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America Joins

America Joins the War vocab/identification

Chuichi Nagumo Headed the Japanese task force that attacked Pearl Harbor.
Hideki Tojo Japanese Prime Minister who ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor
Jeanette Rankin The only member of the House of Representatives to vote against US involvement in both WWI and WWII
Douglas MacArthur Commander of US forces in the Philippines. Was forced to leave and upon arriving in Australia, famously declared, “I shall return”.
Arthur Percival British Commander who surrendered his 130,000 forces in Singapore
Huff-Duff Allowed Allies to find submarines by their radio transmissions.
The White Rose Name of subversive group and leaflet distributed in Nazi Germany that blamed Hitler for Germany’s problems.
Bataan Death March 65 mile trek in which prisoners were given no food or water and were beaten and killed by the Japanese along the way.
Doolittle’s Raid Planned as revenge for Pearl Harbor. Bombers targeting Japan were launched from carriers, and although the success was very limited, it boosted American morale.
Midway Turning point of the war in the Pacific. After this battle the Japanese won no major battles.
Wannsee Conference Meeting called to come up with a “final solution” to the “Jewish question”.
Operation Uranus Zhukov’s counterattack against the German forces besieging Stalingrad
Pearl Harbor Japan's attack on this US base is the trigger that started US involvement in WWII.
Korematsu v. United States Supreme Court case that declared that Japanese interment during WWII was constitutional.
Tuskegee Airmen All African American group of fighter pilots. None of the bombers they escorted were shot down.
Created by: mrfordglobal
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