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How many bones are in the skull & face? 22
How many cranial bones are there? How many sets? 8/3
Name cranial bones. frontal, parietal (2), temporal (2), occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, inferior nasal conchae (2), vomer
How many facial bones are there? How many sets? 6/5
Name facial bones. nasal (2), zygomatic (2), maxillae (2), lacrimal (2), palatine (2), mandible
What is the frontal bone commonly known as? forehead
What does the frontal bone form? superior boundry of the orbit & anterior portion of the cranial floor
What do the parietals bones form? most of the sides & roof of the cranium
What does the occipital bone form? posterior portion of the skull & posterior base of cranial floor
Where is the foramen magnum located? in the base of occipital bone
Where does the medulla oblongata & spinal cord meet? foramen magnum
What is found posteriorly on the occipital bone? external occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line, inferior nuchal line
What is the sphenoid bone known as? Why? keystone of the cranial floor; because it articulates w/all of the other bones that make up the floor
What is unique to the sphenoid? it has a little saddle, known as the sella turcica
What sits in the sella turcica? pituitary gland
What does the ethmoid bone form? part of the anterior cranial floor
What sticks up into the cranial cavity? crista galli
What sticks down into the nasal cavity? perpendicular plate
What suture seperates the frontal bone from the parietal bone? coronal suture
What suture seperates the occipital bone from the parietal bone? lambdoial suture
What suture seperates the parietal bones? sagittal suture
What suture surrounds the temporal bones? squamous suture
Where do the nasal bones meet? @ midline
What do the nasal bones form? bridge over nasal cavity
What does the palatine bone form? posterior 1/3 of hard palate
What cavities do palatine bones seperate? oral & nasal cavities
What is the shape of the vomer? Where does it lie? triangle; perpendicular on the floor of the nasal cavity
What are the zygomatic bones? cheek bones
What do the zygomatic bones articulate with? temporal bones
What do zygomatic bones & temporal bones form? zygomatic arches
What are the smallest bones on the face? Where are they located? lacrimal bones; just posterior to the maxillary bones & just anterior to the ethmoid bone
What is unique to the lacrimal bones? lacrimal fossa
What does the lacrimal fossa do? shuttles tears from the eyes into the nasal cavity
What forms the upper jaw bone? Is it a single bone or a pair of bones? maxillae; paired
What do the maxillae also form? anterior 2/3 of hard palate
What is the lower jaw bone? mandible
What do the mandible & temporal bone from? temporomandibular joint
Name muscles of facial expression. occipitofrontalis, orbicularis oris, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, levator labii superioris, levator anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, buccinator, risorius, mentalis, platysma, orbicularis oculi, corrugator supercilii
Describe occipitofrontalis. frontal & occiptal belly, which both pull on epicranial aponeurosis
What is the action of the occipitofrontalis. draws scalp anteriorly (or posteriorly), raises eyebrows, wrinkles (horizontal) forehead skin
Describe orbicularis oris. surrounds mouth (orb = circular)
What is the action of the orbicularis oris? closes & protrudes lips, shapes lips during speech
Describe zygomaticus major. runs from zygomatic bone to angle of mouth (modiolus)
What is the action of the zygomaticus major? draws modiolus superiorly & laterally
Describe zygomaticus minor. runs from zygomatic bone to upper lip
What is the action of zygomaticus minor? raises upper lip
Describe levator labii superioris. runs from infraorbital foramen of maxilla to modiolus
Describe levator anguli oris. runs from infraorbital to skin of upper lips
What is the action of levator anguli oris? draws modiolus superiorly & laterally
Describe depressor labii inferioris. runs from mandible to skin of lower lip
What is the action of the depressor labii inferioris? depresses lower lip
Describe buccinator. runs from maxilla & mandible to orbicularis oris (modiolus)
What is the action of the buccinator? presses cheeks, helps move food around in mouth
Describe risorious. runs from fascia over parotid gland to modiolus
Describe mentalis. from mandible to skin of chin
What is the action of the mentalis? pulls skin of the chin up
Describe platysma. from fascia over deltoid & pec major muscles to mandible & muscles around modiolus
What is the action of the platysma? draws out lower lip inferiorly & posteriorly, helps tighten skin of neck
Describe orbicularis oculi & state action. rings the orbit; closes the eye
Describe corrugator supercilii. runs from frontal bone to skin of eyebrow
What is the action of the corrugator supercilii? draws eyebrows inferiorly & wrinkles skin of forehead (vertically)
Describe Bell's Palsy. paralysis of facial nerve 7
What does facial nerve 7 do? controls muscles of facial expression
What causes Bell's Palsy? it is idopathic (cause unknown)
Is Bell's Palsy permanent? no, self limiting, goes away after a while
What are symptoms of Bell's Palsy? unexplained paralysis of facial muscles
What are treatments for Bell's Palsy? steroids & antiviral medication
Name muscles of masstication. masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid
Describe masseter. from maxilla & zygomatic arch to mandible
What is the action of the masseter? elevates & retracts mandible
Describe temporalis. runs from temporal bones to mandible
What is the action of the the temporalis? elevates & retracts mandible
Describe medial pterygoid. pterygoid process to mandible
What is the action of the medial pterygoid? elevates & protracts mandible & moves it side to side
Describe lateral pterygoid. pterygoid process to mandible
What is the action of the lateral pterygoid? protracts & depresses mandible & moves it side to side
Name tongue muscles. genioglossus, styloglossus, palatoglossus, hyoglossus
What is the action of the genioglossus? depresses & protracts tongue
What is the action of the styloglossus? elevates & retracts tongue
What is the action of the palatoglossus? elevates posterior of tongue & draws soft palate down onto tongue
What is the action of the hyoglossus? depresses the tongue & draws down the sides
Name eye muscles. superior rectus, inferior rectus, lateral rectus, medial rectus, superior oblique, inferior oblique
What is the action of the superior rectus? elevates & adducts eye
What is the action of the inferior rectus? depresses & adducts eye
What is the action of the lateral rectus? eye abduction
What is the action of the medial rectus? eye adduction
What is the action of the superior oblique? depresses & abducts eye
What is the action of the inferior oblique? elevates & abducts the eye
Created by: mselwinc
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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