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Skin match HLTH 303

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Dermatitis - contact - allergic As for contact irritant dermatitis, but rash is not confined to areas of exposure.
Dermatitis - contact - Irritant Contact irritant: Varies from erythema, swelting of varying magnitude, vesicles / bullae, oozing / crusting and pruritis or burning in earlier stages. Secondary infection may occur. Later typified by scaling and temporary thickening of the skin. May sprea
Drug eruptions The development of skin or mucous membrane eruptions that follow the administration of a drug, by either oral or parenteral route.
Eczema A chronic, superficial inflammation of the skin which is usually pruritic in nature. It is a form of dermatitis known as 'atopic dermatitis'.
Eczema Infant Often starts at approximately 2/12 of age, improves by age 3-4, but exacerbations throughout childhood and adulthood are common Skin appears red, with small vesicles on a puffy surface with small cracks that ooze serum Areas affected include face (not usu
Erythema multiforme An inflammatory disorder of skin or mucous membranes, characterised by symmetrical lesions which are erythematous, edematous or bullous in nature.
Dermatitis - seborrhoeic In adults and older children, it appears as diffuse scales over the scalp, and sometimes on the eyebrows, bridge of the nose, external auditory canal, behind the ears and along the hairline. Scales may be dry or greasy. If severe, papules may
Erythema nodosum An inflammatory disorder of skin, usuatly in the pre-tibial region, comprising tender, erythematous nodules.
Lichen planus A recurrent, inflammatory disorder of skin or mucous membranes, characterised by angular shaped papules.
Boils Acute, tender, inflammatory nodules
Carbuncles A cluster of boils
Creeping eruption A parasitic, pruritic skin infestation
Dermatophytoses Dermatophytosis or TINEA or RINGWORM, are general terms, essentially synonymous, applied to mycotic diseases of keratinised areas of the body (hair, skin and nails).
Erysipelas A cellulitis caused by beta haemolytic streptococcus
Erythrasma A superficial skin infection, caused by a bacteria - Corynebacterium minutissimum
FOLLICULITIS A bacterial infection of hair follicles. It may be superficial or deep, acute or chronic.
Impetigo - A contagious, superficial, inflammatory disease.
Paronychia cute area of inflammation with pain. Pus formation may occur, leading to the development of an abscess. Infection may spread to deeper tissues. Chronic paronychia presents with swelling of the periungual region, and distortion of the nail is commonly seen
Pediculosis Capitis, Corporis, Pubis. On examination, small, white-grey eggs (nits) can be observed on the hairs. They are very resistant to removal. T
Pityriasis rosea Lesions are macular to maculopapular. Size varies from pin head to 20c size or larger. Usually oval with tong axis along lines of cleavage of skin, ie. Found along natural skin creases. Pink tone colour Has a fine collarette of scale inside the pink borde
Pityriasis versicolor Onset is gradual. Lesions are macular. > Lesions are fawn or café au lait in colour. Sions are well defined, of varying size which may coalesce. It may resemble vitiligo because only the unaffected skin pigments in sunbathers. It is covered with fine braw
Scabies Manifestations of the disorder occur approximately 4-6 weeks after infestation, as a result ofa delayed hypersensitivity reaction. The most distressing feature is the intense pruritis, which is worse at night when the patient is in bed. The characteristic
Scalded skin syndrome Usually commences with a localised, crusted lesion eg near the umbilical stump. Erythematous areas then develop in the local area, and can become more generalised. Blisters then develop, followed by desquamation of large areas of skin. Systemic symptoms a
Warts Commonest viral condition of the skin. Has manytypes including 'plantar', 'plane', filiform' and 'common' forms.
Albinism Sufferers commonly have pate skin, white hair and pink eyes. They sunburn easily and are very prone to skin cancers.
Melasma Areas of pigmentation are generally dark brown, bilateral (approximately symmetrical), and most commonly found on forehead, temples and upper cheeks.
Vitiligo Well demarcated areas (single or multiple) of depigmentation.
Acne rosacea A chronic inflammatory disorder, invoMng central area offace, assodated with acne type of lesions and telangjectasias. Provoked by persistent reflux flushing of face.
