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Volume 2 0009

Noncommissioned Officer Academy V2

According to the text, what are some characteristics of leadership? Leaders lead, indicating they're out in front and are being followed; leaders are not always on top, and leaders motivate others. Any characteristics listed in skills and abilities checklist.
After completing the leadership assessment, what do you perceive to be your leadership strengths and weaknesses? List any strengths and weaknesses you found prevalent during your personal assessment survey.
What measurement tools are available to assess leadership’s skills? Scores of assessments, evaluations, tests, indices, surveys, etc...
In developing an effective time management plan, what two step plan can you use? Establish a "To Do" list and prioritize your tasks.
Explain the A-B-C Priority system. This system requires you to categorize your tasks by level of importance. Items prioritized as A are "have to do, must be accomplished today." Items listed as B are not quite as urgent. Items C are nice to do, non time consuming and simple to accomplish.
What is the key to prioritizing tasks? To establish and focus on 20% of the "80-20" Rule.
How does time management impact work center effectiveness? It leads to efficiency and increased productivity.
Name a key element to keep in mind when organizing your desk or workstation. Don't concentrate so much on the "prettiness" of your desk; think, instead, about the level of organization a structured work area contributes to productivity.
How can you use delegation as an effective time saving technique? Delegation allows you to distribute a portion of your workload to others, usually to subordinates. You can delegate lower priority tasks (categories B and C) that are challenging and an enhancement to subordinate training.
What planning tools are available to help you manage your work center responsibilities? Calendars, planners, organizers, and personal digital assistants.
What is recognized worldwide as one of the biggest time-wasters? The telephone.
Regarding time management, how do we fulfill our responsibilities as NCOs and demonstrate our adherence to AF Core Values? The effective application of time management techniques is a clear manifestation of our commitment to the Air Force Core Values. By properly managing our time, we make a positive impact on work center effectiveness.
What programs should we be actively involved in to maintain a high degree of proficiency in our specialty? Programs offered through education services, with special emphasis on career development courses and the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) programs.
In meeting the objective of PME how does time management help? Effective time management can improve our performance by helping to free up time that can be used to increase our knowledge about the Air Force as a profession and the role we play in it.
What is the definition of stress? Stress is a reaction or wear and tear on our bodies experience to an external demand placed by our continually hanging environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us creating positive or negative feelings or behaviors.
What does GAS stand for and what are its three stages? GAS stands for General Adaption Syndrome. The three stages are Alarm Reaction, Resistance, and Exhaustion.
What are the four variables related to the stress intensity level? Give an example of each level. The four variables are: 1. Personal perception - an individual perceives a potential stressor such as public speaking.2. Social Support - effective relationships buffer effects of stress as in testimonies from military members thanking their family for s
What are seven subcategories of organizational stressors? Job stressor, role stressors, environmental stressors, interpersonal stressors, leadership stressors, organizational structure and change stressors.
What are the differences between role conflict and role ambiguity? Role conflict occurs when a person's job roles or responsibilities conflict with one another, often seen at intermediate levels of supervision. Role ambiguity occurs when an individual is not provided enough information about his or her role to properly
What is the social density and how can it create stress in the workplace? Social density is an individual's requirement for personal space to feel comfortable. If this personal space (office space) is frequently violated because of overcrowding, stress can result.
What is recognized worldwide as one of the biggest time-wasters? The telephone.
Regarding time management, how do we fulfill our responsibilities as NCOs and demonstrate our adherence to AF Core Values? The effective application of time management techniques is a clear manifestation of our commitment to the Air Force Core Values. By properly managing our time, we make a positive impact on work center effectiveness.
What programs should we be actively involved in to maintain a high degree of proficiency in our specialty? Programs offered through education services, with special emphasis on career development courses and the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) programs.
In meeting the objective of PME how does time management help? Effective time management can improve our performance by helping to free up time that can be used to increase our knowledge about the Air Force as a profession and the role we play in it.
What is the definition of stress? Stress is a reaction or wear and tear on our bodies experience to an external demand placed by our continually hanging environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us creating positive or negative feelings or behaviors.
What does GAS stand for and what are its three stages? GAS stands for General Adaption Syndrome. The three stages are Alarm Reaction, Resistance, and Exhaustion.
What are the four variables related to the stress intensity level? Give an example of each level. The four variables are: 1. Personal perception - an individual perceives a potential stressor such as public speaking.2. Social Support - effective relationships buffer effects of stress as in testimonies from military members thanking their family for s
What are seven subcategories of organizational stressors? Job stressor, role stressors, environmental stressors, interpersonal stressors, leadership stressors, organizational structure and change stressors.
