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Final Exam


homicide cinayet
intimacy yakın arkadaşlık
rigid sert
grateful minnettar
contentment gönül rahatlığı
anticipate ummak
fertility verimli
neglect göz ardı etmek
trace izini bulmak
overconsumption yüksek tüketim
assure garanti etmek
controversy tartışma
enforce yürürlüğe koymak
expose meydana çıkarmak
futile boşuna/yetersiz
inadequate kalitesiz/yetersiz
legislation yasalar/mevzuat
pinpoint tam olarak saptamak
regulatory kurallarla düzene sokmak
reluctance isteksizlik
shortcoming kusur/eksik/noksan
exposure ortaya çıkarma
to ease kolaylaştırmak
to have drastic side effects sert yan etkilere sahip
to make a proposal öneri/teklif
ambigous çok ortamlı/karmaşık
contemporary çağdaş/modern
(in)distinct farklı/ayrı
remarkable dikkate değer
striking göze çarpan
vague belirsiz/bulanık
illustration resim/şekil
literary edebi
perceive algılamak
burst patlatmak/yarılmak
contempt küçümseme/aşağılama
merely sadece/yalnızca
principle ilke/prensip
struggle çabalamak/uğraşmak
to make up your (own) mind on the matter konuyla ilgili kendi fikrini sunmak
in the need of ihtiyacı olan
to commit a crime suç işlemek
to make use of sth bir şeyden yararlanmak
a stepping-stone basamaklı taş
to lie at the centre of sth bir şeylerin merkezinde yatmak
Created by: erenerdiren
Popular Academic Vocabulary sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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