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Pathology Study of disease, focusing on physiologic, gross, and microscopic morphologic changes in cells reacting to injury
Disease An impairment of the normal state of the living animal or plant body that affects the performance of the vital functions
How are most disease catagorized? Pathological processes
Etiology Cause of disease
Iatrogenic "provider induced"
Pathogenesis description of the mechanisms by which diseases develop
Sign objective evidence (a peceptible change) the signal disease
Symptom a patient’s subjective experience or interpretation of the disease.
Syndrome a group of signs &/or symptoms that characteristically occur together as a part of a single disease process
Pathognomonic a sign, symptom or characteristic of a disease that leads to its accurate diagnosis.
Prognosis reasonable predictions about the course of a disease or process taking into account the natural history, the expected effects of therapy and particular factors specific for the individual case.
Parenchyma the functional elements of an organ, e.g., myocardial cell (myocyte) of the heart; neuron of the brain.
Stroma the framework or support elements of an organ, e.g., the connective tissue (interstitium) of the heart surrounding the myocyte
Lesion any pathological abnormality of tissue structure or function.
Describe deficiency when talking about causes of cell injury Lack of necessary substance. Ex:Nutritional, inability to absorb of utilize nutrients, genetic defect leading to inadequate production or regulation
Describe intoxication when talkign about causes of cell injury Presence of substance that interferes with cell function
Endogenous intoxication Genetic defect, accumulation fo metabolite
Exogenous infectious agents, chemicals, drugs (illegal and prescription)
Define trauma when talkign about causes of cell injury Loss of structural integrity
Hypothermia (in realtion to traumma/cell injury) Formation of ice crystals
Hyperthermia (in relation to trauma/cell injury) Denaturation or oxidation of proteins
Mechanical pressure Type of cell trauma
Infections(in relation to trauma/cell injury) Cell rupture/lysis
Hypoxia example of deprivation. State of tissue or cell oxygen deficiency
Ischemia Example of deficiency. Oxygen deprevation due to lack of blood flow
Why do cells need oxygen to make more ATP. 36 ATP made by oxidative phosphorylation comapred to 2 made with anaerobic glycolysis
What happens to cell if lack of oxygen is due to ischemia? inflow of substrate decreases and efflux of metabolic end product slows.
Created by: lrcrisp
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