What are the differences between role conflict and role ambiguity? Role conflict occurs when a person's job roles or responsibilities conflict with one another, often seen at intermediate levels of supervision. Role ambiguity occurs when an individual is not provided enough information about his or her role to properly
What is the social density and how can it create stress in the workplace? Social density is an individual's requirement for personal space to feel comfortable. If this personal space (office space) is frequently violated because of overcrowding, stress can result.
What does organizational structure and change stressors stem from? From the level of decision making and the magnitude of rules and regulations.
Why do extra-organizational stressors need be addressed? If left undetected or addressed, extra-organizational stressors can build up and cause problems, either alone or in concert with organizational stressors.
What are the three outcomes of distress? The outcome may include any combination of Physiological, Psychological or behavioral outcomes.
What is the most common behavioral reaction to stress seen in the workplace? Alcohol consumption is one of the most widely recognized and probably the most common serious stress reaction.
How is an organization impacted from the behavior of personal distress? Personal distress can impact the quality and quantity of work produced and result in abuse of equipment, waste or resources and supplies, low morale, etc.
What are the two goals of stress management programs and methods? To promote individual and/or organizational health and to minimize individual and organizational distress.
What is the purpose of individual stress management methods? Individual methods aim at changing your view of potential stressors, altering the response pattern and treating specific problems caused by stress.
How does an individual accomplish overload avoidance? Identify and avoid busy work, delegate or empower when possible, learn to say no, and attempt to negotiate reasonable deadlines.
What are organizational stress methods used for? Organizational methods are used to help members adjust to and manage those stressors which cannot be removed.
What are the benefits of increased subordinate involvement? Five potential benefits area reduction in tardiness and absenteeism, improvement in supervisor subordinate relations, greater acceptance of change, greater ease in leading subordinates, and greater buy-in to decisions made.
What is the definition of discipline as it relates to the Air Force? Discipline is "A specific type or pattern of behaviors intended to ensure work center effectiveness and mission accomplishment brought about by a state of order and obedience."
How does discipline affect the Air Force culture? The impact can be either positive or negative. If you are part of a unit that experiences several disciplinary problems, mission effectiveness and team cohesion is endangered. If you are part of a well-disciplined unit, it is likely that the mission is b
Why is the status of discipline important to the Air Force? The status of discipline could be compared to the pulse of a person. Disciplinary status makes a statement about the health of a unit and the individuals in the unit. Knowing the status of discipline in your unit will be a good indicator to the superviso
What is the purpose of the enlisted force structure? The purpose of the Enlisted Force Structure is to define the specific responsibilities for each rank, the relationship between each rank and how each rank fits into the organization, and the career progression through the enlisted ranks.
How does the enlisted structure contribute to discipline in the Air Force? The Enlisted Force Structure lays the foundation for effective discipline. It provides guidance and direction for NCOs spelled out in the form of the NCO general responsibilities. If the NCO fulfill these roles, he or she will better able to establish an
What is the supervisor's role in helping subordinates adjust to the military environment? The supervisor should engage in such activities that let subordinates know the supervisor cares about their well being and career development. Taking the time to ensure they fully understand what is expected of them and taking a personal interest in them
Describe the actions you should take in preventing disciplinary problems. A should communicate expected standards and behaviors to subordinates. Those standards and expectations should be enforced consistently and fairly. Ensure you are directly involved in your subordinates professional development by capitalizing on opportun
What are some corrective measures you would utilize in order to maintain discipline? When prevention fails, the supervisor may have to resort to verbal or written counseling. Letters of admonishment or reprimand may be necessary for more serious or frequent infractions, and you must be prepared to provide documentation and information to
Describe the Progressive Discipline Process (PDP). The PDP is the process of gaining and maintaining discipline within your organization. It provides a way for the supervisor to establish lines of acceptability and communicate those lines to your subordinate. As the supervisor monitors behavior and ident
Explain how substance abuse impacts productivity in the work center. Substance abuse contributes to the decline in productivity because the affected individual's ability to perform is impaired by the substance being abused and the effects and distractions that result from the abuse. The individual becomes unable to comple
Explain how time in the work center is impacted by substance abuse. The affected individual is required to spend time away from the duty section in order to take care of the problem. It becomes more difficult to meet suspense's and complete tasks in a timely manner because of the loss. Shop personnel must adjust prioriti
How do the negative impacts on time and productivity in the work center impact work center morale? Others in the work center must do more work to attempt to compensate for the person dealing with a substance abuse problem. They must also work longer hours to accomplish the mission. Morale begins to decline as workers begin to feel overwhelmed and unfa
Give an example of a potential safety mishap that could result due to substance abuse in your work center. Provide a personal example focusing on a potential safety mishap that could occur as a result of substance abuse.
