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Mr. Stickler's Liberty Christian World Civ Chapter 10 Flashcards 2022

Who was responsible for building many of the largest castles that are still standing today? King Edward I was responsible for this. ("Castles" video.)
What was used to hurl very large stones against castle walls to try to bring them down during attacks? A "trebuchet" (or "catapult") was used for this. ("Castles" video.)
What two (2) things “eventually led to the decline of castle building”? 1.) Changing political environment; 2.) Improvements in weapons technology (i.e. canons). ("Castles" video.)
What does the term "manor" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "an agricultural estate that a lord ran and peasants worked during the Medieval Era. (Pg. 336)
What does the term "serfs" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "peasants who were legally bound to the land. They had to provide labor services, pay rents, & be subject to the lord's control." (Pg. 336)
List three (3) things that "brought peasants into contact with the village church". 1.) Religious feast days; 2.) Sunday Mass; 3.) Baptisms. (Pg. 337)
What does the term "commercial capitalism" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "an economic system in which people invested in trade and goods to make profits". (Pg. 339)
What does the term "guilds" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "business associations" organized by craftspeople. (Pg. 341)
Who were "apprentices"? These were unpaid people (usually children around the age of 10) who received room and board in exchange for helping a Master Craftsmen. Their goal was to learn the Master's trade or skill so they could become Masters themselves some day. (Pg. 341)
Who were "journeymen"? This was the name of the 2nd step on the path to becoming a Master Craftsmen. Apprentices were called this after 5 - 10 years of service. They were also expected to craft a "masterpiece". (Pg. 341)
What does the term "lay investiture" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "the practice by which secular rulers both chose nominees to church offices & gave them the symbols of their office". (Pg. 342)
What were the "Papal States"? These were territories in central Italy that were controlled by the Pope during the 5th Century C.E. (Pg. 342)
What does the term "Inquisition" mean/ refer to? This term refers to a court that was created by the Catholic church to deal with heretics. (Pg. 346)
What are relics? These are items such as the bones of saints or objects connected with saints. They are considered "worthy of worship" because they provide a link between God & the earthly world. (Pg. 347)
Why were the vaulted ceilings in Gothic Cathedrals built so high? These were designed to appear as if they were "reaching toward the Heavens; toward God".
What does the term "theology" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "the study of religion and God". (Pg. 351)
What does the term "scholasticism" mean/ refer to? This was an attempt to "reconcile faith and reason - to show that what was accepted on faith was in harmony with what could be learned through reason & experience". (Pg. 350)
What is a "chanson de geste"? These are "heroic epic poems". (Pg. 351)
What does the term "antisemitism" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "hostility toward Jews". (Pg. 353)
Created by: sticklerpjpII
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