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PSM Ayurvedic Terms

Sanskrit terms used in PSM TT material

Ayurveda Science of life, mind-body health systems
Agni Digestive fire
Ama Toxic residue which accumulates in the mind and body
Abhyanga Oil massage
Dosha Mind body consitution
Vata Dosha responsible for movement (elements - space & air)
Pitta Dosha responsible for metabolisms, transformation (elements - fire & water)
Kapha Dosha responsible for structure (elements - earth and water)
Prakruti Nature or original doshic proportions
Vrikruti Doshic imbalance
Dhatu Bodily tissues
Mahabhutas Great elements
Akasha Space
Vayu Air
Jaia Water
Prithivi Earth
Marma Junction points between consciousness and matter on the body
Panchakarma The five purifying therapies
Ojas Subtlest life essence, which exists at the junction of consciousness and matter, giving strength and vitality
Madhura Sweet
Amla Sour
Lavana Salty
Tikta Bitter
Kashya Astringent
Katu Pungent
Srota Channel of circulation in the body
Tanmatras Subtle elements, sense perceptions
Shabda Sound
Sparsha Touch
Rupa Sight
Rasa Taste
Gandha Smell
Five Kleshas Veils or coverings
Avidya Mistaking the unreal for the real or ignorance
Asmita Holding tightly to the concept of "I"
Raga Attraction to pleasure
Dvesha Aversion to pain
Abhinevesha Fear of ending
Muladhara Root Chakra as base of spine; sound Lam; colour Red
Svadhisthana Creativity Chakra in lower belly housing reproductive organs; sound Vam; colour Orange
Manipura Energy Chakra in belly button area housing disgestive organs; sound Ram; colour Golden Yellow
Anahata Heart Chakra in center of the chest; sound Yam; colour Emerald Green
Vishuddha Expression Chakra in throat area; sound Ham; colour Blue
Ajna Intuition Chakra in middle of and slightly above brows or third eye; sound Sham; colour Indigo Blue/Purple
Sahasrara Crown Chakra at top of head; sound Om; colour White
Created by: CNikoden
Popular Sanskrit sets




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