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Dairy Cattle Diseases From learning about dairy and Feeding the dairy Herd

This disease is the most common cause of death in calves less than 3 weeks old. Scours
What are the symptoms of scours? Fever with watery feces, may be cold to the touch, sunken eyes, skin slowly return to normal after being pinched up
What are the major contributing factors of scours? Low passive immunity(lack of colostrum), housing calves in wet. dirty environment, poor ventilation, high humidity, overcrowding, rapid change in feeding
What can you do to prevent scours in calves? Feeding colostrum at birth, sanitized feeding equipment, keep calves clean, dry, comfortable, vaccinate dams in the 3rd trimester with specific agent to build colostral antibodies
How do you treat for scours? Providing plenty of fluids to the calf, continue to feed milk or milk replacer plus feeding an electrolyte solution in between milk feedings
If a calf is 5-6% dehydrated what symptoms would it show? Diarrhea, No clinical signs, strong sucking reflex
If a calf is 6-8% dehydrated, what symptoms would it show? Milk depression, skin tenting for 2-6 seconds, calf is still sucking, sunken eyes, weak
If a calf is 8-10% dehydrated, what symptoms would it show? Calf is depressed, laying down, eyes very sunken, dry gums, skin tenting >6 seconds
If a calf is 10-14% dehydrated, what symptoms would it show? Calf will not stand, cool extremities, skin won't flatten when tented, comatose
What will happen if a calf is over 14% dehydrated? Death
This disease is the 2nd leading cause of death in calves and is a major health concern from one to six months of age. Pneumonia
What are the symptoms of pneumonia? Rapid and difficulty breathing, cough, runny nose and eyes, with fever of 103-106F
List the major contributing factors of pneumonia. Housing calves in an area of high humidity with poor ventilation, and wet, dirty pens, Fluctuation in temperature, poor nutrition, overcrowding
How can you prevent pneumonia? Adequate colostrum and dry, clean, and comfortable housing with good ventilation
True or False: To prevent pneumonia you should keep younger calves down wind from older calves. False
How can you prevent pneumonia? If possible isolate sick calves and provide antibiotic therapy for 3-5 days
This disease adult cows have large volume of watery diarrhea and feces that may contain blood and affected with a rapid drop in milk production. Winter Scours
When is winter scours frequent in confined cattle? November to March
What can you do to prevent winter scours? Isolate newly introduced animals
How many days does it take most animals to recover from winter scours? 2-3 days
If a cow has a severe case of winter scours how can you treat it? With intestinal boluses (astringents and buffers) and electrolytes
These external parasites can appear because of poor sanitation and decaying feed. Flies
What are the breeding grounds for flies? Manure or other organic matter
These external parasites cause hair loss and rough coat with lots of rubbing and itching. Lice
What are the two type of lice? Biting and Sucking
What time of the year are lice greatest? Winter
How can you prevent and treat for lice? Routine use of lice control powders or liquid pour ons, clip hair along topline
When should you treat for lice? Early and mid winter months
What disease is gray, crusty nodules on the skin usually the head and shoulders? Warts
How can you prevent warts? Good Sanitation and vaccination
What is the most costly disease in dairy herds? Mastitis
Depending on the causative organism what is mastitis considered? Contagious and Environmental
What are the 3 types of contagious mastitis? Strep Agalactiae (Strep Ag), Staph Aureus, Mycoplasma
What are the 5 types of environmental mastitis? E. Coli, Klebsiella, Strep Uberis, Staph Epidermidis, Yeast
What is mastitis? An infection of the mammary gland caused by on of several bacterial organisms.
