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Spine Special Tsts

NPTE Musculoskeletal

VBI test performance extend head 30sec, ext with L/R rotation
Hautant’s test differentiates vascular vs vestibular dizziness. Shoulders 90d with palms up, close eyes and maintain position + for vestibular. Same position with neck extension and rotation for 30sec + vascular
Cx Transverse Lig stress test integrity of transverse lig. Supine, C1 anterior glide + soft EF, dizzy, nystagmus, nausea, etc
Anterior shear test Anterior glides of C2-C7
Spurling’s test Cx nerve root compression. LF with downward pressure. + pain/paresthesia in dermatomal pattern
Quadrant/max Cx compression NR compression at IVF or facet
Distraction test compression of NR at IVF or facet dysfunction. Passive distraction in sitting. Decreased sx in neck = facet. Decr sx in UE = neuro
Shoulder abduction test Hand on head. Decrease in sx= compression of nerve in IVF
Lhermitte’s sign SC or UMN lesion. Long sitting with passive Cx flexion and hip flexion with knee extension. + pain down spine &UE or LE
Romberg UMN lesion. Stand feet together with eyes closed. + excessive swaying
Lasegue’s test SLR test for LE neural tension with ankle DF
Femoral nerve traction test same as sidelying “PKB” for femoral nerve ND testing
Valsalva’s maneuver space occupying lesion. Hold deep breath and bear down. + if increased LBP or neuro sx in LEs
Babinski’s UMN lesion. Glide thumb along plantar surface of foot. + if big toe EXT and splaying of toes
Quadrant identifies? compression of neural structures at IVF or facet dysfxn
Quadrant performance IVF- Left LF, Left ROT, EXT. Facet- Left LF, Right ROT, EXT to maximally compress facet joint on Left
Stork test + spondylolithesis if pain in low back with SLS and trunk extension
McKenzie’s Side Glide test differentiates between scoliosis vs neuro dysfxn causing lateral shift of trunk.
Performance of Side Glide stand on side towards upper trunk shift. Shoulders into pt’s trunk and hands around pelvis. Align. + if neuro sx when realigned
Bicycle / Van Gelderen’s test differentiates intermittent claudication & spinal stenosis. Ride stationary bike in erect & slumped postures. If able to do more in slumped, + for stenosis.
Gillet’s test Assesses posterior ilium mvmt. Thumbs on PSIS and sacrum. Raise leg – PSIS should move posterior if WNL
Ipsilateral Anterior Rotation Test Assesses anterior mvmt of ilium relative to sacrum. Thumbs on PSIS & sacrum. Extend hip – PSIS should move superior if WNL
Gaenslen’s test SIJ dysfunction. Sidelying- bottom leg max flexed, upper leg passively extended. + if pain in SIJ
Long sitting (supine to sit) test SIJ dysfunction causing fxnl leg length discrepancy. Supine, check medial malleoli. Long sitting, check malleoli. + if reversal in limb lengths
Goldthwait’s test Lx spine vs. SIJ. Supine, PT fingers between Lx SPs. Passive SLR. + for SIJ if pain prior to mvmt in Lx spine.
TMJ Compression Sitting, stabilize head and push mandible superior to compress TMJ. + if pain in TMJ.
Created by: Jenwithonen
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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