Describe the steps you should take as a supervisor to prevent substance abuse in your work center. Educate through direct involvement and explanation of policies and standards, deglamorize the use of alcohol, and lead by example.
Why is documentation so important to you and the subordinate in the identification phase of a substance abuse problem? Documentation provides the experts the information needed to help the person deal with the substance abuse problem. It also helps ensure the appropriate punitive measures are carried out should it be necessary to take such course of action.
Describe the supervisor’s role during the intervention phase of a substance abuse problem? Communicating with the individual about the observed behaviors leading you to believe there may be a substance abuse problem, proper and timely referral to the proper agency, and direct involvement and genuine concern during the treatment phase.
Define ORM. ORM is a systematic approach to optimizing risk to support the best mission outcomes.
List the principles of ORM. Accept no unnecessary risk, make decisions at the appropriate level, accept risk when benefits outweigh the costs, and integrate ORM into Air Force doctrine at all levels.
What are some factors to consider when determining if benefits outweigh the costs? A comparison of time, money, quality, quantity, and perceptions should be made in order to give information to decision makers to reduce the amount of personal subjectivity needed to make a risk decision.
What step of ORM deals with prioritizing the control measures? Step 3, analyze risk control measures.
What is the purpose of step 1 of the ORM? To identify as many hazards in the process as possible.
Why is ORM not just a safety program? Safety is one consideration in ORM. ORM is a continuous process designed to detect and assess risk using safety as one of the main considerations.
Explain the behavior model. A person feels a need and sets a goal to fulfill that need. The person then acts in a way that will accomplish the goal. The behavior will provide feedback to help the person determine if the goal is being met or not. If the goal is blocked or not being
How do coping behaviors impact you as a leader? Understanding coping behaviors will better prepare you to deal with the successes and failures of your subordinate. Knowing these coping behaviors are healthy and normal part of behavior is important just as knowing the coping can become dangerous if it
Explain the role of learning in behavior. Learning is the process that conditions us to react to a given situation or process a given set of information in a certain way. Learning helps us to gain an understanding of right and wrong and helps us to respond accordingly.
Explain the differences between Herzberg's and McClelland's motivational theory. Herzberg's theory asserts that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are caused by different work related factors called hygiene’s. Worker dissatisfaction occurs when they hygiene’s are lacking. McClelland's theory states that three critical needs, power
According to Vroom's Expectancy Theory, how does motivation occur? Motivation occurs because a person assigns meaning or value to what they see or perceive as a realistic outcome based on their behavior. This type of motivation is very strong because the value is often determined by the person who is doing the behavior
How do aspirations fit into the behavior process? Aspirations are a motivational force that play a role in our long term goals and have an interactive relationship with our needs and behavior in reaching that goal. Aspirations help us to learn things and better ourselves in our effort of goal attainment
Explain the role of personality in the behavior process. Personality motivates us and impacts how we are typically going to respond to any given situation. Our personality is made up by many traits and, often times, is determined by how others see us.
How would a poor self-concept in your subordinate make it more challenging for you as a supervisor? A poor self-concept results in persons not believing that they are not capable or important. It often results in a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Your job as a supervisor is made more difficult because you must put forth a great deal of effort to ge
Explain the difference between self efficacy and locus of control. Self efficacy refers to the degree of control people feel they have in a given situation. Locus of control relates to whether people feel the outcomes of their behavior are truly a result of their action.
Describe the role of values as a behavior influence. We use values to make/pass judgment and make decisions. We use values to assess the actions of others, develop positions on issues, and avoid certain tasks. Values are the foundation of our behavior.
Define "team" and "group dynamics." Webster's Dictionary defines: Team as "a group organized to work together." Group Dynamics - is an ongoing process involving interaction of individuals within a team to achieve the desired objective.
How are team goals developed? Team’s goals are developed through a group process of team interaction and agreement in which each team is willing to work towards achieving these goals.
As a supervisor, what techniques would you use to get your subordinates to perceive themselves as team members? Communicating effectively, conveying work center goals as team goals, ensuring team members know their roles in and how they contribute to mission accomplishment.
What are task elements? Task elements are those actions associated with accomplishing the team's specific task, solving a problem or accomplishing a goal.