What are the symptoms of mastitis? Elevated somatic cell count, flakes, or lumps in milk, may have swollen and painful udder, may go off feed
What is considered sub-clinical mastitis? A cow has elevated somatic cell count but no clinical signs
What is considered clinical mastitis? A cow has clinical signs that you can physically see
What are the causes of mastitis? Dirty environment, Improper milking procedures, faulty equipment, mastitis in other cows, Udder and teat injury
What are ways you can prevent mastitis? Follow proper milking procedures, clean, dry environment, dry cow treatment, teat dip after milking, properly designed and installed milking system
What is the most effective way to treat mastitis? Dry Cow Therapy
What metabolic disease do cows get from grazing lush high protein pasture in early spring? Grass Tetany
What disease is grass tetany similar to? Milk Fever
What are the symptoms of grass tetany? Muscles tremors, down cow if untreated death can result
What is the cause of grass tetany? Magnesium deficiency
What fungal disease commonly affect heifers? Ringworm
How can you prevent grass tetany? Add magnesium to ration
How can you treat for grass tetany? Magnesium and Calcium IV
This disease is gray, crusty patches on the skin. Ringworm
What can cause ringworm? Being exposed to infected housing and animals
How can you treat animals for ringworm? Exposure to sunshine, scrape of crust and apply iodine, bleach, or other effective solution, orally giving Griseofluvin
What is the biggest animal welfare concern of dairy animal? Lameness
What % of all lameness occurs on the rear feet? 90%
When does lameness occur the most? Summer and early fall
What are some symptoms of lameness? Lost Milk production, favoring one foot or visibly limbing , abnormal walking swollen feet or observation of lesions
What are types of infectious foot disease? Foot rot and Digital Dermatitis
What is a characteristic of foot rot? Strong odor
What causes foot rot? Bacteria, wet muddy environment, foot rot in other cattle
What is a very painful lesions below the pastern in the epidermal area of the skin? Digital Dermatitis
What is another name for digital dermatitis? Hairy heel warts
What is hairy heel wart cause by? Bacteria, wet manure conditions introduction of infected animals
What are type of non-infectious foot diseases? Laminitis, toe and sole ulcers, white line seperation
What are two potential factors of non-infectious foot disease? Rumen acidosis and uncomfortable stall/ lack of bedding
What are ways to prevent all foot lameness? Providing dry, clean yards, regular removal of manure, preventive hoof trimming, and regular use of foot bath
How can you prevent infectious foot disease? Practice good bio-security
How can you prevent non-infectious foot disease? Feed a diet with adequate fiber and provide comfortable stall with adequate bedding for cows to lay down
How can you treat for foot diseases? Regular use of foot bath and antibiotic for severely infected animals
This disease a cow has a sudden lack of appetite reluctant to move with rapid respiration rate, temperature of 103F or higher. Hardware disease
What causes hardware disease? Cows consuming metal like nails and wire
What stomach does hardware disease affect? The Recticulum
How can you prevent hardware disease? Give cows magnets and have magnets on TMR mixers
This disease the abomasum moves into the body cavity preventing passage of feedstuff? Displaced Abomasum(D. A.)/Twisted Stomach
How can you diagnosis a D.A.? Using a stethoscope to hear a pinning sound like a hollow basketball
What are the symptoms of a D. A.? Cows eating very little, feces often firm
What can cause a twisted stomach in a cow? Lack of fiber in diet during transition periord
How can you prevent a twisted stomach from happening? Maintain adequate fiber level during transition period and prevent other diseases from causing the cow to stop eating
How do you treat a displaced abomasum? Surgery or roll cow and pin abomasum in the proper place
What is swelling in the udder near calving called? Udder Edema
What can cause Udder Edema? Feeding too much salt or potassium before calving
How can you prevent udder edema? Proper nutrition during dry period
What do you do to treat udder edema? Diurectics and Udder Massages
What can happen primarily at calving due to an increase need for calcium to make colostrum? Parturient Paresis (Milk Fever)
What are the symptoms of milk fever? Staggering, Difficulty rising, finally down and unable to rise, Usually laying on sternum with head bent back toward flank
What causes a cow to come down with milk fever? Feeding high DCAD(dietary cation anion difference) diet during close up period also usually from feeding forages high in potassium
What type of cows are most susceptible to milk fever? Older cows and Jerseys
How can you prevent a cow from coming down with milk fever? Feed low or negative DCAD during last few week before calving
How can you treat a cow with milk fever? Calcium gluconate IV
What is excessive accumulation of gases in the rumen called? Bloat
What is the causes bloat within cows? Mostly on new highly productive pastures especially in pasture containing a high percent of lush alfalfa
What are the symptom of bloat? Distended rumen on the left side of the animal, Breathing become labored and excessive salivation is common
How can you prevent bloat from happening? Pastures that are less then 50% alfalfa feeding cows stored feeds before grazing, feed recommended levels of bloat- preventing drug
How can you treat a bloated cow? Tube stomach to release gas and drench with mineral oil or commercial product. Use Trocar on the left side if serious
This disease is primarily in calves. A calf will have a listless, poor appetite, high fever, thickened, hot navel cord, and swollen joints. Navel Ill
What can cause navel ill? Colostrum not fed at birth, or low in antibodies
How can you prevent a calf from get navel ill? Use navel clip, dip navel in a tincture of 7% iodine at birth, sufficient colostrum and sanitize maternity pen.
