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Mod 12 Quiz

Cells that break down bone tissue to maintain homeostasis of calcium and phosphates and to repair bone are called? Osteoclasts.
Minute vascular canals running longitudinally down the bone are called? Haversian Canals.
What are the three types of cartilage? Hyaline, fibrocartilage and elastic.
Articular cartilage is composed of what type of cartilage? Hyaline cartlidge.
Synovial joints in which movement is limited to rotation are? Pivot joints.
How do most joints function in the body? Provide both mobility and stability.
What is a long cylindrical shaft of the bone called? Diaphysis
Where on bones do muscles, tendons and ligaments attach? The periosteum.
What is the functional unit of bone? Osteon.
What are the two types of bone? Trabecular and compact.
What is the hormone responsible for directing osteoblasts to pull calcium from the blood into the bone where it is used to build more bone tissue? Calcitonin.
The medullary cavity of the bone contains what substance? Marrow
The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores and releases which ion? Calcium.
What is the theory that explains how filaments within the sarcomere slide past eachother to create a change in muscle length? The sliding filament theory.
What is a skeletal muscles contractile unit? The sarcomere.
What is a thick myofilament? Myosin.
What is the process of motor unit action based on need? Recruitment.
What is stimulated by stretch and responds by initiating a muscle contraction allowing the muscle to relax and stretch? The golgi tendon organ.
Which is a term used to indicate the cell membrane of a muscle? Sarcolemma.
What is the principle neurotransmitter inovlved in muscle contraction? Acetylcholine.
What is the group of muscle fibers that receive nerve stimulation from one neuron called? A motor unit.
What do muscles use to provide them with mechanical energy to exert force? ATP
What are key diagnostic features for fibromyalgia? Tender points, poor quality of sleep, body wide muscle pain.
What are the characteristics of TPs? They refer pain to distant areas, they can be palpable knots or taut bands of muscle and can be active or dormant.
The major contirbuting factor to TPs is The pain-spasm-ischemia cycle.
The most common and most serious form of muscle dystropy occurs mostly with ______? Males.
Myositis ossificans is? A deposit of calcium in the midst of soft tissue.
Muscular dystrophy is frequently complicated by ? Contractures, as the antagonists to affected muscles meet no resistance.
A person who has myositis ossificans should or should not receive massage? Should, but not directly on the lesion.
"Shin splits" refers to? A collection of lower leg injuries including stress fractures, periostitis and other problems.
The lower leg is arranged...? With four tough fascial compartments that tightly hold the different muscle groups.
When a client has a cast on her arm and develops edema distal to the fracture where should she receive massage? On the contralateral limb.
Does massage help osteoporosis? It may create temporary relief from the pain and muscle holding patterns that accompany the disease.
What is a synonym for osteoarthritis? Degenerative joint disease.
If a person has had a total hip replacement it is typically due to? Osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis typically begins with what damage? Damage to the articular cartilage.
Can a client who has osteoarthritis receive massage? Sure, but as long as symptoms are not exasperated.
Patellofemoral syndrome is? A condition involving progressive degeneration of the patellar cartilage.
Petellofemoral syndrome is often confused with? Patellar tendinintis.
Is massage good for clients with Patellerfemoral syndrome? Massage can deal with some of the contributing factors but not reverse the damage.
What best describes rheumatoid arthritis? An autoimmune attack on the synovial membranes and other tissues.
Is massage appropriate for those with rheumatoid arthritis? Only if they are in remission.
What is the role of massage for a client with Dupuytren contractures? Massage to work through remission to prolong the period between flares.
Galglion cysts are? Pouches the protrude from the tenosynovial sheaths.
The recommended treatment protocol for uncomplicated ganglion is to? Leave them alone.
A client with a ganglion cyst should/should not receive massage? Should, but not directly on the cyst.
What is Osgood-Schlatter disease? The development of a painful osteophyte at the tibial tuberocity.
Osgood-Schlatter diesease develops when? The bones grow faster then the surrounding soft tissues.
When the nucleous pulposus or annulus fibrosis of a disc protrudes in such a way it puts pressure on the nerve tissue it is called? Disc disease.
The pain associated with disc injuries is from? Pressure and inflammation at nearby ligaments and nerve tissues.
Paresthesia is another term for? Reduced sensation: numb-like.
What is fibromyalgia? Chronic pain syndrome,
What are symptoms of fibromyalgia? Body wide muscle pain, poor sleep, sensitivity and low pain tolerance.
What is myositis ossificans? A deposit of calcium in the soft tissue.
What are the symptoms of myositis ossifans? The area feels bruised, progressing to hard and reduced ROM in nearby joint.
Created by: armigrrl
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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