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Outsiders Vocab.

Chapters 1-6

asset a valuable person or advantage noun
unfathomable unthinkable or impossible to understand adjective
rivalry the act of constantly competing noun
gingerly carefully or cautiously adverb
sagely having or showing wisdom or calm judgement adverb
roguishly mischievously adverb
incredulous skeptical, disbelieving adjective
nonchalantly seeming to be coolly unconcerned adverb
abiding obeying adjective
digested to absorb mentally verb
sophisticated very complex or refined, proper adjective
aloofness distant emotionally noun (state of being)
elite superior or ranked at a higher level adjective
resignedly patiently accepting; in a non-resisting way adverb
ember a small glowing piece of wood or coal noun
apprehensive anxious or fearful about the future adverb
defiance bold resistance to an opposing force noun
contemptuous scornful adjective
sheepish meek or stupid; embarrassed adjective
premonition a foreboding or forewarning noun
imploringly in a begging manner adverb
sullenly gloomy or somber in tone adverb
hue a particular shade of color noun
subside to sink down to a lower level verb
elude to escape the understanding of verb
wistfully full of wistful yearning adverb
doggedly stubbornly adverb
conviction the state of being convinced noun
detached uninvolved, indifferent adjective
racking to cause great mental torture to verb
Created by: KingOrangeJuice
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