How can you treat navel ill? Intensive antibiotic therapy
About 68% of dairy herds are infected with what disease? Johne's
When is a dairy animal most likely infected with Johne's? Calves are usually infected in the 1st couple of weeks after birth
When does symptoms of Johne's appear in cows? 3 years or older
What are the symptoms of Johne's? Cows have normal appetite but have rapid weight loss, chronic diarrhea that doesn't respond to treatment, Milk production drop dramatically
What causes Johne's disease? The bacterium Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis
How are animals infected with Johne's? Consuming manure from infected cows through contaminated colostrum, maternity pens
True or False: There is a treatment for Johne's. False: There is no treatment for Johne's.
How can you prevent Johne's Immediately remove calves from maternity pens, Feed colostrum replacer or colostrum from test negative cows, Clean maternity pens between in calving. Calve cows that have test positive for Johne's in separate pen. Cull cows that test postive for Johne's
When breeding what can help daughters be more resistant to Johne's? Using AI bulls with high PTA Productive Life
What should you do with a cow showing clinical signs of Johne's? Cull Promptly
This is a metabolic disorder characterized by low blood from reduce feed intake during times negative energy balance. Ketosis
If you don't treat ketosis, what can it lead to? Fatty Liver Syndrome
What are some symptoms of Ketosis? Reduce Feed intake, decrease milk production, smell of acetone can be detected on affected cow's breath, Normal body temp
How can ketosis be diagnosed? A blood, urine, or milk test
What is ketosis caused by? Rapid weight loss resulting in elevated ketones
True or False: To prevent Ketosis you SHOULD OVER CONDITION your animals during late lactation and dry period False you should NOT over condition your animals
How do you treat ketosis? IV with dextrose or oral drench with propylene glycol
This disease is caused by a spore forming bacteria and causes sudden death with swelling of a limb(s) or swelling in rear area Blackleg
How can you prevent blackleg? Vaccination, Burn or bury the carcasses, also overgrazing of pastures
True or False Treatment for blackleg is ineffective as death is usually rapid. True
This disease is caused by a bacterium with symptoms through blood test, abortions in middle of third pregnancy with several services per conception with irregular heat cycles. Vibriosis
How do you prevent Vibriosis from spreading? Using A.I. or vaccinating yearly if using a herd bull
This disease is caused by a bacterium, can be identified with a blood or urine test, and is a zoonotic disease. Leptospirosis
What are 2 symptoms of Leptospirosis? (4 correct answers) Abortions in 2nd and 3rd trimester, low conception rate, bloody urine, loss of milk production
How can you prevent leptospirosis? Vaccination
This disease is caused by a bacterium, is a zoonotic disease and is called the undulant fever for humans, and can be diagnosed by a blood or milk ring test. Brucellosis
What is another name for Brucellosis? Bangs disease
What can happen if a cow has bangs disease? Abortions in last third of pregnancy and high services per conception
True or False: All states are considered brucellosis free. True
When do you give a calf a vaccination for bangs disease? 4-8 months
This is a respiratory disease caused by the bacteria Mannheimia and pasteurella that results in high fever nasal discharge with coughing, may have rough coat if severe. Shipping Fever
True or False: Shipping fever is often time NOT complicated by or confused with viral infection> False It is
This respiratory disease is caused by a virus and can be identified by virus in blood and tissues. IBR or Infectionus bovine rhinotracheitis
What is IBR commonly know as? Red Nose
This respiratory disease is caused by a virus and an affected animal exhibits watery to yellow colored discharged from eyes and nose, Coughs, increases respiration rate and fever. Parainfluenza-3 (PI3)
This disease is caused by a virus in which an animal has profuse watery diarrhea, fever, depression, lack of appetite. Bovine Viral Diarrhea or BVD
How can you identify if an animal is infected with BVD? Milk, serum or ear notch test
When is an animal infected with BVD? between 45 and 125 days in gestation
This respiratory disease is caused by a virus primarily in heifers and infected animals have mucous discharge from eyes and nose with increased temptures and respiration rates. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus or BRSV
This disease is caused by the bacteria Morazella Bovis with inflammation and watery eyes with reddening of the eye ball. Pinkeye or Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
Pinkeye is commonly spread by what? Face Flies
How can you treat an animal with pinkeye? Antibiotics and or commercial sprays or patches on eye
Created by: 4HwrightDairy
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