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Famous Men of Greece

Lesson 7

Pelias king of Iolcus; usurped throne from his older brother AEson
Jason son of AEson
Chiron centaur; most famous teacher in Greece; raised by Jason
Phrixus nailed golden fleece on a tree sacred to Ares
Helle sister of Phrixus; drwoned in the strait (Hellespont) that bears her name
AEetes king of Colchis
Argo Jason's ship
Argonauts sailors on Jason's expedition
Orpheus greatest musician of mythical Greece
Castor and Pollux twins; sailed with Jason
Lynceus "lynx-eyed"; sailed with Jason
Medea daughter of AEetes; fell in love with Jason and helped him
Sirens beautiful maidens; lured sailors to crash on the rocks
fleece sheep's coat of wool
prow front part of a ship
lyre handheld harp-like instrument, used to accompany song or poetry
yoke bar for joining two draft animals
harrow to break up earth using a plow-like tool with teeth
Why did Pelias fear Jason would try to kill him and take his throne? Pelias usurped (stole) AEson's throne. The oracle of Apollo said to beware of a man with one sandal. When Jason returned 20 years later, he was wearing one sandal.
What was Hera doing at the stream when Jason arrived? She was disguised as an old woman, to test the kindness of men.
What did Jason do for Hera? He carried the "old woman" across the river.
Where did the golden fleece come from? A golden ram came down from the sky to replace the sacrafice of Phrixus.
What did Phrixus do with the ram? He took it to Colchis and sacrificed the ram to Zeus. Then he nailed the golden fleece on a tree sacred to Ares.
How was the golden fleece protected? A dragon protected it.
Name 5 of the Argonauts. Orpheus, Hercules, Castor and Pollux, and Lynceus
How di AEetes make the task difficult for Jason? He designed the task to get Jason killed....plow the field near the fleece with fire-breathing bulls, sow the field with some of the teeth of the dragon Cadmus had killed, and then to fight the dragon that guards the fleece.
How did Jason get the fleece? Medea helped him with an ointment as protection against the bulls; she told him to throw a rock among the warriors (from the dragon's teeth) so they would be busy fighting each other; and she gave a sleeping potion to the dragon protecting the fleece.
How did Jason get passed the Sirens? Orpheus distracted the sailors from listening to the Sirens by playing his lyre.
What happened to Jason's father? Pelias killed him.
What was Media's plot of revenge? She tried to plot in which Pelias would be killed by his own daughters.
Did Medea's plot of revenge work? No, she and Jason were driven out from Iolcus by Pelias' son.
Iolcus the kingdom of Jason's father AEson, but stolen by Pelias
Colchis kingdom of AEetes where the golden fleece hung on a sacred tree.
Dodona place with the oak tree of Jupiter which told Jason how to get the fleece
Hellespont (Dardanelles) the place where Phrixus' sister Helle drowned.
Euxine (Black Sea) the sea which Jason traveled
Created by: Fortier Family
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