Acne vulgaris Plugging of hair follictes by keratin causes retention of sebum, producing the characteristic "comedone" (blackhead). These may be secondarity infected with skin bacteria. The comedone black tip is due to oxidation of the sebaceous material. It is surroun
Alopecia Non-scarring alopecia: There is no scarring, and hair loss is rarely complete. Scarring alopecia: Hair loss follows skin inflammation or injury. Signs of scarring are seen. > Alopecia areata: a circumscribed area of hair loss, variable in size. " Toxic al
Sebaceous cysts Slow growing, globular cyst Firm to touch, non-tender unless secondary infection has occurred If punctured or ruptured, material is greasy, cream to yellow colour and malodorous
Hyperhidrosis Moist skin There may be skin discolouration Often malodorous
Angiomas Angiomas, which occur in about 1/3 of newborn infants, are usually congenital or appear shortly after birth
Basal cell carcinoma Mainly on sun exposed skin offair people. Onset is insidious and lesion is slow growing. Clinical presentation may vary Nodular - pinhead to peasize, or somewhat larger. " Edge is "pearly", shiny and raised (this is a notabte characteristic). Surface may
Dermatofibroma Papule or nodule " Red-brown Most commonly found on the legs
Karposis sarcoma Differs slightly in AIDS patients or non-AIDS patients In AIDS: Papules, nodules and plaques develop first on upper part of body, then become generalised. Round or oval Lesions may range from pink, red, purple and brown Visceral lesions and lymph node inv
Keratoacanthoma A fast growing nodule on sun-exposed skin of fair people. Starts as slightly keratotic fleshy papule, rapidly develops a keratotic core with a fleshy rim. The core may then fall out leaving a fleshy umbilicated nodule. Maximum size in 3-4/52 - usually 1cm
Lipomas Most commonly found on the upper part of the body Often multiple - Soft and mobile Subcutaneous Usually asymptomatic
Melanocytic naevi The average white adult has about 50 moles: dark-skinned people have few, if any. Moles are flat to elevated, flesh-coloured to dark-brown macules and papules, located randomly over the entire skin surface. Moles are occasionally present at birth. They us
Melanoma Not a Mole: Rapid growth. ' Variegated instead of homogeneous pigment (speckles of different colour). Iffusion of pigment from papule into surrounding skin. Resembles spread of ink on blotting Inflammation of surroundin
1. Lentigo maligna (about 30% of melanomas): A slowly-growing dark macule on the face of an elderly white person. > There is an irregular border, indistinct edges, various shades of brown, tan and black hypopigmentation. ^ ft may be present for many years as a macule (malignant cetls confined to the
2. Superficial spreading melanoma (about 50% of melanomas): This grows as a slightly elevated plaque anywhere on body. It has an irregular border, with areas of blurring of pigment into surrounding skin in various shades of black, brown. White. It may have rim of pink inflammation. The surface is slightly fragile
3. Nodular melanoma (about 20% of melanomas): This arises suddenly as a papule or nodule on the skin or in a mole. It is a blue-black or brown module which bleeds easily, often with a rim of inflammation. It is occasionally flesh-coloured. It may only take weeks for metastasis to occur (cells spread
Pagets disease of the nipple and extramammary Pagets disease Breast lump, and unilateral dermatitis of the areola.
Seborrhoeic keratoses Light to dark brown patches, often on trunk, scalp, face. Usually papular, 1-2cm, and round to oval with rough and/or flat surface. Keratin cap can be peeled off with fingernail easily.
Squamous cell carcinoma Onset is gradual. Opaque, skin coloured, fleshy papule, nodule or plaque which is usually scaly, keratotic or eroded.When it is 1-2cm diameter, ulceration occurs, and the edge of ulcer is thick and everted. Tissue is fragile, so oozing and bleeding are co
Psoriasis Well defined papules or plaques of varying sizes, lesions red with silvery scales. Pin point bleeding occure when scales removed. Characteristically on extensor surface
Keratoa canthoma Fast growing modute on sun exposed skin of fair peopte, starts as papule, rapidly grows over 34/52, develops a keratotic core which may fall out forming an umbilicated nodule. Resolves over 3/12.
Seborrhocic warts Light to dark brown papules in middle aged to older caucasians. Often found on trunk, scalp and face. 1-2cm, oval with rough, flat surface. Enhanced by sun damage.
Papule Raised, firm, circumscribed, up to a centimetre in size.
Pustule Circumscribed elevations offree purulent fluid. In some diseases pustules may be sterile eg. Acne.
Telangiectasia Dilated superficial blood vessels.
CRUSTS Must be differentiated from scates. These are masses of dried exudate, bacteria and leukocytes. They are a dirty yellow colour, may be soft, dry and friable or thick and hard. Surface is uneven, consistency more lumpy and no well defined layers.
SCALES Masses of dead tissues, dry or greasy depending on the condition. In psoriasis - dry and silvery; seborrhoeic dermatitis - greasy and yellowmg.
KOEBNER'S SPECIAL PHENOMENON Is the appearance in a patient, usuatly with psoriasis or lichen planus, offeatures of these diseases in an area of skin that has been traumatised eg. If a person with psoriasis is scratched by a thorn or nail, within a short time, psoriasis may appear in
FISSURES A linear cleft or groove on the surface of the skin (and other body parts).
BURROWS A passage made in the tissues by certain parasitic insect larvae.
EROSIONS Loss of part or all of the epithelium.
SCAR Fibrous tissue replacing normal tissue.
LICHENIFICATION Thickened skin, with increased prominence of skin markings
Chicken pox Varicella-Zoster virus: a Herpes virus. Red, itchy rash. Maculopapular few hours, then vesicular for 3-4 days. Spreads to whole body. Sudden onset of slight fever.
Erythema infectiosum many asymptomaitc. Maybe flu-like symptoms, mild fever, myalgia and chills. typical rash on cheeks appear a week later.
Herpes simplex infections cold sore or vesicles in genital region or orophyngaryngeal region depending on the type.
Measles - virus highly contagious disease, prodromal fever, conjuctivitis, coryza, cough, red blotchy rash
Created by: kroberg
Popular Chiropractic sets




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