What must a team do to be effective, and how is effectiveness measured? Team members must actively participate, provide feedback and partake in the decision making process. Measure effectiveness by observing leadership being shared, conflict addressed, resources maximized and creativity encouraged.
What effort is necessary in team building? The effort in which a team studies its own process of working together and acts to create a climate that encourages and values the contributions of team members.
Name the most important responsibility of a leader and how is it accomplished? The most important responsibility is to develop an exciting vision for the team to achieve. The objective will be accomplished through the cooperation of the team members.
List the categories on non-task elements. Non-task elements fall into three categories: 1. Personal identity in the team.2. Relationships among team members.3. Identification within the organization.
Team members must do what in order to accomplish desired results? Team members must build commitment, trust, and support for one another.
One important attribute is necessary for long-term goals. What is this attribute? Patience.
What conditions must be met for team building to be successful? There must be a high level of interdependence among team members; team members working on important tasks must have a commitment; and team work must be a critical aspect to achieve the desired results.
List the stages of team development. Forming,Storming, Norming, Performing
What stage is known as the exploration period, and what behaviors are associated with this stage? Forming stage. Behaviors are being cautious, exploring boundaries, being non-committal, having hidden agendas, having little to not group identity, forming cliques, and feeling a need to be liked.
In which stage is flexibility the key and hierarchy is of little importance? Performing stage.
What is the definition of conflict? Conflict can be defined as:Disharmony brought about through differing behavior, aims, or methods.
Describe the difference between positive and negative conflict? During positive conflict, individuals with differing points of view and personalities show mutual respect for each other's thoughts and feelings. Positive conflicts results in positive outcomes. In this case communicating can open up and people assert th
Explain how managerial behaviors can cause negative conflict in the organization. Managerial behaviors cause conflict when the leader is not properly using the influence he or she has over others. The failure to make decisions or delegate at the appropriate times slows progress and creates an environment for disagreements and conflict
Describe the factors to consider before deciding on a conflict management technique. You should consider who you are dealing with and consider their traits and position. Next you should consider what is at stake, for the importance of the outcome may dictate your approach. Finally, you should consider the situation. The urgency of the si
Explain how collaboration impacts organizational performance. Collaboration attempts satisfy both parties. It makes the best use of sides, resources, talents, and ideas. Collaboration can result in a win position for both groups and in many cases the organization enjoys a more solid solution or outcome to the probl
How does the 5-step approach help to positively manage conflict? The 5-step approach helps to positively manage conflict because it requires the individuals to identify and define the root cause of the conflict. It aids in getting people to focus on the real issue and uncover underlying factors that are contributing t
Why is assertiveness effective in overcoming barriers to conflict? Assertiveness is effective in overcoming barriers because assertive people personify strong self-esteem. They are often risk-takers and even tempered. They don't allow someone else to control their future. Rather than consistently waiting for others to s
How does cross-training contribute to reducing the potential for conflict in an organization? Cross-training helps to reduce potential for conflict by giving people a better understanding and appreciation for other positions and processes in the work center. This understanding helps the person see and accept differing points of view and lends its
Describe how conflict management impacts organizational performance. Conflict management improves efficiency and effectiveness by allowing workers to focus on their job. It fosters an environment of open communication where creative thinking occurs. This creativity and open communication helps in reaching organizational
What are the consequences to the organization of not properly managing conflict? Improper conflict management results in poor organizational performance because communication breaks down, improvement opportunities are lost, and morale decreases. Problems become more serious and more difficult to fix, resulting in time having to be ta
Define organizational effectiveness. Organizational effectiveness is the attaining or surpassing of objectives and tasks dealing with mission accomplishment.
Describe the following situational factors. Interpersonal Interpersonal factors include relationships among supervisors and subordinates, supervisors and superiors, and supervisors and other supervisors. They affect/influence leadership under the following conditions: 1. A strong personality encounters a weak p
Describe the following situational factors. Structure of the job or organization Some organizations such as fire departments require much more directive styles of leadership. More highly technical or research jobs may require more delegating or empowering.
Describe the following situational factors.Time The time an individual has to act can have a major impact on situational leadership. In an emergency situation, the supervisor would likely revert to more directive styles in order to save lives and resources. A supervisor with an urgent mission in a bas
Situational Factor:Outside Influences Outside influences include social issues and movements that will affect attitudes of subordinates and supervisors alike, environmental conditions, social unrest, and current world
Situational Factor: Awareness of self Awareness of self involves your leadership inclinations and tendencies. How would you prefer to lead your subordinates?
