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Bacterial Disease

Microbiology, Bacterial Diseases

boils, pimples, abscesses skin; Staph aureus, Staph epidermidis; can develop into bacteremia, TSS
impetigo skin; Strep pyogenes; treatment is hygeine, topical mupirocin; M protein anti-phagocytosis; Streptokinase dissolve blood clots, Hyaluronidase dissolve tissue cement
Pseudomonas infection skin; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; burn patients and geriatrics; produces pyocyanin green toxin; coinfection w/ C. perfringins; can lead to gas gangrene
acne skin; Propionibacter acnes
bacterial meningitis NS; Hemophilis influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, Strep pyogenes
listerosis NS; Listeria monocytogenes; grows 4 degrees C, pregnant women, cancer patients, poultry and dairy
tetanus NS; Clostridium tetani; lockjaw, spasmotic paralysis; wound infection; part of DPT vaccination
botulism NS; Clostridium botulinum; toxin type A (USA), B (European), E (seafood); flaccid paralysis; Botox
leprosy NS; Mycobacterium leprae; acid fast; peripheral nerves; not very contagious and requires long & intimate contact; cultivated in armadillos
bacteremia presense of bacteria in blood
septicemia blood poisoning; pathogens typically do not grow in blood (lymphocytes and low Fe+3)
lymphangitis inflammation of lymph nodes
sepsis toxic conditions from septicemia
septic shock endotoxin; 1 millionth of a gram
Toxemia presense of toxins in blood (i.e. as occurs in tetanus)
peripheral fever CV system; disease of childbirth (Semmelweis, 1840's)disinfectant procedures; Strep pyogenes
endocarditis CV system; acute = Staph aureus; inflammation of inner heart lining, destruction of heart valves
rheumatic fever CV system; repeated infections of Strep pyogenes (strep throat); 4-18 yr olds; joint pain nodule and lumpy joints; M protein antigens, antibody response damages heart
tularemia CV system; Franciella tularensis; rabbits & squirrels; small ulcers at primary site; ID50 = 10 organisms, survives in phagocyte
brucellosis CV system; Brucella abortus; cattle/swine, secreted in milk, milk products/direct contact; infects uterus, undulating fever rises in evening 104 F; survives phagocytes, grows intracellulary
anthrax CV system; Bacillus anthracis; sporeformer; long chains with squared ends; direct contact, wool, aerosol-spores; cutaneous- black necrotic dying center; inhalation- pulmonary form most severe; capsule, exotoxin
gas gangrene CV system; Clostridium perfringens; sporeformer; death of soft tissue; seen in diabetics; toxin travels down muscle bundles; Pseudo aeruginosa coinfection; amputation, maggots, hyberbaric O2
plague vector- rat fleas; Ysernia pestis, "Black Death" Bubonic Plague (bubos formation),pneumonic form spread person-person
relapsing fever vector- soft ticks; Borrelia recurrensis (or hermsii); patient recovers and fever reappears due to surface antigens changing
lyme disease vector- hard ticks; Borrelia burgdorferi; spirochete; rodent reservior, deer in lifecycle; "Bull's Eye" rash, later stages similar to syphilis heart neuro involvement, arthritis
endemic typhus vector- body louse; Rickettsia prowazekii; louse gut growth excreted in feces; host scratches rubs in feces; high prolonged fever severe headache; killed Anne Frank
rocky mountain spotted fever vector- ticks; Rickettsia rickettsii; rash appears 1st on palms, soles then entire body; mistaken for measles; kidney & heart failure
Streptococcal pharyngitis respiratory; Strep pyogenes; can lead to otidis media; M protein makes resistant to phagocytosis
scarlet fever respiratory; Strep pyogenes; erythrogenic toxin produces small red "goose bumps" entire body EXCEPT face, palms, soles
diphtheria respiratory; Corynebacterium diphtheriae; club shaped/chinese characters; toxin inhibits protein syn; produces pseudomembrane at back of throat; part of DPT vaccine
otidis media respiratory, earache; Strep pneumoniae (35%), Hemophilis influenzae (20-30%), Mycoplasma catarrhalis (10-15%), Strep pyogenes (8-10%), Staph aureus (1-2%)
pertussis (Whooping Cough) respiratory; Bordetella pertusis; capsulated, destroys cilary cells; part of DPT vaccine
tuberculosis (consumption) respiratory; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; acid fast; enters lungs -> alveoli; MAIS, AIDS patients
Legionaires disease respiratory; Legionella pneumophila; naturally occurring in water, resistant to chlorine; high fever and pneumonia symptoms
bacterial pneumonias respiratory; Strep pneumoniae (lung fluid, capsulated), Hemophilis influeniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae (fried egg appearance, "walking pneumonia"), Chlamydia pneumoniae (needs ATP, associated w/ atherosclerosis)
dental caries digestive; Strep mutans; requires sucrose to make detrin cement; prevention best
peridontal disease digestive; Treponema denticola (relative of Pallidum); gingivitis -> peridontidis
Intoxication ingesting a toxin
Infection pathogenesis due to organism
Staphylococcal poisoning digestive; Staph aureus; found in custards, cream pies, potato salad, ham; toxin is heat stable
Shigellosis (Bacillary Dysentery) digestive; Shigella dysentariae; cytotoxin Shiga; rarely involves bloodstream; blood & mucosal diarrhea; rehydration treatment
Typhoid Fever digestive; Salmonella typhi; only in humans (i.e. Mary Mallon); 1-3% recovered are carriers colonize in gallbladder
Salmonellosis (Salmonella Gastroenteritis) digestive; Salmonella typhimurium; rehydration treatment
Cholera digestive; Vibrio cholerae; found in water sources, along Gulf, shellfish; "Rice Water" stool, usually no fever; severe dehydration lose of water and electrolytes; rehydration treatment w/ sugar water, electrolytes
E. coli gastroenteritis digestive; E. coli (O157:H7); "Traveler's diarrhea"
peptic ulcers disgestive; Helicobacter pylori; survives in stomach, urea ammonia neutralizes stomach acid; inflammation
Leptospirosis urinary; Leptospira interogans; spirochete; animal reservior- animals shed in urine from infected kidneys; expand/spread in water such as lakes/ponds; infects kidneys and liver
Gonorrhoea reproductive; Neisseria gonorrhoeae; requires extra CO2 for growth, fastidious; females- infects cervix (60-90% infection rate, 60-80% asymptomatic) males- infects urethra (80% infection rate, painful urination, blocks urethra, sterility; AgNO3 neonatal
Chlamydia (nongonoccal urethritis) reproductive; Chlamydia trachomatis; most prevalent STD; 5 x more in females, infects uterine tubes leads to PID, males- epididymis
Pelvic inflammatory Disease (PID) reproductive; N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, M. hominus, U. urelytica; leads to sterilty & ectopic pregnancy
Syphilis reproductive; Treponema pallidum; spirochete, motile, fastidious; "stealth" pathogen; site of infection = SINGLE painless ulcer; secondary stage appears as rash (contagious)on trunk & spreads to palms and soles; systemic; tertiary 1-20 yrs, not contagious
Chancroid reproductive; Hemophilis ducreyi; ID50 = 1-2 organisms; primary site can include MULTIPLE painful ulcers
bacterial vaginosis reproductive; Candida albicans, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis; normal flora Lactobacillus produces H2O2 keeps other flora supressed; Lactobacillus reduced other take over, cause vaginosis; milky white fluid, foul odor; re-est Lactobacillus
Created by: plumpvegan
Popular Science sets




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