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Caesar's Eng. 3

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latter the second
dejected in low spirits
despondent disheartened
rebuke a sharp criticism
writhe twist, squirm
aloof unfriendly
dissipate disperse
portent an omen
phenomenon an unusual occurrence
resolute determined
fain pleased, gladly
myriad countless
entreat ask earnestly
billow a wave
fervor passion
conjure summon
reprove to reprimand
abashed embarrassed
plaintive mournful
conjecture guess
morose sullen
droll amusing
confound to perplex
wince to shrink involuntarily
diffidence lack of confidence
jovial cheerful
listless uninterested
sallow sickly yellow
grimace a sharp expression
evince to show
expostulate to object earnestly
din a racket
deprecate to deplore
eddy a swirl or whirlpool
demure modest and shy
injunction a command or prohibition
wan pallid or weak
expedient a convenient means
reproach accuse, blame, rebuke
decorum proper behavior
affect to influence
anon shortly
feign pretend
eloquence effective language
wont habit
benefactor financial contributor
hitherto until now
complacence smug self-satisfaction
interpose put between
martial warlike
patron a customer or a supporter
intervene to come between
gesticulate to gesture
haggard looking exhausted
fastidious detailed
discomfit to make uneasy
sage profoundly wise
plausible believable
animated lively
obtrude to intrude noticeably
meditate to think deeply
sojourn a visit
oppress to tyrannize
fortnight a two-week period
apparition a specter
intelligible understandable
poignant touching, sad
mitigate alleviate
impute attribute to
ardor enthusiasm, passion
semblance appearance
requite to repay
congenial agreeable
indefatigable tireless
anecdote a short account
ponder to consider carefully
suffuse to spread over
physiognomy facial features
pertinacity stubborn persistence
assiduous diligent
enmity hostility
enumerate to list
sundry various
opaque not transpose
disconsolate inconsolable
luminous light-emitting
effusion an outpouring
affront an insult
impediment an obstruction
ruminate think deeply
accost to confront
petulant bad-tempered
efface erase
edify to instruct
voluble speaking incessantly
obeisance a gesture of respect
obdurate refusing to change
antipathy deep dislike
Created by: CDM2KK
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