Describe Directive Behavior. Directing refers to the extent to which a leader engages in one-way communication. The supervisor spells out the follower's role and clearly tells the subordinate what to do, where to do it, how to do it, and when to do it, and closely supervises the sub
Distinguish between the Situational Leadership concepts of Competence and Commitment. Competence - the degree of knowledge or skills possessed by the subordinate. It is gained from education, training and/or experience. It should also include any transferable skills the subordinate may have such as abilities developed in other jobs which
Explain Each of the four Situational Leadership development levels:D1 D1 - low competence/high commitment: The D1 lacks or has little skill and knowledge to do the task, but is eager to try it anyway. For example, a subordinate diagnosed as a D1 could be compared to an individual who recently arrived at his first duty stat
Explain Each of the four Situational Leadership development levels:D2 D2 - some competence/low commitment: At this point, the subordinate has some knowledge or training, but confidence may still be low for a number of reasons. The subordinate may not be able to perform as much as he thought he could, or he could be overwhem
Explain Each of the four Situational Leadership development levels:D3 D3 - High competence/variable commitment: D3 is a skilled individual but whose commitment may vary due to low self-confidence, personal problems, lack of valued recognition (or support). In some cases the person may simply not care (apathy). For example,
Explain Each of the four Situational Leadership development levels:D4 D4 - High competence/High commitment: The D4 has all the technical and team skills to do the tasks and is motivated, self-directed, self-supporting. For example, our software specialist has now become the peak performer in using the program. She's compet
Explain each of the four Situational Leadership styles of leadership:Directing "Directing" implies that the manager will exhibit more directive behavior; provide specific instructions, control task accomplishment, make most of the decisions and closely supervise workers. Using the S1 style assumes the leaders/managers/supervisors,
Explain each of the four Situational Leadership styles of leadership:Coaching "Coaching" implies that the manager still decides what the game plan will be and directs task accomplishment, but may consult with subordinates or ask for their ideas. The manager/leader/supervisor will be the one who identifies problems, sets goals and
Explain Situational Leadership Style:Supporting "Supporting" implies an increase in Supportive Behavior and a decrease in Directive Behavior. The leader/manager/supervisor using this style act toward subordinates with more two-way communication involving subordinates in problems solving, process impro
Explain Situational Leadership Style:Delegating "Delegating" implies that the leader/manager/supervisor assigns responsibility to the subordinate and the backs off. Many refer to this as "Empowerment". It's not the case that low direction and support means no direction and support.
Describe the situations in which the Directing style is appropriate. Use the Directing style when you have a D1, someone who is low on competence, but motivated. You could also use Style 1 when: You're in an emergency situation. There is a short timeline and your follower is D2 or D3. A D2 is working on a complicated and
Describe the situations in which the Coaching style is appropriate. Use the Coaching Style when dealing with a D2, a person with some competence, but not all the skills, knowledge or information needed, and who is also unmotivated and/or unsure of their ability. A subordinate has some skills and experience to contribute,
Describe the situations in which the Supporting style is appropriate. Use Supporting Style when the person has skills needed to do a task, but is a little insecure or lacks confidence. It could also be used with someone who has skills relevant to doing the task, but doesn't care.
Describe the situations in which the Delegating style is appropriate. Use the Delegating Style with D4s - motivated, confident, educated, experienced, self-directing, self-supporting persons--subordinates with high competence and high commitment. Other appropriate situations are with D3s, who have all the skills for the ta
How Does the subordinate benefit when Situational Leadership is practiced? It cultivates overall positive behavior--Subordinates react to their supervisor's behavior. If provided specific goals and proper direction and support, they'll respond positively. Development--By taking people through the Situational Leadership developm
How does the organization benefit when the Situational Leadership model is followed? Training and development of subordinates will be more organized. Production will be easier to manage because everyone will know the goals, understand what they need to do to reach those goals, and when they reach the D3/D4 levels, will contribute more ef
What are the two objectives of performance management? The first objective is to provide appropriate and effective performance feedback. The second objective is to provide a long term record of subordinate performance for use in making personnel management decisions.
Give an example of each objective of performance management. Conducting the initial, mid-course, or follow-up performance feedback is an example of the first objective. A completed EPR is an example of the second objective.
How does knowing yourself contribute to performance management? Knowing yourself will help you to deal with your subordinates because you know how you are going to respond in likely situations in your work center.
