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Myology Study of muscles
Muscles make up how much of the bodies weight 40-60%
How many muscles are in the body? over 600
Functions of Muscles locomotion, motor functions, shapes and supports the skeleton, body temperature
Myology Study of muscles
Muscles make up how much of the bodies weight 40-60%
How many muscles are in the body? over 600
Functions of Muscles locomotion, motor functions, shaes and supports the skeleton
Types of muscles Skeletal (voluntary), Smooth (involuntary or viseral), Cardiac (involuntary)
Skeletal Muscles move by will, many striations, fastens to bone, skin & other muscles, controlled by CNS
Smooth (Involuntary or Viseral) found in walls of stomach, intestines, blood vessels, controlled by ANS, spindle shaped cell w/ one nucleus
Cardiac (Involuntary) some striations, heart only, specialized ANS
Characteristics of muscles irritability, contractability, elasticity, extensibility
Irritabilty reaction to any form of stimuli
Contractability ability of a muscle to contract
Elasticity ability to maintain original shape after stretching
Extensibility ability to stretch
Muscle tissue contractile fibers arranged in seperate parallel bundles (fascicles)
Connective tissue forms a continuous frame-like network throughout the body
Epimysium outer most layer; covering of an individual muscle
Fascicles warm like structures that extend the length of muscles
Perimysium seperates the muscle into bundles of muscle fibers
Endomysium inner most layers, inside the fascile, covers each muscle fiber
Myofibrils smallest, make up muscle fibers, surrounded by sarcolemma contains actin & myosen
Actin & Myosin Proteins that work together to create striations
Actin (in muscle) allows for contraction
Myosin interacts with it to contract
Adenosine Triphosphate energy comes from a breakdown of this molecule
Adenosine diphosphate formed when ATP molecule is broken down thereby releasing energy
Origin immovable section of skeleton where muscle is anchored
Insertion where movement takes place
Isometric contraction when muscle contracts and the ends of the body parts that are affected DO NOT MOVE
Isotonic Contraction the distance btwn the ends of the muscles change
2 Types of Isotonic Contraction Concentric and Eccentric
Concentric Contraction distance decreases
Eccentric Contraction distance increases
Agonist main muscle causing the action
Antagonist opposing muscle that acts the opposite
Synergist musle that assists other muscles
Fixator allow for weight bearing functions
Flexion contraction of muscle ,decrease the angle
Extension increase angle
Abduction take away from trunk
Adduction move towards the trunk
Rotation twisting
Dorisflexion toes up
Plantar Flexion toes down
Pronation palms down
Supination palms up
Muscle Spasms sudden involuntary muscle contraction of a muscle or group of muscles
Muscle Strains Class 1/Mild; Class2/Moderate; Class 3/Severe
Class 1/ Mild Strain stretched
Class 2/Moderate Strain partially torn
Class 3/ Severe Strain complete tear
Hypertrophy enlargement of muscel due to repeated forceful activity
Atrophy muscle degeneration
Tendonitis inflammation of the tendons
Hypertonia increased muscle tone
Hypotonia decreased muscle tone
Created by: ktbcktt
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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