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ICD 9 - Terminology

Terminology Quiz

Acute Refers to the condition that is the primary reason for the current encunter. e.g.: Sudden Onset
Adverse Any response to a drug that is noxious and unintended and occurs with proper dosage. e.g.: alergic reaction
Aftercare An encounter for something planned in advance, for example, cast removal.
Alphabetic The portion of the ICD-9-CM that lists definitions and codes in alphabetic order. Also called Volume 2.
Carry-Over Lines Are always indented more than two spaces from the level of the preceding line.
Category Refers to diagnoses code listed within a specific three-digit category, for example, category 250, Diabetes Mellitus.
Cause That which brings about any condition or produces any effect.
Chronic Continuing over a long period of time or recurring frequently.
Coding The process of transferring written or verbal descriptions of diseases, injuries and procedures into numerical designations.
Combination A code that combines a diagnosis with an associated secondary process or complication.
Complication The occurance of two or more diseases in the same patient at the same time.
Concurrent When a patient is being treated bymore than one provider for different care conditions at the same time.
CPT - Current Procedural Terminology Listing of codes and descriptions for procedures, services and supplies published by the American Medical Association. Used to bill insurance carriers. ($ Book)
Diagnosis A written description of the reason(s) for the procedure, service or encounter.
Down Coding The process where the insurance carriers reduce the value of a procedure and the resulting reimbursement due to either 1) a mismatch of CPT code and description or 2) ICD-9-CM does not justify the procedure or level of service.
E Codes Specific ICD-9-CM codes used to identify the cause of injury, poisoning and other adverse effects.
Eponyms Medical procedures or conditions named after a person
Etiology The cause(s) or origin of a disease
ICD-9-CM Internationsl Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification
ICD-10 Internationsl Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision
Late Effect A residual effect condition produced after the acute phase of an illness ot injury has ended. e.g: arthritis from broken leg years before
Main Term Refers to listing in the Alphebetic Index appearing BOLDFACE type.
Manifestions Characteristics, signs or symptons of an illness
Multiple Refers to the need to use more than one ICD-9-CM code to fully identify a coding condition
Primary Code The ICD-9-CM code that defines the main reason for the current encounter
Residual The long-term condition(s) resulting froma previous acute illness or injury.
Rule Out Refers to a method used to indicate that a condition is probable, suspected or questionable but unconfirmed. ICD-9-CM has no provisions for the use of this term.
Secondary Code(s) Listed after the primary code that further indicate the cause(s) code for the current encounter of define the need for higher levels of care.
Sequencing The process of listing ICD-9-CM codes in the proper order.
Specificity Refers to requirement to code to the highest number of digits possible, 3, 4 or 5, when choosing ICD-9-CM code.
Sub-Term Refers to listings appearing in the Alphebetic Index under Main Terms and always-indented two spaces to the right.
Sub Categories Refers to the groupings of four-digits coded listed under three-digit categories.
Tabular List Is the portion of the ICD-9-CM that lists codes and definitions in numeric order. Also referred to as Volume 1.
V Codes Specific ICD-9-CM codes used to identify encounters for reasons other than illness or injury, for example, immunization.
Volume 1 See Tabular List
Volume 2 See Alphabetic Index
Volume 3 Procedure codes used for hospital coding. Volume 3 contains both a numeric listing and alphabetic index.
Created by: xzt0rh
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