In regards to knowing your people, why is it important to match personal interests with jobs? Matching interests with jobs can help to prevent problems such as boredom or complacency, by putting the right people into the right job. Along with interests, special skills or aptitudes should be considered before any job assignment is made.
Explain how supervisors can get to know their subordinates. Supervisors can acquire biographical information by communicating with the subordinate and asking them about interests, past experiences, previous employment, needs and values, and their own expectations of the job and work center.
Explain the limitations of a job description. Job descriptions are activity oriented rather than result oriented. This is a limitation because something else, feedback, must be used to address results expected. The other limitation is subordinates may see the job description as defining the limits o
What elements should be addressed in order to write an effective performance standard? Performance standards need to be specific, observable and measurable.
Why should you monitor over a period time long enough to determine your subordinates typical performance? Determining the subordinate’s typical behavior will give the evaluator a more accurate picture to make decisions on. It also makes it easier to provide the effective feedback because the supervisor will know the behavior and performance levels of the sub
How do common evaluation pitfalls impact your evaluation? Pitfalls bring bias, closed mindedness and logical errors into the actual evaluation. These pitfalls essentially result in an unclear, inaccurate evaluation of the subordinate's performance.
How does preventative feedback help your subordinate? Preventative feedback helps to start a new relationship off right. It provides the expectations and standards in which the subordinate will be measured by. This type of feedback sets the subordinate up for success by helping him adjust to his new environ
Explain how properly conducting feedback session strengthens organizational effectiveness A properly conducted feedback session will let the subordinate know if they are meeting, exceeding, or failing to meet the standards that have been established. The session will also let the subordinate know why it is happening and a plan to continue or
When should you refer your subordinate to other people or other agencies for follow-up feedback? When you determine the problem is too much for you to handle or you do not know enough about the issue to help the subordinate make a solid informed decision, you should refer the person to the agency best able to help.
What is the difference between performance feedback and counseling? Performance feedback's main focus is how well the person is doing in regards to assigned tasks and fulfilling the elements defined in the job description. Counseling serves to address job performance as well as such personal issues, discipline problems,
Explain why the Nondirective counseling approach is often the preferred method of counseling. The Nondirective approach is often preferred because it puts the responsibility for the solution on the shoulders of the subordinate. This is effective because if conducted properly, this approach usually results into a higher level of open, honest commu
How does effective counseling strengthen organizational effectiveness? Effective counseling is the vehicle that provides guidance and direction for the subordinate resulting in them becoming a more well rounded and fully developed member of the Air Force. Counseling fosters teamwork and opens the lines of communication nece
Explain how you can improve your subordinate when developing an improvement plan. Build on their strengths to develop a good foundation of motivation. Building on strengths helps to minimize and eliminate weaknesses in the subordinate.
How does job rotation contribute to the development of the improvement plan? Job rotations is helpful because it prevents complacency and boredom. It also helps you to make full use of your subordinates because they are able to learn more about areas within the work center and their career field.
What are some things to consider as a supervisor to improve the situation while developing an improvement plan? You should make sure you are not over or under supervising; also you should maintain good situational awareness of the happenings with your subordinates and your work center.
Briefly describe each of the Change Levels. 4 Level of Change:
Knowledge - A process as simple as reading a publication, manual for AFI can effect change at the knowledge level.
Attitudinal - Attitudes are normally emotionally charged, and more challenging. Attitudinal change involves the adoption of a positive feeling for the task at hand.
Behavioral - Behavior is more difficult to change than knowledge or attitudinal. Both of these must change first in order for a behavioral change to occur. Change at the behavioral level is demonstrated through observable behavior.
Group/Organizational - is the most difficult. It involves the alteration of long-standing and deeply engrained customs and traditions.
Explain why organizational change is a challenge for a manager/supervisor. At this level, you are responsible for effecting changes in a multitude of people. One major hurdle will involve changing the "But we have always done it this way!" mindset. Change at this level will generally be more difficult and therefore take more ti
Briefly describe each of the Change Cycles. There are two Change Cycles:Directive - from the top down approach.
Participative - works from the bottom up.
Provide an example of when you would implement each of the change cycles. Military managers would use directive change in most cases. However, participative change should be used whenever possible. In a work section comprising achievement-oriented individuals with a high degree of knowledge, the preferred method would be parti
What are some advantages/disadvantages of each of the change cycles? If you choose the wrong change cycle, it can tend to demotivate your subordinates. In a highly-motivated well-educated and task-oriented work section comprising seasoned hard-chargers, directive change may not be the best approach. In like fashion, parti
Created by: Wileyj11
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