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Egypt Review

A review of Unit 2 Egypt

What does KEMET mean Black Land
What was a consistent feature of the floods of the Nile? predictable
What is the length of the Nile River? 4160 miles
There are 6 of these on the Nile cataracts
The marshy fan shaped area emptying into the Mediterranean Nile Delta
the Delta is known as ? Lower Egypt
The Land upstream to the South was called Upper Egypt
What Natural Barriers to the East protected Egypt Red Sea
What Natural Barriers to the North protected Egypt Mediterranean
What Natural Barriers to the West protected Egypt deserts
What Natural Barriers are on the Nile that protected Egypt cataracts
monarchy? unrestricted rule of a King
Who united the large kingdoms of lower and upper egypt Menes
dynasty line of rulers from one family
The number of dynasties in Ancient Egypt thirty
the number of kingdoms in Ancient Egyptian History three
the king is both the political and religious leader theocracy
delegation of government responsibilities bureaucracy
Pharoah's Bureaucratic leader Vizier
deciphered by the Rosetta Stone Hieroglyphics
pyramids and mummies were examples of belief afterlife
built during Old Kingdom Pyramids
preserved the physical body mummification
guards the Great Pyramids Sphinx
monuments at Giza Great Pyramids
Step Pyramid built for him King Djoser
The capital of the Old Kingdom Memphis
The capital of the New Kingdom Thebes
Akhenaton's capital Akhetaton
conquered Egypt using Bronze weapons and Chariots Hyksos
New Kingdom first pharaoh Ahmose
female pharoah Hatshepsut
Aton Akhenaton's god
succeeded Akhenaton Tutankamen
Last Great Pharaoh Ramses the Great
belief in many gods Polytheism
Sun god Amon-Re
God of Resurrection Osiris
monotheism belief in one god
egyptian gods part human and part animal
Heiroglyphics writing in pictures and symbols
A covenant agreement
exodus departure
Egyptians believed that humans had two bodies, one physical and one spiritual, the spiritual was called the KA
Ahmose assumed the title of Pharaoh which means Great House of the King
Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaton
Akhenaton made the effort to change Egypt by forcing monotheism (Aton) on the Egyptian people
Their culuture located on the upper Tigris River, these people exploited the use of iron weapons to establish an empire by 700 B.C The Assyrians
the provinces established in the Persian empire were called Satrapies
this term refers to a particular group of people who used a language derived from a single parent tongue Indo European
the belief in one all powerful God monotheism
the word covenant means agreement
The Hebrew leader known for his wisdom was Solomon
These groups of nomads domesticated animals for food and clothing, Did interact between settled communities and aided long distance trade pastoral nomads
great sea traders who became best known for their 22 character alphabet were the Phoenicians
the first to accept the belief in a single God were the Hebrews
The people who developed a good army which was large, organized and disciplined, good at conquering but were very cruel were the Assyrians
The Chaldeans under this king became the leading state after the collapse of the Assyrians Nebuchadnezzar
Cryus was a great leader of the Persians, his son was responsible for dividing the empire into 20 satrapies which was a form of bureaucracy, his name was Darius
the governor of the satrapie was known as the satrap
Zoroastrianism was the __________ of the Persians religion
the founder of Zoroastrianism was Zoroaster
Zoroaster taught there was one wise lord named Ahuramazda who was good and an evil spirit known as Ahriman, a major teaching was that 'All humans had the freedom to choose between right and wrong', the teachings were written down in a book called the ZEND AVESTA
Created by: pattone
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