from 1337 to 1453; fought over lands England possessed in France and feudal rights versus the emerging claims of national states
Urban II called First Crusade in 1095; appealed to Christians to mount military assault to free the Holy Land from the Muslims
Gregory VII Pope during the 11th cent. who attempted to free church from interference of feudal lords; quarreled it Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV over practice of lay investiture
investiture practice of state appointment of bishops; Pope Gregory VII attempted to ban the practice of lay investiture, leading to war with Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV
Peter Abelard author of Yes and No; university scholar who applied logic to problems of theology; demonstrated logical contradictions within established doctrine
Bernard of Clairvaux emphasized role of faith in preference to logic; stressed importance of mystical union with God; successfully challenged Abelard and had him driven from the universities
Thomas Aquinas emphasized role of faith in preference to logic; stressed importance of mystical union with God; successfully challenged Abelard and had him driven from the universities
scholasticism dominant medieval philosophical approach; so-called because of its base in the schools or universities; based on use of logic to resolve theological problems
Gothic an architectural style developed during the Middle Ages in western Europe; featured pointed arches and flying buttresses as external supports on main walls
Hanseatic League an organization of cities in northern Germany and southern Scandinavia for the purpose of establishing a commercial alliance
guild sworn associations of people in the same business of trade in a single city; stressed security and mutual control; limited membership, regulated apprenticeship, guaranteed good workmanship; often established franchise within cities
Black Death plague that struck Europe in 14th century; significantly reduced Europe’s’ population; affected social structure
Created by: NicaGurl12
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