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Mr. Stickler's Liberty Christian World Civ. Unit 2 "Asian Civ. Begins" 2021

What does the term "monotheistic" mean/ refer to? This term means "belief in one god".
What does the term "polytheistic" mean? This term means "belief in many gods".
What does the term "monarchy" mean/ refer to? This term means "rule by a king or queen".
List the names of the two (2) mountain ranges that border the continent of India. (HINT: We put these on our mega map projects.) 1. The Hindu Kush; 2. The Himalayan mountains.
What does the term "monsoon" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "a seasonal wind pattern in Southern Asia". These are characterized by very high winds and heavy rainfall.
List the three (3) "basic crops" of northern India. 1. Wheat; 2. Millet, 3. Barley.
What part of India was best for growing rice? The best part of India for this was in fertile river valleys.
List three (3) crops that were grown in the southern part of India. 1. Ginger, 2. Pepper, 3. Cinnamon.
According to the video that we watched, "Bizarre Foods: Goa, India", who colonized Goa, India? The Portuguese colonized this continent. (Video Sheet.)
According to the video that we watched, "Bizarre Foods: Goa, India", why do Indians pickle fish? Indians do this to preserve it to eat during the monsoon seasons. (Video sheet.)
According to the video that we watched, "Bizarre Foods: Goa, India", who first brought chili peppers to India? The Portuguese first brought these to India. (Video Sheet.)
According to the video that we watched, "Bizarre Foods: Goa, India", what health benefit do Betel nuts have? These are beneficial to the digestive system. (Video Sheet.)
What does the term "varnas" mean/ refer to? This term refers to the "social groups" in Ancient India.
What does the term "patriarchal" mean/ refer to? This term refers to a "male - dominated society".
What is a "caste system"? This is a social system in which social groups are defined by occupation and family lineage. This was the social system in India beginning in ancient times and continues today.
List the four (4) social groups in Ancient India in order from the highest class to the lowest class. 1. Brahmins (priests/ teachers); 2. Kshatriyas (warriors, police), 3. Vaisyas (merchants, farmers), 4. Sudras (peasants, servants). (Pg. 71; chart.)
What is "sanskrit"? This is an Indo-European writing system developed around 1000 B.C.E.
What are the "vedas" (where Hinduism is concerned)? These are a collection a hymns and religious ceremonies that were passed down orally by Aryan priests and then eventually written down.
What is the purpose of practicing "yoga"? The purpose of this is to "help a person achieve oneness with god" according to the Hindu religion.
What does the term "dharma" mean/ refer to? This term means "the divine law".
According to Hindu traditions, what does the "dharma" require followers to do? This principle requires followers to do the duties that are assigned to them based on their social class. (EX: More was expected of the Brahamin class - priests & teachers - that others because they were the highest social class.)
Who is the founder of "Buddhism"? Siddhartha Gautama founded this religion.
What does the term "nirvana" mean/ refer to? This term means "ultimate reality". It marks the "end of the self and a reunion with the Great World Soul".
List the names of the two (2) rivers where ancient civilizations began in China. 1. The Yellow River; 2. The Yangzi River.
What was the purpose of "oracle bones"? The purpose of these was to help ancient Chinese priests foretell the future. Inscriptions were made on bones or turtle shells and heated sticks were held against them until they cracked. The cracks were read in order to help them foretell the future.
What does the term "aristocracy" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "an upper (social) class whose wealth is based on land and whose power is passed from one generation to the other".
What was the "Mandate of Heaven"? This was the idea that the (Chinese) king was the link between Heaven and Earth and that he "ruled by a mandate, or authority to command, from Heaven."
What does the term "filial piety" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "the duty of members of the family to subordinate their needs and desires to those of the male head of the family." It also implies that each family member has his or her own "place".
What does the term "pictographs" mean/ refer to? This terms refers to "picture symbols or characters which represent an object".
What does the term "ideographs" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "characters that combine two or more pictographs to represent an idea".
Who was Confucius? He was a teacher who lived in China from 551 B.C.E. (born) to 479 B.C.E.
What are the chief ideas of Daoism? 1. This philosophy states that the way to follow the will of Heaven is not through action but inaction; 2. It concerns itself with the "proper forms of human behavior", not the meaning of the universe.
Who is considered the "founder" of Daoism? Laozi is considered the "founder" of this philosophy.
List two (2) of the things that Legalists believed. 1. Human beings are evil by nature; 2. Only harsh laws and stiff punishments would cause the common people to serve the interests of the ruler.
What does the term "regime" mean/ refer to? This term refers to "the government in power".
What was the purpose of the "censorate" during the Qin Dynasty? Their purpose was to check on government officials to make sure they were doing their jobs.
List the names of the first five (5) Chinese dynasties in order. 1.) Xia; 2.) Shang; 3.) Zhou; 4.) Qin; 5.) Han
What evidence did we see in the video titled "China's First Dynasty: The Xia Dynasty" that this group of people had a surplus of food? 1.) Large quantities of carbonized rice; 2.) A large number of broken rice storage jars, indicating they had more than enough food to feed their people
What evidence did we see in the video titled "China's First Dynasty: The Xia Dynasty" that this group of people had built up cities? 1.) Archaeological evidence found that showed places where large buildings and small houses existed; 2.) Archaeological evidence found that shows the village spanned a fairly large area.
Why do researchers believe that the Erlito people are actually the Xia Dynasty that they have been searching for? 1.) They were the 1st, and largest, cultural center in China; 2.) Aspects of modern Chinese culture can be traced back to this group of people; 3.) Writings from the historian Sima Qian suggest this connection.
Why do studystacks work? These work because it is easy to use the "forced retrieval" study method.
How long does short term memory last? This lasts 1 minute or less.
What are the 3 parts of memory? 1. Encoding; 2. Storage; 3. Retrieval.
How long does it take to distract you from full concentration? It takes 3 seconds or more for this to happen.
How long does it take to get back to full concentration after you are distracted? This can take anywhere from 14 - 24 minutes.
When does a person's brain fully develop? This occurs when a person is about 24 years old.
Created by: sticklerpjpII
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