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Mod 15 Quiz

The openings to the nostrils are called? External nares.
What are the main organs of respiration? Lungs
What is a synonym for the throat? Pharynx.
What are the two phases of breathing? Inspiration and expiration.
Which of the following is an exchange of oxygen and CO2 between the lungs and the bloodstream? External respiration.
What is the term for the total amount of air that can be forcibly inspired and expired from the lungs in one breath? Vital capacity.
Olfaction refers to which sense? Smell.
Which is the main muscle of respiration? The respiratory diaphragm.
What is the term for laboured or difficult breathing? Dyspnea.
What is the muscular passageway leading from the mouth to the anus? Alimentary canal.
What are the double sheets of peritoneal membrane that hold visceral organs in their proper position? Mesenteries.
What envelops the entire abdominal wall and is the largest serous membrane of the body? Peritoneum.
What is a synonym for the word chewing? Mastication.
What is the word for sustained contractions that occur in the sphincter muscles? Peristaltic.
What is the thin viscous fluid found in the stomach once a bolus of food is blended and digested? Chyme.
Which is the first section of the small intestine? The duodenum.
What is the structure that stores bile manufactured by the liver? The gallbladder.
Which is the body's most complex internal organ carrying out over 500 functions? The liver.
What is a catalyst called that accelerates chemical reactions? Enzymes.
What is the final stretch of the intestine where undigested and unabsorbed food travels before it is eliminated from the body? The large intestine.
What is a synonym for right colic flexure? Hepatic flexure.
What is a synonym for left colic flexure? Splenic flexure.
What type of muscle makes up most of the gastrointestinal tract? Smooth muscle.
What is the main metabolic pathway by which glucose is converted into ATP? The citric acid cycle.
The body metabolizes food groups in what order? Carbs, fat, protein.
What is the prominent symptom of acute bronchitis? Persistent cough that becomes productive.
What is a pre-exisitng condition in most cases of acute bronchitis? Cold or flu.
What is the cause of the common cold? One large group of viruses.
What is the most effective treatment of a cold? Rest, fluids, and good nutrition.
This viral infection of the respitory tract can be severe, with a risk of complication of pneumonia. It can also cause muscle aches and malaise. What is it? Influenza.
What is true of the flu vaccine? It is necessary to be vaccinated every year for protection of active viruses.
When a person reports a stomach flu what has probably happened? A person has some other form of virus or bacterial food poisoning.
What happens during an asthma attack? The bronchioles go through a sympathetic reaction followed by a parasympathetic reaction.
What does a person in the midst of an asthma attack frequently report? It is easier to inhale then exhale.
What should a RMT do when working with a client that has asthma? Focus on breathing in between episodes.
In what condition do aveoli break down and fuse, forming large bullae in the lungs. Emphysema.
A person with emphysema is most likely to develop what condition? Hypoxia.
How does cystic fibrosis affect respiratory function? It causes a secreting of thick sticky mucous.
Crohns disease is also classified as what type of disorder? Inflammatory bowel disorder.
What adjustments should an RMT make for a client with Crohn's disease? The client should receive massage during remission.
What condition involves shallow ulcers in the colon? Probably an autoimmune condition. Ulcerative colitis.
What are the most typically early symptoms of infectious hepatitis? Food aversion, nausea and malaise.
Internal respiration occurs where? In the lungs.
External respiration diffuses C02 where? In the lungs.
Which respiration is also referred to as pulmonary respiration? Internal respiration.
What happens in internal respiration? O2 diffuses from the air inside the alveoli across the alveolar walls into the blood capillaries.
What type of respiration involves a gas exchange from blood and the air into the alvioli? External respiration.
Which type of respiration involves diffusion between the blood into the cells? Internal respiration.
Which type of respiration is also referred to as tissue respiration? Internal respiration.
Created by: armigrrl
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